
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Adventurers part 1

Helix's pov:

After my brother told me about the person watching him I got curious if the bandits were dealt with then who was watching him. As I was walking I see three people waiting for me and Garrus. The first is a female elf with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail, a forest green and brown outfit, a bow and two quivers of arrows. Her name is Erica she is a huntress and is also a good tracker. She is normally is energetic. The second is a short woman her name Dawn who has short brown hair and wearing a martial arts outfit. Her weapon is a pair of brass knuckles. She is a fighter her words. She seems scary at first but she is nice when you get to know her and she even acts like the teams mother bear. The last is our mage his name is Tony. He came from the magic Institute. He left because of the tuition but he did stay there for about three years. He is a shy and keeps to himself. He has short black hair and is wearing robes that are gray and light blue. He has a book floating by him its his grimoire that he got from the institute. Garrus walks ahead of me. He has slight long brown hair is wearing light silver armor. He is more the older brother of the group. He is a fallen paladin this class weakens his opponent while fighting its a class that's looked down own by other people with front line classes. Garrus walks to Tony and pats him on the head like he's a little kid.

Tony: stop it Garrus I'm not a little kid.

Garrus: your the youngest among us. So of course I treat you as a kid. Plus Dawn treats you like that so does that mean you only allow her to do that.

Dawn: all of you are younger than me so it's natural that I act like a proper senior should. Well almost all of you.

Erica: easy dwarf i know our people hate each other but that happened with our elders.

D: two things. One im half dwarf and two it only happened in my grandparents and your parents time so the wounds are still fresh.

E: fine do you just want to finally settle this "argument".

G: ( how have these two not killed each other yet.)

T: ( I hope they don't drag the rest of us in again.)

Helix: stop it you two! Look we have a problem.

Dawn and Erica: R-right. (He's scary when he's mad.)

T: so what is the problem?

[Short briefing]

E: so someone with high stealth skills was watching your brother an assassin maybe. Then there is a dangerous monster in the area. Your right this is a problem.

G: we are meant to find this person. Felix already found a trace of the person heading to the Southeast. So we are going to check that area. While the knights look for the monsters.

D: shouldn't we focus on the monsters.

H: no if it was an assassin they would have remain close by Felix but this person left the area so it's either a bandit that still remains or a passing adventurer.

T: so our job is to figure out who it is and where they went.

H: pretty much. So let's head out and see if we can find something.

We leave the camp and head towards the place where Felix told me where he said he found the footprints. Erica gets straight to work and starts to figure out what this person was doing. We follow the path and find more footprints including the set we found there are two more. One of the footprints disappeared like they no longer exist. We follow the two sets of footprints and realized that both look like they wearing some armor at least on their legs. While following the footprints they start to disappear.

Erica: it seems this is where the trail ends. I think they knew they were being followed.

Helix: can you find a trail.

E: no. They are good at hiding their tracks i don't think i can find them. I can guess they most likely used wind magic to cover their tracks.

Dawn: so there is something a elf like you can't figure out.

E: I at least know that you will never find someone who will love you with that stubble on your face.

D: you elf bitch! I'll...

Garrus: stop it you two! Settle this at the guild when we get back.

D: your right I don't want to break this grandma's hip.

G: (how did this party last this almost seven years without either of these two killing each other).

Tony: i think i can help if I cast the wisp spell I think I can find a trail.

G: wisp?

T: its a wind spell made for tracing not a lot people use it though. It sends these green balls of light in every direction. The spell let's me know what in the area. The only problem is anything can trip it like a goblins or the people we are looking for.

H: still it might find these people so I say use it.

G:anything can help at this point.

Tony starts to cast the spell and green balls of light started to disperse in every direction. We stand there in silence for what felt like hours. Tony then reacted to something.

Helix: what's wrong did you find something?

Tony: yeah whatever it is its big and moving there are also several small things around it. It's further south.

Garrus: do you know what it is?

T: no but if it is big maybe a ogre or troll but that doesn't explain the smaller ones.

D: maybe goblins or orcs.

T: no they are big for goblins but smaller then a orcs.

H: that big one might be the monsters that attacked the bandit camp.

G: but that doesn't explain why the camp was burnt.

H: I say let's take a look.

Tony starts to lead with Dawn guarding him. As we make way through the forest we hear what sounds like someone fighting. We all look at each other and get into formation. Me, Garrus and Dawn take the front lines. Tony take middle guard and Erica is in the back. We take cover behind the bushes and see several people around dead monsters. The first one i notice is a large guy around 10 to 15 feet and wear bulky armor and holding a poleaxe. Around him i see several beastman collecting parts from the monsters. There is also another person with a scythe wearing armor but he is wearing a hood and a mask so I can't see his face. Garrus makes a surprise look and taps me on the shoulder and points towards the back of the group. There is a third person in the far back just like the second armored person he two is wearing a hood and mask. He is holding a bow that means this person must be watching over these people. That archer is dangerous I didn't notice him at all. If we rushed in there one or two of us would have gone down. As i was thinking of a strategy something push the trees aside two bald giants a about the size of the bulky armor guy. The beastman were scared and ran behind the armored individuals. I guess they don't have much combat experience. The other armored man looks at the giant and tilts his head to signal that he would be fighting. They separate the troll one for each of them at least we can see how they fight. The giant rushes in and the troll use a small tree as a weapon and it clashes with the poleaxe. At the same time he draws a hammer and hit his poleaxe causing the tree to be cut and a large cut appeared on the trolls chest. The troll drops the rest of the tree and raises his fists the giant drops the hammer and places the poleaxe into the ground. The two began a fist fight then in one moment the giant tilts his head to dodges the trolls punch and at the same time punchs the troll. He then grabbed the back of the trolls head and he knees the face of the troll. He threw the troll to the ground and stepped on the poleaxe bringing it down cutting the trolls head off. While this was going on the other armored man dodge the first swing of the trolls tree as it comes back for another back for another attack. The man gets hit and sent into the air. As he was in the air the scythe that he was holding was thrown at the troll. When he lands the trolls left arm is cut off. The troll is scared after that and tries to run but the black whips appears from the trolls shadow. The man then runs while grabbing the scythe and jumps on the trolls back and plunge his scythe into the back of the trolls neck and what looks like black fire enters the wound. The black flames came out of the trolls mouth making it look like the troll could breathe fire. Then a bilt of lightning came down from the sky. I look up and see a lighting owl its A class monsters when it's grown up right now it at least a C class. Both the people finish almost at the same time.

Garrus: this could be a problem. Both took on one each and that archer didn't even bother helping. They have to be in the high teir of B rank to low tier of A class adventurers.

Helix:( Garrus is right we are in the middle of B class ranking and trolls were in the high end of B class but that is only one. It take at least a party of five to take on one troll that's because of its healing ability. If we take them on we'll lose. If it was one on one then maybe but not when they are in a group).

The large one put his weapon on his back and then checks on the beastman who were hiding. Now I look at them some were teenagers and even children. Now I'm curious what's going on. The giant takes a knee and pick up some of the kids and he then ties the bag that has monsters parts in it around his waist with some rope and they all start to leave.

G: what do we do Helix?

H: Erica you and Dawn head back and tell Felix what we found. While the rest of us will follow these people.

Erica: why me and stubbles?

H: can you two please put your grudge aside and do it. If you need an explanation the knights are going to need someone to show them where are we going from here and Dawn has high defenses. So she will escort you back. Me and Garrus will need Tony's magic for a change to escape if things go south.

E: fine.

We started to follow these people. I hope they are not the bandits we are looking for if they are we are going to have a problem.