
Reincarnated ás a Fox

_Lily_1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Damsel in Distress

After that surpising wake up call I quickly ran into the dinning hall eager to meeting my father and Xun. When I finally made it to the door I took my breath and put on my kind mask. I opened the door saying

"Good Morning Father!" I exclaimed. I took a glance at Xun.

"Good Morning! to you as well dear brother."

"Good morning sister.." Xun replied with a pitiful look. It was pretty obvious that he remembered what happened last night. I sat besides Xun. Eating my pancakes deliciously melted in maple syrup. It's good to be rich. But I wonder what type of animal Xun is? After breakfast was over I took Xun hand and brought him to the garden. I sat down on the chair glaring at him with intense eyes.

"Xun have a seat." I smiled. I ordered my maid Mei to bring me some desserts and treats. I glared at him some more.

"Have some treats they're tasty and baked by the finest chefs."

"Pardon me sister but why did you bring me here."

"I have a question for you is it alright if I ask?"

"Of course." Xun said

"What animal are you?" I asked.

"Instead of answering why don't I show you." Xun chuckled. Xun ears grew and his tail extended. He was a fox alright but not the right type. He had 9 tails with the tip being a reddish color. It was unlike anything I've ever seen. Then I remembered hearing a rumor about a nine tailed fox in my past life. 9 tails foxes were not bad omen but good omen. Their 9 tails represent abundant progeny. It also represents how powerful they are.

"Woahhh, that's a pretty tail you got there." Then Xun fell into tears. I didn't know what I did wrong so I immediately started started apologizing.

"I'm sorry Xun I didn't mean to make you cry." But instead it was the opposite he wasn't crying because of sadness he was crying because he was moved by my compliments.

"Don't be. It's just my first time ever being complimented because of my tail. Others would call it a curse." Xun cried. I felt a touch empathy from hearing those words. He was exactly like me. I got out of my seat and walked to Xun. I held Xun hand and looked directly into his eyes. His gray eyes were filled with nothing but sadness and sorrow. I wiped away those tears and said

"Xun you don't have to be afraid anymore you have me to take care of you. But trust me we aren't trying to replace your grandmother but trying to guide you to a better future." Xun kept crying and crying. But I wasn't going to stop him since he's still a child.

"Thank you." Xun smiled. His gray dull eyes turned into pretty transparent crystals. Now this was proof he was apart of the imperial family.

"Hey what are you two doing over there." I quickly turned around and it was Jun.

astaghfirullah what else is going to appear next?

"Hey Jun!!" I shouted

"Hi Yunxi, who's your friend?"

"Ah so you to haven't met this is my brother Xun." Jun walked towards Xun.

"Whatsup I'm Jun nice to meet you." Xun didn't say anything back. They just stared at eachother they were like cats and dogs. Xun grabbed my shoulder and held me tight. I could feel Xun 6 packs so close against my chest.

"Stay close to me that man looks dangerous." The aura between them were getting more tenser and tenser by the minute little did Xun know that he was the dangerous one here. The more he pulled me against his abs the more I start to steam up. I couldn't take it anymore so I pushed Xun away from me and defended Jun.

"Xun Jun is a pretty good person if you get to know him." I said while patting Xun head.

"Fine if you say so sister." It was funny how he was acting exactly like a dog. I grabbed both of their hands and said

"Let's go! I want to give you a tour of my animal kingdom." I quickly ran to my father's office and asked

"Father may I please go to the village? I'm going to be a future princess so I might as well explore it."

"You may but you need escort."

"Hmph, I'm a big girl now I have Jun and Xun to escort me." I said confidently. My father gazed upon them with his cold blue eyes the aura of the room was uncomfortable. My father got up from his chair and whispered to them

"If my daughter gets hurt in any way there will be no begging for mercy understand?"

Both Xun and Jun gulped


So my father prepared a carriage for us and off we went. During our ride we didn't talk much. Jun and Xun were still shaking in fear because of my father's tense glare. While I was looking out the window. Not because I enjoyed the sight but something was off with the way the wind was flowing. It was something undescrible. Then the carriage hit a bump before I knew it tipped over.


The carriage caught on fire due to the sudden impact. While I was trying to escape a flaming wooden plank was about to fall on me. Then tears came to my eyes.

Am I really going to die in vain?

I just started

If you're really there God save me!!!!

I felt my body floating and I slowly opened my eyes. Questioning

"Am I dead?"

"No child." The mysterious voice said. I knew that voice more than anyone it turned out to be God himself but in child form. He wasn't the same as when I met him. Dazzling blonde hair and green eyes. But before I could even think about the situation. I noticed we were still in jumping motion.


"Calm down nosy child you're not going to die in my watch." We started to slow down and my small feet touched the ground. I was gasping for air.

"You damn go-" I was cut off short when Jun hugged me. Tears were dropping down his face and Xun too.

"I thought you were going to die." I wiped Jun tears with my bare hands and stretched his face.

"You big crybaby." I laughed. Jun face lit up bright red he began covering his face.

"Shut up!!" Xun ran up to me and gave me a big hug.

"I'm sorry I was too weak to even protect you." He cried

"No worries at least you showed a little empathy."

"Anywho who's your friend?" Jun asked. I turned to God and said

"Oh this guy is Go-" Then God covered my mouth.

"I'm Liao Tiong Zhan the ll Prince of Astoria."

"What's a prince doing in the middle of a forest." Xun asked. Zhan bent down and kissed my hand.

"I heard the cries of a beautiful lady who needed my sword and protection you could say there was a damsel in distress."