
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Dark Bargain

Chapter 26: The Dark Bargain

Beru and Theron's battle had reached a crescendo. Each punch and kick reverberated through the fog, the sound of their strikes echoing like thunder. The audience watched in awe as the two titans clashed, the ground trembling beneath their feet.

Beru seized a moment of vulnerability in Theron's defense and lunged at him with his single blade. Theron, though heavily injured, managed to raise his remaining hand just in time, blocking Beru's strike with a bone-jarring clash. A low growl of frustration escaped Theron's lips as he struggled to push Beru back.

But Beru had an unexpected move in store. With a swift, fluid motion, he released one of his blades, letting it clatter to the rocky ground below. He closed the distance between him and Theron, grabbing Theron's hand in a vice-like grip. It was a move he had learned from Dante, a sweeping hip throw from judo.

Time seemed to slow as Beru executed the throw, his muscles working in perfect harmony. Theron, caught off guard, was lifted from the ground and slammed onto the rocky arena floor with bone-crushing force. The impact sent shockwaves through the earth, shattering the ground beneath them. The crowd gasped in astonishment, witnessing a move they had never seen before.

Theron lay sprawled on the unforgiving ground, blood oozing from various wounds, his massive frame momentarily subdued. Beru, fueled by determination and the lessons he had learned, didn't hesitate. He drew his remaining blade and unleashed a powerful punch, its impact resonating like a thunderclap. Theron's body jerked with the force of the blow, and the ground crumbled further around them.

But Theron, his will unbroken, began to stir. Injured and battered, blood streaming from his mouth, he attempted to rise. Beru, understanding the urgency of the situation, raced against time. He needed to secure his victory while Theron was still weakened.

Beru spotted his lost blade among the scattered rocks and hurriedly retrieved it. He knew that every second counted. With his twin blades in hand, he closed the gap between him and the struggling Theron. Beru could see the determination in Theron's eyes, and he knew he couldn't underestimate his opponent.

With a roar, Beru launched a ferocious attack. His blades moved with precision, striking at Theron's vulnerable points. Theron, despite his injuries, used his superhuman strength to make his body even harder, absorbing Beru's blows with grim determination.

The clash between them intensified, their punches echoing with the sounds of bones cracking and grunts of effort. Theron's devastating punch shattered one of Beru's blades, sending shards of metal flying. Beru, undeterred, suffered a blow to his forehead that split the skin, causing blood to trickle down his face.

Their relentless exchange showed no signs of abating. The audience watched in awe as the fighters pushed themselves to their limits, both bleeding and battered. It was a battle of sheer willpower and determination.

In a daring move, Beru closed the distance between them once again. Theron, taken aback by this new tactic, attempted to defend himself. Beru saw the opening and executed a deceptive technique he had learned—a question mark kick. Theron, momentarily disoriented, instinctively raised his arms to block a low attack.

Beru's kick veered upward in a sudden, unexpected arc, catching Theron squarely in the jaw. The impact was devastating, and Theron's head snapped back. Beru's foot struck with such force that it sent Theron staggering, his vision blurred, and his balance disrupted.

As Theron struggled to regain his footing, Beru closed in, relentless. He knew he had to take advantage of this critical moment. With all the strength he could muster, he launched a powerful punch toward Theron's weakened form. The sound of his knuckles impacting Theron's superhumanly tough skin was like the crack of thunder.

Theron, now teetering on the edge of consciousness, couldn't offer much resistance. Beru unleashed another flurry of strikes, not allowing his opponent a moment's respite. The crowd watched in stunned silence as Beru's punches landed with ruthless precision.

But then, something unexpected happened. Beru, caught in the midst of his search, suddenly found himself in a dark, eerie place. It was a realm devoid of light, a place where shadows seemed to writhe and dance. The air was thick with an oppressive, malevolent presence.

Beru's heart raced as he looked around, trying to make sense of this strange, otherworldly space. It was as if he had been transported to the very core of his own fear and anger. Then, from the depths of the darkness, a pair of crimson eyes appeared, glowing like hot coals.

A deep, sinister voice echoed through the void, sending shivers down Beru's spine. "So, you finally reached this place," it hissed, the words carrying an unnatural weight.

Beru's voice quivered as he replied, "Who are you?"

The eyes in the darkness seemed to narrow, as if scrutinizing him. "I am the power born from your hatred, your rage, and all the negative emotions that dwell within you," the dark entity explained, its voice dripping with malice.

Beru was both startled and perplexed. "How is that possible?" he stammered, trying to grasp the surreal nature of this encounter.

The dark entity seemed to chuckle, a chilling sound that reverberated through the void. "You've reached this place because you need power. Power to overcome your limits, to win when the odds are against you. But power always comes at a price. I can grant you the strength you desire, but in return, I will take something from you—a precious offering."

Beru took a moment to contemplate the offer. He thought of his friends, the challenges they had faced, and the importance of winning this battle. He knew that sacrifices had to be made for the greater good. With a determined nod, he made his decision. "I am ready to give up my feelings. I want to win and protect my friends. Grant me the power I need, and I will repay your favor with my feelings."

The dark entity seemed pleased with Beru's choice. "Very well," it hissed. "Prepare yourself. I shall begin the ritual."

As Beru braced himself, the darkness enveloped him completely. He felt a profound sense of emptiness wash over him, as if his very essence was being drained away. Emotions he had taken for granted—joy, sorrow, pain, love—began to fade, leaving him feeling hollow.

But in exchange, he felt a surge of power, an energy that coursed through his veins like liquid fire. It was raw, untamed, and it promised to elevate his abilities to a level he had never imagined.

The transformation was complete, and Beru's senses returned, albeit altered. He was now a vessel of power, devoid of emotions, driven by a singular purpose—to win this battle and protect his friends.

Back in the arena, Theron, battered and bruised, continued to struggle to his feet. He could sense something had changed, something unsettling in Beru's aura. But before he could fully comprehend it, Beru had returned, his presence now radiating an eerie, emotionless intensity.

Without hesitation, Beru rushed at Theron, his movements fluid and precise. Theron, still reeling from the previous onslaught, was taken aback by this new, formidable opponent. He attempted to defend himself, but Beru's strikes were relentless and unpredictable.

Their battle continued, but now Beru fought with a cold, ruthless efficiency. His strikes were devoid of hesitation or compassion, and the sound of their blows was punctuated by the eerie silence of Beru's emotional void.

Theron, struggling to keep up, felt a growing sense of unease. He knew he was facing a transformed adversary, one who had sacrificed his very emotions for the sake of victory.

The crowd watched in stunned silence as the two fighters clashed once more, their punches and kicks accompanied by the eerie absence of grunts and roars that had previously filled the arena. It was as if the very essence of Beru's humanity had been replaced by an unfeeling machine of destruction.

As the battle raged on, Beru's newfound power began to manifest. He moved with greater speed and precision, his strikes hitting their mark with deadly accuracy. Theron, now on the defensive, struggled to keep up with the relentless assault.

But Theron was not one to back down easily. With a surge of his remaining strength, he launched a powerful punch that shattered one of Beru's blades, sending fragments of metal scattering across the arena. Beru, undeterred, suffered a blow to his forehead, causing blood to flow freely down his face.

Despite the injuries, neither fighter showed any signs of backing down. They continued to exchange blows with bone-cracking force, each strike resonating through the arena like thunder. The audience watched in awe as the battle reached a fevered pitch.

But Beru's kick defied expectations. It veered upward in a sudden, unexpected arc, catching Theron squarely in the jaw. The impact was devastating, causing Theron's head to snap back, his massive frame stumbling backward.

Beru, relentless as ever, pressed his advantage. He closed in on Theron, who was now teetering on the edge of consciousness. Beru's strikes continued to rain down, hitting their mark with chilling precision.

In a final, dramatic display of his newfound power, Beru summoned all his strength and unleashed a powerful punch toward Theron's chest. The impact sent Theron hurtling across the ground at breakneck speed, the earth quaking as he slammed into it, creating a massive cloud of dust and debris.

Theron lay motionless, his breathing labored, his body battered and broken. Beru stood ready, determination burning in his eyes, waiting for any sign of movement from his fallen opponent.

But then, something unexpected happened. Theron began to stir, his body slowly rising from the ground. The audience watched in astonishment, unsure of how he could still fight after such a devastating onslaught.

Beru knew he couldn't afford to underestimate Theron's resilience. With his blades in hand, he rushed forward once more, determined to secure his victory and protect his friends.

As Beru closed in on Theron, their eyes locked in a silent, fierce battle of wills. The arena seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the final, decisive clash.

And just as the two warriors prepared to unleash their most powerful attacks, a deafening roar echoed through the arena, drowning out all other sounds. The speed of their punches increased to such a blinding pace that the audience could no longer see their movements.

Beru and Theron were locked in a relentless, furious exchange, their blows landing with bone-cracking force. The arena floor trembled beneath their feet, and the very air seemed to vibrate with their power.

But then, in a shocking turn of events, Beru closed the distance between them once again. Theron, stunned and disoriented, attempted to defend himself. But Beru had something else in mind.

With a swift, unexpected kick, Beru executed the question mark kick once more. Theron, caught off guard, raised his arms to block a low attack, just as he had before. But this time, Beru had a different target in mind.

As Theron's arms went up to protect his midsection, Beru's kick changed trajectory in mid-air, veering upward with lightning speed. It caught Theron squarely in the jaw, the impact resounding like a thunderclap.

Theron's head snapped back, and for a moment, he seemed frozen in shock. Then, with a groan of pain, he stumbled backward, his massive frame teetering on the edge of collapse.

Beru, seizing the opportunity, closed in on his weakened opponent. Theron's jaw was now aching, and he struggled to regain his balance. Beru moved with relentless precision, striking with ruthless efficiency.