
Reiki recovery, automatic upgrade

When he woke up, Luo Xiu found himself in a world of revived aura, with countless strong people, ferocious beasts, and human lives like grass! How can one survive in this world as a mortal? "Ding, Strength +1!" "Ding, Strength +1!" "..." "Ding, congratulations to the host, realm breakthrough - Martialist realm!" Feeling the abundant power in his body, Luo Xiu froze on the spot: "I didn't do anything, how did I become a martial artist?" "Ding, Strength +10!" "Ding, Strength +10!" "..." "Ding, congratulations to the host, realm breakthrough - Martial Master realm! "Luo Xiu:" ...... "The conscience of heaven and earth, he really did not do anything ah! When did it become so easy to become a strong person?

DaoistES0db8 · Urban
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40 Chs

Run and become a martial artist!

The traffic on the flat highway was surging, obviously the road was clear and unobstructed, but at this time the drivers were one and all slowing down their cars, very strange.

"Crap! Martial artist big brother!"

"Quick! Quickly take pictures, this kind of character is not always seen, we have the blow!!!"

"You kid do not want to live? Hurry up and slow down ah!"

"This is a real martial artist ah! A mishandling we do not know how to die..."

A cry of alarm continued to appear, all kinds of admiration, awe gaze fell on the roadside speeding Luo Xiu body.

Even the vehicles near its surroundings one by one subconsciously slowed down, as if the owners were declaring their respect for the martial artist, not daring to offend.

After all, there is an essential difference between a dignified martial artist and a mortal.

In a world where fierce beasts roam outside and life is as light as a feather, powerful martial artists don't care if mortals die or live.

For them, a group of useless ordinary people, kill it and just kill it, there will not be any ripples inside.

It is used to seeing too many such instances, people are in awe of martial artists at the same time full of fear.

After all, a full punch can hit more than 1000kg force of martial artists, to kill an ordinary person just like crushing an ant, not much difference.

But even so, it does not stop people from the fervent pursuit of martial artists!

The figure in front of you is a real martial artist!


"Ding, speed +3!"

"Ding, Speed +3!"

"Ding, Strength +5!"


There are constantly crisp and pleasant beeps coming from your ears, and a constant stream of warmth floods your limbs...

It was clear that he had been running at the speed of his extreme state for a long time, but the abundant strength in his body invariably indicated that he was not much depleted at all.

What is exhaustion?

What is tiredness?

What is the limit?

Luo Xiu simply can not feel these!

The most real feeling is...his own physique is increasing, speed is one after another breakthrough limit, feeling the 'whirring' violent wind sound in his ears, he even had a wonderful feeling.

What kind of terrifying speed is he keeping in front of him now?

Luo Xiu himself does not know, but he can be sure -

Must be very fast! At least it was more than twice as fast as he was before!

"My previous speed in the limit state was 39 meters per second, not yet 40 meters, but now this speed is more than twice as fast as before, ah?"

"That is to say, my current speed is actually as high as almost 80 meters per second!"

"The threshold of senior martial apprentice is only 70 meters per second..."

"The worst part is that this is still the lowest figure I can estimate, if I were to measure it for real, it might be even higher!"


Luo Xiu could not help but suck in a cold breath, full of shock.

If this progress continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before I really become a martial artist while running!

Not to mention the strength, at least the speed can definitely reach the martial artist.

And also extraordinary martial artist!

With the system in, their own data will only continue to soar, ordinary martial artists to maintain the limit of the state of speed absolutely can not reach ten minutes, and he can not only keep the limit of speed, and even breakthroughs ... ...

At this moment, Luo Xiu just wanted to shout -

Who else!

Limit? He Luo Xiu does not have a limit at all!


At this moment, a 'whimper' suddenly came from behind him, Luo Xiu looked sideways and hurriedly slowed down his running speed.

He is still carrying a person on his back...

Along the way, although Luo Xiu ran fast, but most of the attention is also in the young girl behind him, carefully cared for.

Luo Xue's physique is far less than their own, in their own increasingly fast extreme speed conditions, if not for their own blocking the strong winds ahead, afraid that the strong winds that come in front of them are enough to make the young girl injured.

But even so, they do not have any equipment, it is impossible to do everything.

Tens of minutes of high-speed rampage, the impact of the strong winds that come whistling naturally not small.

I think he ran out so far now, the school should not catch up, as for the Xu family side, I am afraid that just now get the news, right?

A thought, Luo Xiu simply stopped directly at the side of the road, the sister on his back put down.

Luo Xue is even a little unstable at this time, if not Luo Xiu the first time to support fear is to fall to the ground on the spot, the delicate little face is full of miserable white color.

"Little Snow, are you okay?"

Seeing his sister in such a bad condition, Luo Xiu couldn't help but be startled, and even went forward to ask with concern.


The young girl looked very weak, even the speech was breathless, and her small face was bloodless.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu was really shocked.

While letting the little girl lean in his arms, while taking off the shoulder bag behind his back to take out a water bottle from inside and open it to feed the latter to drink.


The young girl obediently leaned in Luo Xiu's arms, sips of water.

A long time, see this girl better, Luo Xiu then heaved a sigh of relief.

Just now he was really panicked, if this with his own life and death in this world for three years of good sister accident, he really do not know what he would do ...

"Before really too anxious, little snow is already weak, this speed can last so long, this girl must have long gritted her teeth, right?"

Luo Xiu could not help but regret a little.

But this is also no way things, if you run slower, the school people will definitely catch up, then it's really over!

After all, the school, including all parts of the street are monitored.

Luo Xiu estimated that the first time he left the school the school will definitely send people to blindly go after, and then will at the same time to investigate the monitoring as well as poke around their own address, and then send people to purposefully go after them.

He and his sister do not have a car, while the other side is a very fast car to catch up.

If he was still a 'junior martial artist', I'm afraid he would have been caught up!

Not even escape now...

As for being chased after the anti-kill this kind of thing, although Luo Xiu thought, but this is absolutely no way way, if there is a second way, he will not do so.

The other side has a gun!

And not just any gun, but a group of experts in this world of aura recovery under the brainstorming developed a special pistol.

But all people or forces of considerable status and prestige will be equipped.

Although it may not be the same as a toy gun to fight the beast, but against the 'Senior Martial Artist' under the person is invincible, even for the 'Senior Martial Artist' have a very big threat, an inadvertent hit will be seriously injured ...

This can be said to be the most powerful weapon under the martial artist.

If the previous only 'junior martial artist' himself, against this kind of pistol is estimated to be really at the mercy of others.


Luo Xiu has ninety-nine percent certainty to kill back, but after all, it is not absolute.

Moreover, he can protect himself, but he still has his sister with him...

Luo Xiu definitely will not let his sister in danger!

Under all kinds of pressure, he could only take his sister and run wildly, the faster the better.

After all, he killed a second-generation martial artist on the spot, Xu Mo is a waste, but his brother and parents are martial artists!

A full three martial artists, the convergence can be imagined how great the energy?

Faced with the joint retaliation of such existences, Luo Xiu knew that once he and his sister were caught, the death of a thousand cuts was the lightest!

Looking at the small face full of weakness in front of Luo Xue, Luo Xiu stretched out his hand and lightly caressed the young girl's hair, the corner of his mouth showed a touch of helplessness.

To be honest, even he himself did not know where to take his sister next ...

Facing the revenge of three powerful martial artists...

Unless, he also became a martial artist, in order to have the power to protect themselves!

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