
Reincarnated as a Grunt No. 703

My name is [REDACTED]. I was just a normal, job-seeking guy who had just finished his undergraduate study and was hopeful of becoming a useful member of society. However, the job market in this current economy was quite harsh, and competition was at an all-time high. Thus... I remained unemployed for almost half a year. As usual, I was on a job hunting spree, hoping to finally find or land a job that would hire the poor me. However, fate had other plans for me... and I died, getting run over by a large truck. I thought I was dead, but... I soon woke up inside a test tube, surrounded by white-coated scientists in a dimly lit laboratory. I was confused, as I realized that my body, from head to toe, was covered with some sort of dark material that fit my skin quite tightly, as if I was wearing a skin-tight suit from a superhero comic. But... I wasn’t a superhero. “Good morning, Subject... No... Grunt No. 703.” I was just one of the supervillain's Grunts. Check out my P@treon.com/demonkingakuma

DemonKingAkuma · Action
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60 Chs

A "Noble-Like" Grunt

"And with that... the Orientation's obstacle course is officially concluded," the elderly scientist announced, signaling the end of the obstacle course.


"Hell yeah!"

"It's finally over..."

Many of the grunts cheered at the announcement, celebrating their success, while others felt relieved to have completed the dreaded obstacle course. To them, it had been the most treacherous trial they had ever experienced in their lives.

"Please wait and stand by. Our great leader, Lord Max Brain, will address you shortly with a special congratulatory message," the scientist continued.

Hearing that Max Brain would pay a visit to them, the excitement among the grunts grew even more intense.

While many grunts celebrated... a few were not as exuberant. Some weren't vocal about their success, preferring to keep to themselves.