
Reincarnated as a Cursed Bird? (From Inferiority to Legendary)

Niccolo Volto, an infamous mafia assassin, died at the hands of the South Americas United Alliance (SAUA) Counter-Intellegence Bureau (CIB) and reincarnated to another world as a cursed bird, or did he? Join this fledgling adventure as he clears his name and remembers his walled-up life of death, crime, and love. Author's Note: This novel will release one chapter a week. Hopefully, we can have two chapters per week in the future. Please support my work on Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/toninada Patreon: patreon.com/toni_nada *Ko-fi and Patreon will have 2-3 releases per week.

Toni_Nada · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Welcome to My Life

The 15-man team, with Mira and her animal companions, arrived at Vulta village in the afternoon. The ragtag team's adventure was the topic of the whole place. The materials and ingredients from the serpents became novelties that everyone envied. Elder Remona, on the other hand, started crafting the sets of leather armor earnestly.

Along the way, the team interrogated Mira about her prime hunt as disaster after disaster poured into the forest. She then learned that the four Legendary Lords, Lord Staff, Lord Anchor, Lord Blades, and Lord Bow, attacked and defeated the Demon Lord in the northern parts of the Nulem Sea in the middle of two continents. Hence, the earthquake and the downpour which devastated the whole forest.

The bird, nevertheless, consumed all information like a sponge inside water. Within the same day, he learned many formidable people exist in this world, and he was a speck inside this earth-shattering world of powers. He also discovered the name of the continent where he was. It was called Holt–after the ancient civilization Holandia. He learned about the Holt Empire that ruled half of the continent, which claimed to be the direct descendants of the Holandians.

As the team parted ways, Mazel hugged Mira tight before leaving, saying, "I'm glad you're safe, sister." Afterward, she and her companions walked with Elder Marwal back to their house. The crimson skies radiated the ground with an orange glow as the mountain peaks at a distance glowed with a golden hue. 

Vulta village was a green place filled with brown wood and blue stone houses. Dirt and gravel roads cut the landscape as people come and go.

After a few moments of walking, the father and daughter arrived home. Before Mira could go down the threshold, her mother embraced her tightly. However, this sweet moment didn't last long as the puppy inside her jacket cried.

"Ow. Where are my manners? Mira, I'm glad you're safe."

Hilda said as she straightened her apron and fixed her eyes on Mira's jacket. Immediately, the puppy showed itself.

"You have a cute amber wolf pup, Mira. You are indeed a Hiwa."

Hilda added as she tried caressing the wolf pup. The pup smiled as her hand drizzled its fur.

"It will become an Extraordinary once it reaches adulthood. It's safe to say that Mira will become an apprentice warrior with this wolf." Elder Marwal said as his voice reverberated inside their home.

Furthermore, her eyes darted to the black bird perched on their perimeter wall. 

"Is that yours, as well?"

Mira nodded as she opened her jacket and hung it on the wall. The pup moved within the house as it wagged its tail.

'Mira, are you fine?'

Nicco said as he noticed the timidity of Mira. She was totally silent compared to when they were alone with her animal companions. However, she didn't reply but only nodded.

The return of their daughter made the parents happy, but the unusual shyness of Mira caught the bird off guard.

Nonetheless, the reunion proceeded inside the house of the Hiwas. Nicco invited himself in, perched on the handrail inside the home. The atmosphere was warm and cozy. But the girl was still silent.

"What's wrong, little seed?"

Hilda, Mira's mother, said as she prepared for dinner. The smell of food excited Hulkis as he barked loudly and followed the woman to the hearth and back to the table. However, Mira didn't utter a thing and stared at the wall, thinking deeply about something.

Out of the blue, Marwal's hand scruffled Mira's head.

"What's wrong, little seed? Are you fine?"

Mira's father asked as he closed his face beside hers, eagerly waiting for a reply. Still, the girl didn't give a word. In contrast, Mira's face turned red as tears started to pour from her eyes, which caught the attention of the Hulkis and Nicco as they suddenly turned against Marwal.

"Hold up, I'm not hurting Mira."

Elder Marwal said as he stood up and raised his hands. Nicco, nonetheless, caught himself suddenly mind-controlled to defend Mira.

'Why am I angry at Mira's father?'

The bird thought as he stopped himself from cawing and raising his wings.

'It's the contract.'

Mira's voice invaded Nicco's as she replied to his inquiry.

'What do you mean contact?'

Nicco asked as he tilted his head sideways while Hulkis was still barking at Elder Marwal. The whole charade was chaotic, but Mira's voice was firm with her answers.

'You are my contracted animal. You will defend me if there are dangers against my life, and this contract will force you—whether you like it or not. Nevertheless, I think you can control it.'

Suddenly, Mira wiped away her tears and looked at Hulkis. The young pup stopped barking as it rested beside Mira.

"I'm sorry for that father."

Mira continuously sobbed as she replied.

"I'm just thinking a lot right now. And I'm afraid of Maru."

The girl told her father why she cried as she tried to straighten herself.

"Mira, you don't need to think about that. Your little brother loves you."

Hearing about the scuffle earlier, Hilda placed the pot on the table as she moved toward Mira and hugged her daughter.

The girl, in turn, cried louder as the happy homecoming turned into an approaching doom. Mira was scared of Maru, and this made Nicco curious.

'What's wrong with your brother, Mira?'

Nicco asked as he observed the family comforting Mira.

'Maru hates…me because I'm the…eldest.'

Mira replied sobbingly. 

'Just because of that?'

Nicco said as he got dumbstruck by the reason for her fears.

'Yes. You wouldn't understand.'

Mira responded. However, far from being satisfied with her answers, Nicco became more curious as he thought about the reason.

All of a sudden, the door opened, and a teen at around the age of thirteen entered. He was wearing brown leather armor with a sword on his side. The boy had the same hair as Mira, dark brown with a tinge of red. The boy had a strong face and looked like a warrior ready for battle.

"You're here, sister."

The teen said. Yet, far from being sweet, his words were heavy—as he stepped closer to the table. His sword, as long as his feet, tinged every time he moved his feet. He was a boy, but he was acting tough and old.

Elder Marwal saw this scene, and it tore his heart. He loved both of his children, but the two had a weird dynamic ever since they were younger. But it worsened when the boy turned ten and learned about their family's glorious past.

When Hiwas turns ten, they will learn knowledge about their Legendary ancestor. However, they will also learn about their heritage and the burden and benefits of being the firstborn. The firstborn son or daughter had most of the heritage line. They will receive better traits and have an inherited element—which means they will have a greater chance of becoming a Grandmaster Warrior, a legendary being.

Although Elder Marwal is already far from the main line, Maru hates his sister because she leveled slowly. While he, on the other hand, became a protege and even became level seven at the age of thirteen.

Since Elder Marwal was already a fourth-generation elder of the Hiwa branch family in Vulta, Maru thought he could at least become a Fabled being by becoming the eldest. Nevertheless, if Maru couldn't change this fact, he would've stayed unbothered by this realization. But, it was changeable. 

Before Moulin started his family, after staying single for four hundred years, he experimented with his blood by creating a system that could trigger a soul modification. His kin could unlock the main bloodline if they could defeat a kin with higher blood concentration in a duel observed by at least three adults from the main house. Albeit this harsh condition, there was a catch. Both parties needed to finish their prime hunts. They are adult kin of the blood accepted by their relatives. And should be capable of defending themselves.

This system, in place, made Mira the prime target for Maru's desire for power. He wanted to become powerful, and his sister was a prey he needed to consume. 

This fateful encounter was also one of the reasons that pushed Mira to level slowly. But after leveling up to five, she needed to quickly grow and ensure she could overpower Maru if they had a conflict or a trial by blood. 

That's why she chose an amber wolf meant to become an extraordinary creature and possibly grow into a superior being—able to transform into an embodiment of the element.

Nonetheless, these preparations are nothing in front of the unwanted hatred that Mira felt from Maru. Mira wanted a brother she could love, not a sibling meant to destroy her and her future. The weak girl became weaker at the coming doom.

Nicco stared at this meeting and started to feel the hatred coming from deep within him. However, he kept himself from initiating, but Hulkis gnashed its teeth at the coming Maru and loudly barked as he defended Mira.

"It really is true. Sister has an amber wolf."

Maru said as he looked at the wolf with utter disgust. But within a second, he moved his eyes away from the angry wolf and back to the family dinner prepared by Hilda.

"I hope it can last some blows from my sword."

He added as he moved himself to sit at the table.

"Maru, you should mind your manners!"

Elder Marwal hollered as he frowned upon the actions of his son.

"You don't need to worry about my manners, father. Uncle Mavis came earlier and offered me a job at his trading company. I guess you will call me Sir anytime soon."

Maru said as he unreservedly picked food and gobbled it before his family.

"Dear sister, when is my cleansing?"

Before finishing the meal, he looked at his flabbergasted parents and sister. And asked the most threatening question he could ever ask.

"I hope. I can join the caravan going to Deter City in two months. So, please be well for me, sister."

He added.

"Where are you going, Maru?"

Elder Marwal said as he held back his anger.

"We are going to Gurt'ak, father. We are making the first trade there, as willed by His Imperial Majesty. I will be guarding the caravan together with Uncle Mavis."

Maru said as he enjoyed his talk.

"See, father? I am way beyond you and this village already."

He boasted and blabbered.

"A few years from now."

He minimized his voice as he looked at his worried parents and frightened sister.

"I'm going to become a noble. I'll turn this village into one of my dominions, and you, as my family, will have me."

The teenager said as he pointed towards Mira.

"And this long journey will start with you, my dear sister."

Then, he leaned towards the table and smiled like a lion, ready for its prey.

"Kindly become a sacrifice for me. However, don't make it easy for me. A month from now, we will have our dance as I defeat you triumphantly inside the village forest."

Maru said all of these things with excitement as he suddenly stood up with his sword clunkily sounding inside the silent abode of the Hiwas and left the place.

Nicco saw all of these things and laughed inwardly. He felt like he was seeing something from an action movie. Although he cannot remember all the details of his life, he can recall bits and pieces of how the world felt for him back then.

Everything in front of him sounded like a script inside a drama. 

Nonetheless, nothing was unreal inside this world of earth-shattering powers and extreme thirst for strength. People would betray one another, their kin, friends, and people around them. Blood and heritage didn't matter. What mattered here was the power to win over your enemies.

After the boy left the house, the family was silent. Elder Marwal, Hilda, and Mira didn't make a sound as they finished their meals. As Mira stood up with a tear-drenched face, she looked into her parents' eyes, who were extremely worried for her.

"I won't be defeated, father. I'll win for sure."

Mira said as she made a fist with her hands and walked to the second floor where her room was. The wolf and the bird followed her.

"Marwal, is she really fine with that bird?"

Hilda asked Elder Marwal with concern written all over her face.

"She's going to be fine. That bird took us to her when we couldn't save her."

Elder Marwal said as he drank his hot tea.

"The real problem is Maru."

He said as he contemplated on the moon waking in the sky. He took a sip of his tea and sighed deeply.

"Where did I go wrong, Hilda?"

Elder Marwal asked as his wife hugged him from the back.

"This too shall pass, Marwal."

Hilda said.