
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Adventurers part 2

Hi everyone sorry for the late post things have been busy. Several people at work got tested positive for COVID. Me and the rest of my coworkers who were tested negative are now working more hours so I've been burned out during this time. I will try to write more but it will most likely be like this for a while.


Louie: why do we have to do this?

Kevin: it's the best option to make sure no one dies.

After me and Louie left the knights camp I saw with the future sight skill they sent a small team to track us. We needed them to follow us after awhile we met up with Rex and a small group of beastman they were collecting food for the group we did run into monsters. During this time I saw the group tailing us they are good but they can't get by my Aura skill. I could tell they were getting ready to attack but thanks to those trolls they know now to be cautious with us. We are now leading these three to the temple were the others are getting ready for the knights to arrive. If Rex found out about it he would have showed off and scared them. As we walk i can see that the one that looks like Felix's twin brother is trying to do something. Maybe its a skill or something I forget to appraise him. We arrived at the temple Rex went in first with the kids. It seem that these people are surprised that a hidden door was in the middle of the forest. This is the point of no return i look back towards the direction they were at. I raise my hand and motions to them to come out of hiding. It took awhile and Felix's twin came out. I got ready to telepathy.

Helix: so you noticed us.

Kevin: yes i noticed you staring at us since the troll fight.

H: [surprised] you can use telepathy.

K: yes i can't speak so telepathy is the only choice to talk to people. So who are you and what do you want?

H: im an adventurer my name is Helix and we are here to deal with the bandits in the area. Are you the bandits we are looking for.

K: no but we are the ones who dealt with them.

H: then why are you here and who are you?

K: my name is Kevin. You and your friends can come take a look for yourselves. I can guarantee you that I won't attack unless you do. Talk to your team I'll wait downstairs.

I walk downstairs with Louie and damn I was scared I guess we will see what they would do. Also I was able to appraise Helix.

Name: Helix

Race: human

Level: 25/40

Class: battle mage






Speed: 93

Skill points:30

Skills:Sword mastery lv3, sheild mastery lv2, battle instinct lv2, battle master lv2, rally lv1, fire magic lv3, lighting magic lv2, fire resistance lv2, lighting resistance lv1, wind resistance lv1, water resistance lv1, earth resistance lv2, reflexes lv3, sleep resistance lv2,  pierce lv1

Titles: Explorer, Insect killer, Beast killer, Fiend killer, Guardian,

As we get to the end of the stairs i see Nick, Ava, Emily and Charlotte waiting for us. I explain what happened. They seems a little worried and I hear footsteps behind me. I see Helix and the other two people with him. There faces look surprised in the place we are at or the people here or both. Helix walks up to us.

Helix: what is this place and who are you people?

Nick: my name is Nick. This my younger sister's Emily and Charlotte. Over there is Ava. Kevin explain what's going on to us. You see we were captured and was about to be sold into slavery. Kevin and his brothers attack the bandit camp and set us free. After that they took us here and thanks to Ava the one who were injured are better now.

Ava: well except when you get to reckless in training you guys do.

H: training?

Charlotte: yeah we knew that it would take time for the injured to get better. So in that time we trained so when we leave the forest we wouldn't have a problem.

Emily: and there so nice that they been helping us get some money when we leave like hunting monsters and taking their material.

Garrus: so these guys have been helping all of you but who are they [staring at me]

Emily:oh they are go...[takes elbows in the stomach] why?

Kevin:[ only Emily can hear] I didn't tell them that part i just don't know what they would do if they find out.

E: I-I see your right.

G: what's right?

K: someone change the topic.

N: umm what brings you guys here?

H: we are here to deal with that bandit camp. After finding out that the place was destroyed we were looking for a monster that caused it but now we know what happened.

K:hey Helix what going to happen when those knights come here.

H:so I'm assuming it was you who was staring at my brother when he was in the lake.

[Everyone stared at me with mix expressions]

Ava: so golems have perverts to.

H: wait what? He's a golem.

N: Ava they didn't know he was a golem. Why do you think Emily got elbowed in the stomach.

A: oh sorry.

[Takes off hood]

H: no wonder why you took those trolls down so easily you must have been living for a long time. So the big one is one too.


H: this takes me back I remember that at my home back at the capital we had a golem guarding the garden. I played with it when I had free time.

K: you had one?

H: yeah I left home. I used to be a third son of a noble family but I left to live the way I want to not what someone planned out for me. So all I know the golem is still there. But back to the main topic. I would talk to my brother Felix about this but he would definitely help escort all of you out of the forest.

A: Felix the knight captain of Varria right?

K:you know him?

A: yeah. I have met him a several times. He stops by my pharmacy at the capital.

G: that's why I know you. You're the pharmacist Ava. I heard that you disappeared.

A: yes I came here to the Remnant forest because I needed to get some supplies. The adventurers I hired were jumped and killed by the bandits. I was able to get there adventurer tags.

G: let me have them. I'll give them to the guild when we get back.[ Ava gives Garrus the adventurer tags]

H: anyway we will take everyone to the capital and anyone how doesn't have family will go to the orphanage.

N: You guys are lucky.

K: why is that lucky?

N: two of the rulers runs the orphanage at the capital.

K:which rulers run the orphanage?

N: they are brothers the older one is The Ripper and the youngest is the first summoner.

H: I've met both once and they both nice but the older one has a unique trait.

K: what do you mean by unique trait?

H: anyway what about you guys? You must have been here for hundreds of years. I don't even recognize that emblem on those banners on the walls.

K:(didn't even bother trying to hide charging the subject.)

As I was thinking of what to do next then I thought I heard a sound. I use my aura skill and I see on the surface that there is a lot of people close by. I tell Helix what I see and he left to go tell his brother and the other members of his team.