
Reincarnated as a Hyper Car?

Yusei Yagami since he was born has always had an obsession with cars, classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, JDM cars, super cars, hyper cars. He dreamed every night of being a professional race car driver, until one fateful day, he died and got reincarnated, into a world where cars are living things and most importantly the dominant species.

Masquerade1010 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: First Drive

[That is the other reason I can only get you 1 spark plug at the moment I used the majority of the world energy I was given to fill your gas tank up with gas]

"Oh cool, well that solves that immediate problem."

"So can I turn my engine on and leave this place?" I ask her

[You can]

Sally removes the floor jack that was keeping me up in the air. I feel when my tires reach the ground. I can even move them left and right. The feeling of being a car and feeling all the components that make me what I am feels so surreal. I turn on my engine first try.

My engine sounds awful, I'll be the laughingstock of the century sounding like I do. I currently sound like a 1990's Ducati Supermono but with a louder exhaust.

I need to win some races quickly so I don't sound so terrible.

I roll to the front of the building I am in and with Sally's help of opening the door I am finally able to go outside.

I turn my engine off as and let myself rollout of the building, trying to save gas as I take in the view of everything around me.

Thanks to cameras located at back and sides of myself, I can pull up review and side mirror view of what is behind me. I thought when I was inside that I was in a large warehouse. In actuality I was in an extremely large garage connected to a mansion.

Also on leaving the garage a HUD has appeared in my vision similar to what you see on Forza Horizon 5. I have a map as well as a RPM / speed gauge.

*Don't tell me I get a best racing line when racing, that would just be cheating, but cool at the same time, would definitely help me get used to being a car while racing a little faster.

"Hey Sally who does this mansion and garage belong to?"

[It belongs to Ronald Avon Koenigsegg, he disappeared 10 years ago and no one knows where he went.]

"Ooh, that sounds like a mystery to solve, I sure hope I can solve that mystery before this book ends." I tell her

[We will see.]

I go back to looking at the area around me, the grass surrounding the mansion looks like it hasn't been cut in the 10 years since it's owner has been gone.

I start my engine back up and drive down the very long driveway.

On reaching the end of the long driveway, I get see an absolutely amazing view of a very large valley down below. Just on the other side of road.

"Alright Sally I think I'm ready to get my first race done, can you direct me to the closet open race track that I can race at?"

[Shouldn't you first take some time to get used to being a car, before attempting any racing?]

"I plan to do that on the way there, I only have 100 horsepower, adding on to the fact I weigh 3307 pounds, I probably accelerate about as fast as a mid size sedan. Being all wheel drive and able to handle 4.50 of lateral G's I doubt I have have to worry about losing control and wrecking."

[Alright I will do as you wish, Setting route to Knutstorp Raceway]

On the map on my HUD display the road turns a blue color showing me where to go.

"Awesome my HUD display is exactly like Forza Horizon 5."

I start up my engine once again and pull out the driveway to the mansion on to the road.

It feels so strange having my vision start in front of the front window. Usually as a human being your behind the front window and off to the side when driving a car. With the exception of maybe the Mclaren F1 and Mclaren Speedtail, that I know of. Having my vision in front and center of were the front window shield should be is a strange feeling indeed. Although it is not something I can't get used to, it will just take a little bit of time.

I do a little bit of spirited driving on the way to the race track. Being able to feel the wind whip around my now metal body feels so surreal. I wonder if this is what people who ride motorcycles feel like when riding? I sadly never had the opportunity to ride on one. So I really don't have anything to compare this feeling to, but I have to say it feels amazing.

This feeling make me even more excited to unlock the full power of my engine. If this is what having 100 horsepower feels like I can't imagine what it will feel like when I have all 3000 horsepower.

It takes around half an hour to reach the race track. There is only one entrance to the track from what I can see on the map on my HUD.

I see two areas where cars are lined up. The first line being spectators and the other line for racers. I see that the racer line only has a few cars in that line while the spectator line is quite long.

I head to the end of the line for cars here to race and begin to wait my turn, making sure to turn off my engine and let inertia bring me to the end of the line. I don't actually like how I sound only firing on 1 cylinder. I want as few people as possible to hear my engine when its not in its full glory.

As I'm waiting in line some of the cars in the spectators line notice me and I can start to hear their whispers.

"Mommy what kind of car is that?" I hear a young kid ask.

"I don't know hunny I've never seen that kind of car before, have you hun?" She asks her husband.

"I'm not exactly sure either lets wait and see once they register." The husband says

It finally becomes my turn to talk to the car that is taking down all racers info.


"Hi My name is Yusei Yagami, I'm here to…"


The receptionist cuts me off after hearing my name, which I find incredibly rude. She doesn't even bother to look up from whatever gadget she is using to input my information.

"Uh Koenigsegg 2 to 1, listen I'm…."

As I say my car make, I hear gasp from every single car that heard me say it. Even the receptionist looks up at me in surprise, but she looks more alarmed than surprised.

Mmm I winder why, is koenigsegg really that rare? But still doesn't explain the strange reaction.

"Uh yes, Hi, I'm here to talk to the person in charge of this race track." I tell the receptionist lady. She gets over her shock rather quickly.

"Ahem, Yes sorry I will be right back and go get him for you." She tells me as she leaves her post and goes to get the person in charge.

While I wait I can hear the cars in the spectator line once again talking amongst themselves, and what I'm hearing doesn't sound good….

I hope everyone enjoys the chapter. P.S sorry for my extreme lack of uploads real life keeps getting in the way. Also this isn’t my only book I’m trying to write.

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