
Reincarnate In Helluva Boss as an Imp/Hellhound Hybrid

In this story, a character is reborn in the world of "Helluva Boss" as an imp/hellhound hybrid. Upon awakening in this new world, he is adopted by Millie's family. As he settles into his new life, he becomes close with Millie and Moxie. Eventually, he joins the I.M.P. company, working alongside Blitzo, Millie, and Moxie as they carry out their demon-related tasks and adventures.

Diamonddog9227 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Nine years later

Nine years had passed since I found myself inexplicably reborn in Hell as an imp/hellhound hybrid. At this point, I was a nine-year-old demon child, and I had come a long way from that bewildered infant left on Millie's family doorstep. Life in Hell had been both fascinating and challenging, and I had grown to embrace the fiery realm as my home.

Today was a special day – the annual Harvest Moon Festival. It was my first time participating, and I was bubbling with excitement. The festival was a riotous event, filled with fiery displays, wild competitions, and all sorts of demon revelry. I couldn't wait to join in the festivities and show off my abilities.

As I donned my festival attire – a small leather jacket and a pair of ripped jeans that had been tailored to fit my young form – I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. These were the very clothes I had been found in nine years ago, a reminder of my journey and the family that had taken me in.

I bounded down the stairs of Millie's family's humble abode, a ramshackle but cozy farmhouse that had become my home. Millie, now a striking young woman, greeted me with a warm smile. "Ready for the Harvest Moon Festival, Emberfang?"

I flashed a toothy grin, my sharp teeth gleaming. "You bet, Millie! This is going to be awesome!"

Millie chuckled, tousling my hair affectionately. She couldn't help but treat me like a kid, which was something I tolerated but secretly loathed. "Alright, kiddo, let's get going. Ma and Pa are waiting."

Millie's parents, whom I affectionately referred to as Ma and Pa, were two of the most welcoming demons I had ever known. They had raised me as their own, and I had grown incredibly attached to them over the years. Their unwavering support and love made me feel like a true member of the family.

The festival grounds were a cacophony of sights and sounds, with demons of all shapes and sizes reveling in the festivities. Fiery acrobats were soaring through the sky, food stalls offering all sorts of infernal delicacies, and a variety of games and competitions.

I eagerly entered a contest that showcased my physical abilities. My hellhound heritage gave me a distinct advantage in the competition. With bursts of fiery energy, I effortlessly outperformed my competitors, leaving trails of scorched earth in my wake. The cheers of the crowd fueled my determination, and I emerged victorious.

As I basked in my triumph, Millie rushed over, her eyes shining with pride. "Emberfang, that was incredible! You're amazing!"

I blushed slightly at the compliment but couldn't hide my grin. "Thanks, Millie!"

The day continued with more festivities, and I reveled in the excitement, showcasing my fiery abilities and the Infernal Scythes that had become an extension of myself. Yet, as the day wore on, I couldn't help but notice that Millie continued to treat me like a child, even amid my accomplishments.

I sighed inwardly, deciding it was time to address the issue. As the two of us sat down to enjoy some infernal cotton candy, I turned to her with a serious expression. "Millie, can we talk for a moment?"

She raised an eyebrow, concern etching her features. "Of course, Emberfang. What's on your mind?"

I took a deep breath. "It's about how you treat me. I appreciate everything you and your family have done for me, but I'm not a kid anymore. I've grown, both physically and in my abilities. I want to be treated as an equal, not just the kid you found nine years ago."

Millie's expression had a big ol' smile and she started to tease me. "You sure about that little fang? You still look like a little kid to me."

"Yes, I'm sure! I just won the Moon Festival for crying out loud!" I exclaimed trying to sound tougher.

She smiled warmly, a hint of pride in her eyes. "You're right, Emberfang. I'll try to do better. You've proven yourself today, and I'm proud of you."

As the festival continued, our bond grew stronger, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the family I had found in Hell. However, there was one member of the household who still eluded my efforts to bond.

Millie's sister, who had always been somewhat distant, continued to regard me with a mixture of curiosity and mistrust. Our interactions were limited, and it was clear that there was still work to be done in forging a connection with her.

As the sun set, casting an eerie crimson glow across the festival, I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought me here. Despite the challenges, I had found a place in Hell, a family who loved me, and the opportunity to prove myself as a demon worthy of my name, Emberfang.

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