
Reincarnated as a Nuclear Bomb

ABOUT THE BOOK Reincarnated As A Nuclear Bomb depicts the adventurous journey of Ryan Bonnier who awakens in another world as an advanced mechanical killing-machine capable of causing explosions that could end an entire nation! After discovering that his maker [an ambitious Terrorist Leader], plans to conquer the world with his unstoppable killing-machines, Ryan decides to play the hero and battle the villain. With the aid of the U.S military, Ryan successful obliviates his maker - losing his life in the process. His sacrifice wasn't forgotten. As a matter of fact, a large statue was built in order to honor him - his selfless deeds would be remembered in the hearts of the people for a very long time. The battle wasn't over yet - the enemy just lost a pillar, and they could replace it anytime they wanted. The United States must've won the battle, but they did not win the war. SNIPPET 1 The tunnel was located in a secluded part of the Terrorists zone. The rat, Ryan and Lynnette all crawled into the tunnel. It was wide enough to fit a human given that the human was small figured and crawled on all fours. In the tunnel, permeated a very annoying smell. “What smells like that?” Lynnette asked with a frown. “This is where all the terrorists drop their shits.” The rat replied. “Smells annoying, right? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” “It’s just the smell of Terrorists poop. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it,” Ryan chuckled. “I don’t want to get used to the smell of terrorists’ poop!” Lynnette itched her nose. SNIPPET 2 How do I leave this godforsaken place? Ryan asked himself, studying the men and their movements. Then, he remembered what had happened earlier! The people that saw him were terrified by his appearance. Even he himself did not know what he was, or how he looked like, but he hoped to be handsome. Ryan inhaled and exhaled deeply for about five seconds before he charged towards the exit. The terrorists guarding the exit saw him and they were terrified of his appearance just like he had wanted them to be. But what he didn’t see coming was the fact that they had guns, and had been ordered to shoot anything they couldn’t identify! The bullets from their guns dashed towards Ryan, but shockingly, he jumped into the air and avoided them all! His speed was extraordinary and this shocked the men including Ryan himself.

Kelvin_Soarer · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

5- Out of the Terror Zone

Using the lasers which came out from his eyes, Ryan was able to cut his way out of the tunnel. The trio left the tunnel gladly and found themselves outside the gate. Lynnette breathed in the fresh air the morning had to offer though there were fewer trees at this location. Ryan was also happy, but that happiness faded away when he spotted a terrorist on the wall pointing at the two unknown identities that appeared out of the tunnels.


"We need to leave now! They've spotted us!" Ryan and Lynnette began to run as fast as their legs could carry them. 


At the top of the wall, a huge man who covered himself in scarves roared out loudly, "Send the jets and blow them up! That is what the master had ordered!" 

Two jets took off from the ground and charged towards the forest, getting there in no time. The red bar appeared in front of Ryan's eyes once again and this time, it was blinking very quickly indicating the severity of the incoming danger. The red bar told him that the two jets approaching were about to drop multiple missiles called the TG-1. 


You can use your lasers to shoot them down. They must be set to extreme to work. The red bar wrote as a voice read it out to Ryan. Ryan stopped running and turned back to face the jets. 


Lynnette and the rat also stopped in their tracks, "Ryan! What are you doing? We have to leave now! They're going to shoot us down!"


"Nope!" Ryan replied to Lynnette. "I'm shooting them down!" He set the laser level to extreme and they came out of his eyes redder than ever! The lasers hit one of the jets and it crashed before exploding. The other jet shot out five TG-ones but Ryan took them down in the air before they could reach him.


The jet pilot became scared and headed back to base, but before it could reach there, Ryan shot the jet with his lasers and the jet was left crashing into the gate, breaking it open. The explosion killed a few of the terrorists and injured the others. The huge man standing on the wall gave Ryan a frightening stare, but Ryan wasn't fazed by it at all. In fact, he grinned at the man before the trio walked farther away from the wall.


"That was amazing!" Lynnette complemented. "I didn't know you could shoot large lasers out of your eyes like that!"


"Well, it just sort of happened. I'm pretty sure there is more to me that meets the eye." Ryan replied.


"You said they were many others like you. Can they also do what you did earlier?" Lynnette asked in fear.


Ryan nodded his head, "Highly probable, but of course, they're lifeless unlike me."


They walked and walked for hours until they finally came across an abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere. The trees had gotten fewer and the grasses could no longer be spotted – only dead weeds remained on this deserty grounds. The air got dryer and dryer and the sun hotter and hotter, leaving Lynnette wondering whether this place was really a desert - it was more like hell!


They walked into the shabby cottage so as to shade themselves from the scorching sun. There were many weird object inside the cottage such as; a human skull, some expired grenades, guns and many other used ammunitions. Lynnette shivered when she noticed how cold the cottage was.


"This place gives me the chills…" Lynnette whispered.


"At least there is no one here," Ryan sighed in relief.


"That's where you're wrong." A desert tiger walked into the chilly cottage with its fangs hungry for blood.


Lynnette screamed out in fear as she retreated to the deepest corner of the room. Ryan was afraid but not like Lynnette, "Mr. Tiger, we are sorry for invading your privacy. We will leave here now. Lynnette! Let's go!"


The Tiger growled, "There's only one exit, and that is through my stomach!" The Tiger sprinted at Ryan and tried to pin him down with its paw, but Ryan evaded by moving in the opposite direction. He shot out lasers from his eyes and they blinded the Tiger's left eye.


The Tiger winced in pain before moving away from Ryan. "I will be back for you with my girlfriend! And when she sees you, you will cry!" 


Ryan turned away for only a second when the Tiger returned, "I'm back!"


"And where is your girlfriend?" Ryan furrowed his brows.


"She has been kidnapped by the Terrorists! Please come and help me save her!" The Tiger pleaded. 


Ryan hesitated, but he felt the urge to help this Tiger so he had to agree in the end. He told Lynnette to stay still and followed the Tiger to its house. They walked for over 10 minutes, but still, they hadn't reached their destination. Ryan started to suspect that the Tiger was tricking him.


"Where exactly are we going, Mr. Tiger?" He frowned.


"My house." The Tiger replied, "We have to save my girlfriend."

"Your house? Didn't you say she was kidnapped?" Ryan jumped away from the Tiger.


"So, you figured it out?" The Tiger laughed, "But you're too late, my brothers have taken your little human friend and there are going to have her cook tonight."


"Cook? What's she going to cook?" Ryan asked in shock.


"She'll be cooking herself!" The Tiger laughed.


"You sick fella! I'm gonna blow you to pieces!" Ryan vexed. He hated being used as a distraction! He hated being tricked by people he wanted to trust. "Why did you lie to me? What about your girlfriend?"


"My girlfriend? Dude, I don't have a girlfriend! I had a girlfriend once, but I had to digest her – I was just too hungry. Of course, she didn't see it coming!" The Tiger laughed even more.


Ryan jumped on the Tiger and hugged its face tightly. The red bar appeared again and this time Ryan did not select the Minor blast option, he selected the Mega! The Mega level cost 10 of his lives but he didn't care as long as he was able to eliminate this psychiatric psychopath!


He returned back to the cottage only to see a bunch of hyenas trying to make Lynnette fit inside a small pot. Of course, the pot was a lot more smaller than her size. Ryan joined the hyenas and asked them what they were doing. They told him that they were trying to make Lynnette fit into the small pot even they knew it was impossible.


"If you know that's impossible, then why are you still trying to do it?" Ryan frowned. He was definitely gonna kill them if they were to spill something stupid.


"We just like going against nature!" The hyenas replied with smiles on their faces.




I'll let you decide if that was a foolish answer - LOL. Five chapters already written and still no collections. But anyways, thank you for viewing the story!

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