
Reincarnated as a Hyper Car?

Yusei Yagami since he was born has always had an obsession with cars, classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, JDM cars, super cars, hyper cars. He dreamed every night of being a professional race car driver, until one fateful day, he died and got reincarnated, into a world where cars are living things and most importantly the dominant species.

Masquerade1010 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 World Energy

"Cool," I reply to the voice I just heard inside my head, Wait a minute "Who said that?" I ask the voice that seems to be coming from inside my head?

[I did]

"Ok, but Who are you?" I ask it more precisely,

"I am your Artificial Intelligence Guide to help you get used to this new world you have been sent to] replies the mysterious voice.

"Do you have a name?" I ask the voice

[I do not, would you like to give me one?]

"Sure, how about Al?" I ask the voice



[You suck at naming, I'll just name myself]

"You asked, I tried." I reply, and think to shrug my shoulders but remember I don't have a human body anymore.

A few moments pass, I hear no reply from the Artificial Intelligence Guide.

"So... Any luck with naming yourself?" I ask the Artificial Intelligence Guide.

[I am currently looking through all of the worlds databases to find a suitable name for myself that is to my liking, I need a few more minutes please]

A few more minutes passes.

"Found anything?" I ask,

[Yes my new name is Sally]

"Ooh nice name, there was actually a character in one of my all time favorite movies that had that same name." I tell Sally.

[Thank you, what was the name of the movie and what was it about?]

"The movie was called 'Cars' and it was about a hotshot rookie sensation that ends up in a little town called Radiator Springs, who meets a group people that show him that there is more to life then living in the fast lane." I tell her

[How interesting]

"Yes the movie is very Interesting, it has such a well thought out story with amazing voice actors."

[Sounds wonderful]

"Yes, Yes, you should watch it..... some.....time..." I quickly realize something.

"NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY PRECIOUS MOVIE!" my very soul aches knowing I'll never be able to watch it again.

"No more cars 1, 2, 3, No more Need For Speed, Or Forza, or Gran Turismo, no more Fast and furious." well now that I think about it Fast and Furious isn't about cars anymore anyways it's just watch me do more impossible stunts because Family. So I don't feel too bad about no more Fast and Furious. R.I.P Paul Walker he will always be missed.

It takes a few moments to stop freaking out and start getting to my priorities.

"Sally How do I move? I can't seem how to figure out how to turn myself on and I can't move my tires freely like Lightning could in the cars movie."

[You can not start your engine or move your tires because you don't have any]

"Say what now?"

[Your body is currently sitting on a hydraulic jack stand as they never finished putting you together.]

"Well what am I missing exactly?"

[Wheels, suspension parts, all 4 turbo's, engine parts etc]

"Where are all the parts I'm missing?"

[Laying around you]

"So, I'm just waiting for someone to come and finish putting me together?"

[No one is coming, this place was abandoned long ago]

"So then I'm just stuck her forever?"

[I can put you together]

I see a yellow spirit come from behind of where I can see, I assume the yellow spirit is Sally.

"Can you please finish putting me together Sally?"

[As you wish]

She gets to work putting me together, apparently she can produce a holographic schematic of myself and how they all fit together kind of like car mechanic simulator that can show all the pieces and were all the bolts and nuts go.

A week goes by Sally is finally finished putting me back together... or so I thought.

[Yusei we have a slight problem]

"Oh what seems to be the issue?"

[So I have finished putting you back together for the most part, its just that I can't seem to find any spark plugs anywhere]

"Oh well that is not good."

[We don't have any money to buy any with either]

"Oh, well I can't move anyways so money would still be useless I'm not about to let you go and buy me anything, as I doubt anyone else on this planet has a system and a AI guide. Am I wrong?"

[You are correct I am the only AI Guide on this planet but everyone has a system that is more limited than your own]

"How do you know that?"

"Goddess Azraelle informed me when she created me and assigned me to you."

"So then I'm stuck her forever?"

[Actually Goddess Azraelle gave me some World Energy, only I have enough to get 1 spark plug so you will be limited to 100 horsepower until we can earn more World Energy to replace the rest of the sparkplugs]

"Is World Energy money?"

[In a sense yes, World Energy can only be used only on yourself on items within your own system]

"What can I get with World Energy?"

[World Energy can only be used to upgrade parts within you design]

[An example is you have a v12 engine, you can not change your engine size but you can change the engine to different material that is lighter and can hold more power, cars can not change their makes or models or component designs.]

"I see if that weren't the case then everyone would just upgrade and change themselves into supercars, but since they are limited to their designs they can only make themselves lighter and give themselves more powerful engines, they aren't allowed to actually modify there design."


"How do I get more World Energy?"

[By winning races]

"Won't that be hard with only 100 horsepower?"

[You can simply join a power restriction class race]

"Won't running my engine with only 1 spark plug cause problems?"

[No I have changed you tune so that the rest of your cylinders and turbo's remain deactivated so no harm can come to yourself]

"Why did you deactivate the turbo's as well?"

"Leaving the 4 turbos on even on waste gate pressure would have overpowered the 1 cylinder, also I will leave them off until you have all 12 cylinders up and running to help you get used to your body]

[I don't want you to hurt yourself by crashing because you gained to much power to soon and you aren't used to it]

"Ok next issue what about gas?"

Hope you like the chapter.

Masquerade1010creators' thoughts