
Reincarnate In Helluva Boss as an Imp/Hellhound Hybrid

In this story, a character is reborn in the world of "Helluva Boss" as an imp/hellhound hybrid. Upon awakening in this new world, he is adopted by Millie's family. As he settles into his new life, he becomes close with Millie and Moxie. Eventually, he joins the I.M.P. company, working alongside Blitzo, Millie, and Moxie as they carry out their demon-related tasks and adventures.

Diamonddog9227 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Awakening in Hell

I blinked, my vision blurry and disoriented. The world around me was unfamiliar and eerie, filled with strange and unsettling sounds. Panic surged through me as I realized I wasn't in the world I knew. This was Hell, unmistakably Hell.

I was in a cradle, a tiny demon-hybrid infant with hellish features that resembled my adult form. In my infantile form, I was a small and delicate creature, a symbol of innocence amidst the turmoil of this chaotic world.

My baby fur was soft and velvety, colored in a gentle shade of black that lacked the fiery red accents that would one day define my adult appearance. It radiated a soft, angelic charm that belied the harsh realities of Hell.

Atop my head, two tiny impish horns emerged, barely noticeable behind my delicate ears. These miniature horns were a mere hint of the menacing ones that would one day curve forward with menace.

My eyes, though still a deep shade of red, were wide and filled with wonder. They lacked the malevolent intelligence that would later define them, and their sharp, angular shape had yet to fully develop. In their innocence, they held a curious and unassuming gaze, far from the hypnotic intensity they would possess as an adult.

My baby teeth were small and rounded, a far cry from the serrated and menacing shark-like teeth that would complete my fearsome visage in adulthood. There was no hint of the predatory nature that lay dormant within me.

In my infantile state, my eyes were a shade reminiscent of glowing embers, but their intensity was a world away from the supernatural aura they would later exude. They appeared innocent and devoid of the ability to penetrate the darkest of secrets.

Talons, sharp and obsidian, had not yet sprouted from my tiny fingers and toes. My hands and feet were delicate and unadorned, reflecting my vulnerability at this early stage of life.

The extra pair of arms that would one day sprout from my back were conspicuously absent, leaving my form unassuming and angelic.

My baby tail, devoid of the menacing spines that would adorn it in adulthood, was simply a soft and unremarkable appendage, lacking the lethal capabilities it would one day possess.

I let out a tiny whimper, overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings and the daunting realization that I was trapped in Hell. My cries seemed to echo through the eerie silence, and I was met with an unsettling chill.

Then, the door to the small, dilapidated shack in front of me creaked open, and a pair of curious eyes met mine. It was a little imp girl, no more than seven years old. She stared at me with a mix of surprise and curiosity, her tiny fangs peeking out from her lips.

For a moment, we locked eyes, and I felt a strange connection, an unspoken understanding that passed between us. It was as though she could sense the fear and confusion that churned within me.

Without breaking our gaze, the little girl backed away and vanished inside the shack. I could hear her excitedly whispering to someone, and then, a couple, presumably her parents, emerged from the doorway.

Their eyes widened in shock as they took in my appearance. My small, impish horns behind my ears, the hint of sharp talons on my tiny fingers, and the fiery-red accents on my jet-black fur. I must have looked like a miniature version of what I would become as an adult, only cuter.

The little imp girl, who I would later learn was named Millie, begged her parents in her high-pitched voice. "Can we keep him, Ma, Pa? He's so cute! Please, please, please!"

Her parents exchanged bewildered glances, clearly torn between the shock of finding an unexpected infant on their doorstep and their daughter's plea.

Millie's father scratched his head, mumbling, "I don't know, dear. He's... not like anything we've seen before."

But her mother, a kind-hearted imp, seemed to soften as she gazed at me. "He's just a baby," she said, her voice filled with compassion. "We can't leave him out here alone in Hell. Besides, we've always wanted another child."

And so, it was decided. They took me in, swaddling me in a warm blanket and holding me close. I could feel the warmth of their love and acceptance, even amid the infernal landscape that surrounded us.

Millie, who had initially discovered me, watched over me with a protective glint in her eyes. She had become my first friend in Hell, and in time, she would become like an older sister to me, guiding me through this strange and perilous world.

As I lay there in the arms of my newfound family, I couldn't help but think about the note that had accompanied me. It had only one word written on it—my name, "Emberfang." It was a name that would come to define my existence in Hell, a name that held the promise of a destiny I was only beginning to unravel.

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