
Reincarnated as a Cursed Bird? (From Inferiority to Legendary)

Niccolo Volto, an infamous mafia assassin, died at the hands of the South Americas United Alliance (SAUA) Counter-Intellegence Bureau (CIB) and reincarnated to another world as a cursed bird, or did he? Join this fledgling adventure as he clears his name and remembers his walled-up life of death, crime, and love. Author's Note: This novel will release one chapter a week. Hopefully, we can have two chapters per week in the future. Please support my work on Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/toninada Patreon: patreon.com/toni_nada *Ko-fi and Patreon will have 2-3 releases per week.

Toni_Nada · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter 9: I am Nicco

Nights in the village were often long. The rustling wind and the crackling embers were the music that rested every soul. It was a perfect picture of rural life—the life Mira had known. However, for the girl who was meant to lose everything to her beloved brother, the silence of Vulta was a harbinger of her coming doom. It was a night of torture that kept her awake as Elder Marwal listened restlessly at the dinner table, pondering on his mistakes.

Mira was still mulling over the threat, Maru said in the afternoon. What was supposed to be a reunion became a declaration of war—a conflict meant to happen at the cost of their relationship.

'Why do I have to be the eldest? And all of these over the minuscule power of our inheritance?'

Mira thought as she felt like a trapped animal cornered and waiting to be slaughtered. She was in pain like never before.

For years, Mira kept a low profile. She lived like a weak and dumb girl who didn't desire power or luxury. She gave it all up for her brother—to the brother she dearly loved.

However, It was now evident that the relationship they had was useless. All the laughter and joy they shared went down the drain. So, she cried helplessly inside her room with the bird and the wolf by her side.


Nicco saw everything and felt a pang in his heart. Although he was now a bird, he was still capable of experiencing pain beyond the physical as his soul remained human.

So, the bird stood there thinking of ways to help the girl with a troubled heart. But with his current power, he was a slap away from eternity, which made the situation dire.

For a few fleeting moments, the bird watched the girl's torment. Every sob, tear, grip, and pant of Mira drowned Nicco in an abyss of hopelessness. Nonetheless, as with all things, everything ends. After a few moments of emotional struggle, the girl rested while hugging the wolf.

On the contrary, the bird saw this as an opportunity to open his system and check his Status, hoping for a glimmer of hope to appear.



System Notification

Congratulations! You have completed an E-rank quest!

Quest: Return Mira to Vulta Village (1/1)

Rewards: 50% Experience Points.



The bird thought as a rectangular blue interface opened before him. He absent-mindedly read the screen as he felt sleep looming in the corner of his mind. However, instead of the usual status screen, he saw a notification. It showed him a quest he supposedly finished. The bird's beak gaped at the windfall he experienced.

'This is great!'

He thought as he now experienced what the system could do to help him grow stronger. Although it was not a quick fix, it granted him the power to grow stronger.

'At least as powerful as the wolf boy.'

The bird imagined himself having the power to summon strong winds as the boy he saw earlier and defeat Maru for Mira.

'I guess I can grow quick and easy, so I can kick that Maru on his behind.'

The bird thought while smiling at his unexpected gain. But it didn't end there. He imagined pushing the button and going straight to his Character Information Screen.


Character Information

Name Nameless

Species Black Summer Bird (E)

Rank Inferior (E)

Level 2

      Experience 50%


   Cursed by a Demon Lord (E)

   Doubles pain sensation felt by this creature.

   Reincarnated (E)

   Access to the System and past memory depending on the level.

Current Power Level          F

Current Retrievable Memory 2%


After checking the screen, the bird saw the new field appear after his level field. This surprising improvement triggered a thought inside him.

'If this system evolves with me, I'll be invincible quickly!'

The bird mused at this advantage and thought:

'Although, I think this is a cheat and super ideal.'

He convinced himself that there should be existing limitations to the system.

The rating system also seemed to suit his preference as he used to play online games popular in his previous world, especially those from the Eastern Asian Alliance (EAA) that used the very F to SSS rating.

'I think the system suits me and my preferences.'

The bird thought as he tried to understand the system. He also noticed how his Current Power Level differed from his quests and traits.

'How on earth am I still F-class when I have E-class traits?'

Although pondering these things might produce results, the bird was too sleepy to have a breakthrough or to think right.

'I guess I'll sleep for the night and see these changes tomorrow.'

The bird mused as he decided to kneel, looked right, and closed his eyes. The hopeful bird, troubled girl, and innocent pup all rested inside the house of the Hiwas.


Early morning came. The girl woke up with puffed and red eyes as she welcomed the day with tears. The village started their day as lazy smoke trails from the villagers' homes filled the sky. It was a calm morning for most but not for all.

"Mira, come down! Let's have breakfast!"

Hilda hollered as she placed a hot pot of vegetables on the table. The whole place was filled with vapor as water boiled on the fire inside the hearth. It was an image of a well-functional family without Maru and his antics.

On the other hand, Elder Marwal, with darkened eyes, sipped tea made from ginseng and honey as he prepared himself for the day. After the Prime Hunt of a Hiwa was their adult ceremony. They call it the Blood Ceremony. It was their way of accepting the person as an adult of the family, and they could feel them in their blood.

This perk was also why people wanted to become Legendaries. Once they reach that level, their blood will evolve into a hereditary-type blood, which can initiate a bloodline method of power growth.

It means that an individual closer to the main bloodline will have an easier time becoming a legendary being compared to someone in the branch families. However, talent is also necessary since the crucial method of leveling up from the lower class into a higher one is mostly on understanding and comprehension. It means people with minimal talents are prone to grow slowly compared to those with talents. That's why even though Mira was the eldest, Maru could level fast because of talent and dedication.

Mira, with new clothes, went down with her animal companions. The bird gracefully flew inside the house and perched on the railing. On the other hand, the wolf followed Mira with his little legs while hopping on the wooden staircase. Mira looked beautiful in her red robe, but she was not cheerful—she was still bearing the weight of her situation as she wore the traditional dress of the Hiwa clan.

She wore a red hooded cloak with a golden emblem etched at the back, signifying their past glory as a legendary family. The symbol was a great tree surrounded by a circle of flaming thorny roots. She also had a brown tunic with an emblem of a lance inside a laurel wreath, which was the coat of arms of the Napsaki Duchy.

All of these symbols showcase the rich heritage the Hiwa had, although they looked weak and unimportant within the duchy.


After the family finished their breakfast, everyone was ready to do the Blood Ceremony.

Outside their home, Chief Muska stood aloof as he wore the same set of outfits as Mira. He was the overseer of the ceremony as the Family Head of the Hiwa-Vulta Cadet Family. Although he uses a sword in his battles, he has a wooden staff for the ceremony—looking like a druid less than a warrior.

Chief Muska led the family south across the South Hall Road into the Vulta Main Road, west to the Vulta Village Square, and then south again to the Tarion Grounds. They were having the ceremony inside the Tarion Grounds, a small woodland beside and behind the Church of Isa.

However, before they proceeded with the Blood Ceremony, they stopped at the Church of Isa to have the naming ceremony for her animal companions. It was essential to their growth as nameless animals can never go beyond E class. Nonetheless, monster-level creatures will have a name provided to them, or they can create one themselves once they go through the singularity phase.

So, everyone went into the church. The bird and the wolf were also wearing something made of gold threads to commemorate the event. The dog had a collar, while the bird had a leg ring. Both of these items had the same emblem as Mira's red robe. In this way, the bird and the wolf are considered part of the Hiwa family and will never be seen as normal monsters inside and outside the village.

As the group entered the church hall, the guardian of the sanctuary met them. He was wearing a brown robe with an engraving of a large tree that held the world. It was the seal of the Order of Saint Tarion.

The place was close to nature as tree trunks acted as the foundations of the church. A central tree was placed in the middle and went beyond the roof. The Church had an extended dome to cater to the massive tree.

"Welcome to the Church of Isa. May the healing power of Tarion fill you."

The priest welcomed the family and the chief of Vulta village. However, after saying the last phrase, all the petals inside the main tree glowed as a warm force overwhelmed everyone.

'What is this?'

Nicco thought after experiencing the supernatural. He also felt at peace, as if no problem in the world could overpower him.

"Thank you, Elder Basil."

Chief Muska said while everyone bowed together with him. Their concerns with Maru went over their heads as they felt peace and rested.

"We are here today because we want to have a naming ceremony for Mira's animal companions."

He added as he pointed towards the bird and the wolf.

"Mira, please lead your friends under the tree of life."

Elder Basil voiced as he urged the two animals toward the massive tree in the middle of the hall.

'Please, guys, go to the middle.'

Mira thought as he pushed them towards the middle, to which the two animals complied.

The bird perched on the wolf's back as the wolf walked towards the gathering of leaves. Then, they heard the guardian of the sanctuary murmur something while the leaves on the ground and the whole tree glowed with a blue hue.

However, as the naming ceremony progressed, the bird felt something hurting on his back.


The bird shrieked as the pain became unbearable.

"What's wrong with him, Elder?"

Mira said as she watched the bird hurting.

"I think the bird is cursed by something demonic."

Elder Basil remarked as he proceeded with the ceremony.

"I think we need to stop, Elder. I don't want him to die."

Mira said as she began to tear up.

"I think we should, but we cannot stop it. The bird is unknowingly using all the power of the Tarion's clone to break the curse."

Elder Basil announced as he begrudgingly looked at the bird, knowing well that the clone would need more healing time from using Hum to its fullest. He also looked at the whole building and saw Hum leaving the structure.

"I hope this is worth it, Elder Marwal."

Elder Basil said with bloodshot eyes as he looked at Mira's father. However, Elder Marwal didn't respond but curiously looked at the bird. He thought the bird was a usual black summer bird that could never go beyond level 5. Furthermore, if the bird can channel and use the Hum of the place to help it grow. It might have a sliver chance to evolve into a summer bird that can reach the extraordinary stage. He hoped.

Albeit everyone's troubled expressions, the bird was not doing anything. Instead, it was feeling an immense pain. The bird never felt this kind of pain before and didn't like it. Nevertheless, it persevered, but the wolf was not having a good time either. It was bearing the heavy weight of the bird as Hum poured into Nicco.

Everyone's attention was on Nicco and the wolf.

After a few moments under extreme pressure of Hum, the wolf, and the bird lay on the bed of leaves. Mira immediately rushed into the place where her companions were.

The wolf opened its eyes as it woke up.

On the other hand, the bird was weak.

'Mira, I need to rest.'

Nicco thought as he looked at Mira.

'You may rest, Nicco.'

Mira replied.

The guardian, the chief, and Mira's parents looked at the commonly smooth naming ceremony turned into a disaster.

"I think I won't do naming ceremonies for this month."

Elder Basil declared as he went to where Mira cared for her companions.

"You have a special companion, Mira."

He added as he looked at some of the bird's black feathers turn into red.

"If he can bear the curse he has right now, I think he can turn into a superior being."

The guardian said as he picked up one feather from the few that fell from Nicco.

He observed it and saw it turning red from its original black color.

"I've never thought I'd see a pseudo-cleansing here."

Afterward, Elder Marwal and Mira's parents followed suit as they observed some of the feathers that fell.

"So, this is a cleansing."

Chief Muska uttered.

However, Mira's parents see this as a chance for her to defeat Maru and relieve their daughter of her burdens.

"Elder Basil, we're sorry for this. We didn't know the bird was cursed. We were only thinking he was a usual Black Summer Bird."

Elder Marwal disclosed as he pleaded before the guardian of the sanctuary.

"No need to worry, Elder. I hope this bird will become an excellent addition to our defense here and the prosperity of Vulta village."

Elder Basil replied, which, in turn, made everyone happy. Despite the joyful atmosphere, Mira held the bird and looked worried at Nicco's current state.


Out of the blue, the bird checked his Status and received an excellent reward.


System Notification

Congratulations! You have completed a D-rank quest!

Quest: Seal the Curse of the Demon Lord (1/1)

Rewards: 1 Level



With a merry heart, he looked at the system notification and rested on Mira's arms as his eyes closed to the dreamland.