
reincarnated as a boy with ancient power

In a world shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, "Unfamiliar Beginnings" follows Dante, a teenager with an exceptional intellect and a fragile self-image. His life takes a nightmarish turn when he and his friends are captured by ruthless assailants who engage in grotesque and sinister acts. However, amidst this horror, Dante's consciousness awakens in an unknown world, stripped of his former existence. As he navigates unfamiliar terrain and discovers a mysterious tattoo on his chest, Dante embarks on a journey of self-discovery. shocking revelation that challenges his perception of reality. This chilling and thought-provoking tale delves into themes of survival, mystery, and the resilience of the human spirit.

Dante2409 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Showdown in the Fog

Chapter 25: Showdown in the Fog

Beru's heavy breaths mixed with the thick fog as he struggled to maintain his focus. The arena had transformed into a battlefield of uncertainty, and with one of his blades lost among the jagged rocks, he felt vulnerable. Clenching his left blade tightly, he waited for the inevitable clash with Theron.

Suddenly, as if materializing from the swirling mist itself, Theron emerged. His colossal frame loomed in the fog, and with a cocky grin, he launched a vicious punch toward Beru. Beru's instincts kicked in, and he twisted his body at the last moment, narrowly avoiding Theron's devastating blow. It was a close call, and the air swirled with the sound of Theron's fist slicing through the mist.

As Beru dodged, he seized the opportunity to counterattack. With his remaining blade, he struck out at Theron, aiming for the vulnerable spots he had identified. The blade made contact, slicing into Theron's leg, and blood began to trickle from the wound. Beru's heart surged with hope, but he had little time to celebrate.

Theron, undeterred by the pain, continued his relentless advance. He was like a juggernaut, and Beru had to think fast. His right blade was still missing among the scattered rocks, and he couldn't afford to waste a moment searching. Theron closed the gap between them, and it became clear that Beru needed a different strategy.

With Theron bearing down on him, Beru made a quick decision. He swiftly backed away, keeping a cautious distance from his powerful adversary. Theron, sensing an advantage, pressed the attack. His fists flew like thunderbolts, smashing into the ground with bone-crushing force. Each impact sent tremors through the arena, and the audience watched in awe as the titanic struggle unfolded before them.

Beru's mind raced as he continued to evade Theron's assaults. He needed a plan, a way to turn the tide in his favor. The foggy surroundings seemed to amplify the tension in the air. Beru's thoughts raced, and he remembered a technique Dante had once shown him—the suplex.

With a burst of determination, Beru decided to try it. As Theron lunged at him with another furious punch, Beru sidestepped and grabbed Theron's waist with both arms. Using all his strength, he hoisted Theron into the air and slammed him down with a suplex. The crowd erupted in astonishment, with most onlookers unfamiliar with the move. In his mind, Beru silently thanked Dante for teaching him this valuable technique.

Theron lay sprawled on the ground, disoriented and injured. But Beru didn't let up. He unleashed another barrage of punches upon Theron, each strike sending shockwaves through the ground. Theron's mouth and hands bled profusely from the relentless assault.

However, Theron was far from defeated. With a surge of his superhuman strength, he managed to throw Beru high into the air. As they both descended, Theron struck Beru with a powerful punch to the stomach. Beru gasped for breath as the impact sent him soaring even higher into the sky. It was a brutal exchange, with each blow echoing through the fog.

Beru quickly adapted to the situation. Mid-fall, he began striking Theron's face with a flurry of punches. Blood splattered in the fog as the two combatants continued their deadly descent. Beru felt his own blood on his face, but he refused to yield.

Gathering all his remaining strength, Beru wound up for one final, desperate blow. As they plummeted towards the earth, he focused all his power into his right fist and drove it into Theron's chest. The impact was devastating, and it sent Theron hurtling across the ground at breakneck speed. The ground trembled as Theron slammed into it, creating a massive cloud of dust and debris.

Beru, still suspended in mid-air, didn't waste a moment. He used his body weight to dive down on Theron with his knee leading the way. His knee struck Theron's face with an earth-shattering force, creating a shockwave that shattered the ground around them. Theron lay motionless, his breathing labored.

Beru had no time to celebrate. He needed to find his missing blade and secure his victory. As he frantically searched among the rocks, he located one of his blades but realized that the other was still missing. He couldn't afford to let his guard down.

Finally, Theron began to stir. Injured and battered, blood streaming from his mouth and with a deep chest wound, he struggled to rise to his feet. Beru stood ready, determination burning in his eyes, waiting for the right moment to finish the fight.

End of Chapter 25.