
Reincarnated as a Jedi?

This is a fan fic based on the star wars universe Before and during the Clone Wars. I do not own Star Wars, this is just a fan fic.

Axel_Kiss_5577 · Others
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18 Chs

Attack on Naboo

2 years had passed and Alix was now 13 years old, he became a Jedi Knight and was in command of a division called the 657th Attack Battalion. He Became a Jedi General and has a clone commander called "Cray" or CC-2022.

The CIS had arrived on Naboo and attacked the Capital of Naboo, Naboo. The queen of Naboo, Queen Amidala had asked the Republic to send their armies to help her out of this difficult situation.

1000 Divisions of 567 clones to aid Naboo against the droid attack.

This was Alix's first deployment as a Jedi General and he was a bit nervous, he thought back at 2 years back and had felt that he had grown a lot and felt renewed vigor to go to battle.

Alix took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes and let out a sigh and said to himself, "I will protect Naboo."

Alix felt the Force flow through him and he was ready to fight.

Alix and his men where on their way to Naboo when they heard a transmission coming from a Republic ship that was being attacked by CIS ships.

Alix and his men jumped to the rescue of the Republic ship.

Alix yelled to his men to get inside the ship and shoot the CIS ships down.

They were succesfull and were able to bring the CIS ships down and save the Boarding ship from the CIS.

Alix was happy that he had helped in saving the ship and helping it land but this would only be the beginning.

They had landed on Naboo and joined up with the rest of the Republic forces and set off to destroy every single CIS droid on Naboo.

They found a factory full of droids and stormed the place and destroyed the droids.

Alix felt proud of what he had done and hoped that Naboo would be saved from the clutches of the CIS.


The CIS was caught off guard and was unable to defend themselves from the assault.

Alix and the rest of the Clone army were able to drive the CIS away from Naboo.

After the battle the casualties could not be counted on one finger, the damage was large but it had been worth it.

Meanwhile a Jedi Padawan, Anakin Skywalker and his Master Obi-Wan Kenobi were recieving a message from Queen Amidala to send to Senator Palpatine.

As it had been the former Supreme Chancellor got killed in a tragic accident and thus the Queen gave her support to vote for Senator Palpatine to become the new Supreme Chancellor.

Senator Palpatne was very grateful for this and thanked her and told her that he would look forward to working with her.

The Jedi Master and his Padawan Anakin headed to Coruscant to meet with Senator Palpatine's aide Mas Amedda so they could give the Queen the message about the Senator's Graditutes.

Anakin and his master arrived at the Senate building where they were greeted by Mas Amedda.

Mas Amedda welcomed them inside and said, "Oh thank goodness you two are here, I have a message for you from Senator Palpatine."

The Jedi Master and his Padawan bowed to Mas Amedda and said, "Please do go on."

Mas Amedda said, "Here is the message, 'I am pleased with your work and wish to appoint Anakin as a Jedi General and as my formal Ambassador, Anakin will be incharge of the 501st.'

The Jedi Master and his Padawan bowed to Mas Amedda and said, "We are honored."

The Jedi Master and his Padawan left the building and returned to the Temple.

The Jedi Master and his Padawan had discussed about the news and both agreed that the news was good and that Anakin was a great choice to be the new Jedi General.

They went back to the Temple and went directly to the training grounds to train hard and keep the honor of the Jedi alive.

Alix was enjoying his life as a Jedi General and was training hard with his clone commander and clone officers.

Alix was going over tactics with his officers and said to them, "Okay listen up, we have discovered a weakness to the CIS's droids and i want you all to be prepared for it."

His officer's looked at each other and nodded and said, "Yes sir!"

Alix continued, "A while ago we had found a factory on Naboo that was producing droids and we destroyed the droids in the factory and captured the factory." "Now for our next operation we will be attacking a droid factory on Corellia." "We will be taking 6 other battalions of clones with us and we will be using the same tactic that we used on Naboo, we will use the droids to our advantage and make their droids useless to us."

His Clone commander, Officers and troopers cheered and said, "Yes sir!"

Alix continued, "We will be deployed in about a Month and you guys will have to be prepared."

His officers and troopers replied, "Yes sir!"

Alix smiled and said, "We will crush those droids and show that the CIS are nothing compared to us."

His officers and troopers cheered again and clapped their hands together.

A month later the Clones and Alix were ready. The clones trained very hard while Alix got a Padawan called Mathias . Mathias was a hard working student in trainings and lessons, but was lazy in his free time, however he did like to listen to stories when he went to bed, he also liked a lot of music.

(Thanks, for watching, I'm pretty sure on who that Alix is based of but here I have a trivia question, who is Mathias based on?)