
Reincarnated as a Hyper Car?

Yusei Yagami since he was born has always had an obsession with cars, classic cars, muscle cars, sports cars, JDM cars, super cars, hyper cars. He dreamed every night of being a professional race car driver, until one fateful day, he died and got reincarnated, into a world where cars are living things and most importantly the dominant species.

Masquerade1010 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: Intro

I always was a big dreamer with an extreme love for cars. My dream was always to be a professional race car driver whether it be, NASCAR, INDY, Drag racing, Pro Drifting, Pro Circuit.

I didn't care, you named it I dreamed it, and loved every second of those dreams. Sadly the people around me did not support such dreams especially my parents.

They told me it's too dangerous, it's a waste of money, it will never get you anywhere.

Your better off getting a 9-5 job that has health insurance because that's all your ever going to get, and it's what you will need to do if you hope for any sort of retirement.

I know they mean well and were just trying to lookout for me and didn't want to see their son to get hurt and just wanted me to live a normal safe life like they did, but that just sounds so... boring.

Where is the excitement? where is the fun in that? It just sounds so dull, like you just existing and living your life like you were never awake.

My friends and other people around me were not much help either.

They said things like, "You suck at driving, you will never make it, quit dreaming and get a real job like your parents tell you to."

I refused to listen to them and kept on dreaming... but that's all I could do, dream big and play racing video games.

When I turned 13 my dad told me I need to stop playing video games and get a job, playing video games is for kids, there not going to pay your bills or put food on the table or put a roof over your head, and I'm not going to pay for your health insurance the rest of my life, get out there and get a job.

So that is what I did, at 13 years old I got a job as a baseball scoreboard keeper making minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, after 3 years of working there they let me go so they wouldn't have to give me a raise since I had turned 16.

At 17 a found a job as a waiter at a restaurant I worked there for 5 years. I topped out at $11 an hour because that's all they could afford.

At 22 I found a job as a boat salesman in a big corporation and finally got myself a job with health insurance or what my dad considered to be a "Real Job."

But you know what I wasn't happy.

My passion for cars and my dream to be a professional race car driver is still going on as strong as ever.

I'm 23 now and after working for the past 10 years of my life and saving every penny I could the day has finally come.

The day I would buy my own place and then buy a car and build it into my first race car. Sadly for me, Life decided it had other plans on my way home from work.

I was hurrying to get home to my parents house to give them the great news I had found a house to buy and move into when tragedy struck.

I some how got hit by lightning. It wasn't even raining that day! There was barely even a cloud in the sky, yet somehow I got struck by lightning and died on the spot. Like how does that even happen.

If I didn't know any better I'd say I was the MC of some stupid light novel of a writer that failed writing class and English and only passed because the teacher felt sorry for them.

Anyways back to my current predicament, I find myself waking up in a void of darkness. I can not see anything but can somehow sense there is absolutely nothing around me, no sun, no stars, no ground to even stand on, nothing.

Suddenly I hear a voice speaking from everywhere around me.

"Hello child my name is Azraelle I am the Goddess of reincarnation what would you like to be reincarnated as ? She asks me in a very soft and gentle tone.

Mmm, I've never really thought about that, the first thought that came to mind was wouldn't it be awesome if the world from the movie "Cars" was real or a world like it, and I could be reincarnated as a car from that world.

Of course that's just a movie and there is no way that is a real world. Just as I was about to think up something else I hear Azraelle say, "I will grant you your heart's desire, good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor." Wait a second, isn't that line from....

Before I could even complete the thought I find myself waking up in a large warehouse with a notification floating in front of my face.

[Congratulations you have been reincarnated as the main species of the planet Genesis]

I look around the warehouse, and see one version of every model of Koenigsegg. I see some models I have never seen before. I quickly realize that having a notification floating in front of mean must mean I have some sort of a system. I think show status screen and this is what shows up.

Name: Yusei Yagami

Date: March 20, 2067

Planet: Genesis

Car model: Koenigsegg 2 to 1

Horsepower: 3000 at 12,000 RPM

Max Torque: 2,769 from 3000 to 12500 rpm

Weight: 1500 Kg or 3307 pounds

Engine: Quad Turbo 6.7L V12 revs to 12,500 rpm's

Transmission: 10 speed dual clutch

Drivetrain: All wheel drive 45/55 power split

Top speed: 644kmh or 400mph

0-60mph 1.4 seconds

0-100mph 1.6 seconds

0-400mph 15 seconds

Max lateral g force 4.50

Wow, amazing I must be the fastest car on in this world if I can achieve speeds of 400mph.

[You are for now]

Hope everyone like the chapter

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