
Reincarnated as a Jedi?

This is a fan fic based on the star wars universe Before and during the Clone Wars. I do not own Star Wars, this is just a fan fic.

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Others
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18 Chs

Master Windu's Test

Master Windu nodded his head. "Today I will give you a test to officially become my Padawan."

Alix grinned widely. "Really?"

Master Windu nodded his head. "Yes, really."

Alix chuckled and said "Thank you, Master Windu."

Master Windu smiled and motioned for Alix to follow him. They left the meditation chamber and entered a large room. It was brightly lit and filled with all sorts of equipment.

"This is the testing room," Master Windu explained to Alix. "Here you will be tested to find out what kind of Jedi you will become and to see what your strengths and weaknesses are."

Alix looked around the room curiously. "What kind of tests do you plan on giving me?"

Master Windu smiled. "I'm glad you asked," he said with a grin. He pulled a small box out of his robe pocket. "I wanted to give you a gift. I hope that you will enjoy it."

Alix took the box and opened it slowly. Inside was a lightsaber without a cyber cristal in it yet. He blinked and looked at the box with wide eyes.

Master Windu smiled and continued, "You can put the blade together yourself. All you need to do is add the cyber crystal. This lightsaber is one of a kind; Your test will be as follows, you will be sent to a planet called Illum and will find your cyber cristal there to determine your strenghts and weaknesses there. If you accomplish this task successfully you will join our order as a Jedi Padawan."

Alix stood up and bowed to Master Windu. "Thank you so much for this opportunity."

Master Windu smiled and waved his hand. "It's my pleasure. Good luck, Alix."

Alix nodded his head and exited the room. He ran down the hall to his dormitory and grabbed his bag. He then headed to the ship that would take him to Illum.