
Reincarnated ás a Fox

_Lily_1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

He Himself The Devil

Both Xun and Jun were shocked to see Zhan kneeling down and kissing my delicate small hands. Quickly, I grabbed Zhan hand and brought him deep into the forest where no one could hear us.

"Let's get straight to the point." I said, looking at Zhan straight in the eye

"What's a god doing here posing as a young child?" I asked

"While I was watching over you from the Heavens, you were quite the amusing one. I just simply couldn't let my playful toy die." Zhan chuckled. I looked at Zhan with fire in my eyes and kicked him.


"Hmph, that's what you get for calling me a mere toy."

"Why you -" Xun appeared out of nowhere. I could feel the frustration coming out of him as he looked at Zhan.

"Sister, I'm afraid we aren't going to make it to the town by foot." Xun said. I took one good look at Zhan, and then I bowed.

"Your Highness, I'm afraid that we have to depart so goodbye."

"Why not stay at my palace for the time being?" Zhan asked. When he said that my mind turned to blank, all I could think of was all the perverted stuff he's going to do to me.

"No, we can't. We don't want to cause trouble for his highness."

"I insist." Zhan smiled. I knew there was no going back now, so I would have to bear with this. Suddenly, Zhan casted a spell that I was unaware of, which teleported us straight to his castle.

"Woah, it's huge!! Unlike anything I've ever seen before." I exclaimed.

"Please make yourself at home that includes Xun and Jun too." He said gently. But both Jun and Xun were still looking at him with an intense gaze.

"What's up with them?" I thought to myself. Suddenly, Zhan took my hand.

"Sorry, I'm going to borrow her for a second." He said. While taking a walk around his palace, I couldn't take one look at him. He looked like he came out of a novel.

"So, do you have any questions about the mission I have assigned upon you?"

"Ah yes, about the animal kingdom situation. I'm afraid I need more details."

"You don't have to worry about that it will happen 10 years from now when the doomsday clock turns clockwise the devil will come back from the depths of hell to claim the divine powers of which me and your father possess. He will do whatever he has to do to claim that, and once he does, there won't be a single thing left in any universes."

"But what does this have to do with me?"

"You possess something I don't have, and that's pureness and truth."

"Of course I do perverted god." I said while rolling my eyes. Then Zhan laughed it was beautiful the way he was laughing. It brought warmth to my heart.

"About that incident that occurred not so long ago that may have something to do with the devil." Zhan said

"What do you mean?" I asked with a confusing look.

"You did say that the devil wasn't going to return until 10 years from now?"

"We have cults divided in this world. The Holy Tribe and The Curse Tribe. You will no your identity once the priest spread Holy water on you. If it turns black you're part of the Curse Tribe if it's clear then you will be part of the Holy Tribe." Zhan said

"What do the Curse Tribe do?" I asked.

"Impaitent as they are. They strive for the longing return of their king, Devil." Zhan nervously said.

"You could say that they're people who make the process of The Devil return faster. They'll do whatever it takes to get what they want. So do not be deceived young child." Zhan said.

"That makes sense." I said.

"Well thank you for answering my questions." When I was about to go Zhan grabbed my hand.

"On second thought child-" He took my hair and kissed it with his soft lips.

"I don't want Jun to have you all to himself." He smirked. I slapped his hand off my hair.

"Stop teasing me."

"Sorry." He chuckled. Then my stomach growled.

"Why not join us for dinner? It will be delightful." He smiled.

"Sure." So Me, Zhan, Jun, and Xun gathered up at the table. There was so much unique foods I've yet to see back in Korea. I took my spoon and stabbed it into the strawberry it was so sweet and ripe. Xun put his forck into the strawberry and started feeding me.

"Say ahh."

"Ahhh!!" Yet again it was so delicious. Both Jun and Zhan were looking at me and Xun with displeased eyes.

"What did I do for you guys do look at me like this?" I asked.

"Cough, nothing." Both Zhan and Jun said.