
Reiki recovery, automatic upgrade

When he woke up, Luo Xiu found himself in a world of revived aura, with countless strong people, ferocious beasts, and human lives like grass! How can one survive in this world as a mortal? "Ding, Strength +1!" "Ding, Strength +1!" "..." "Ding, congratulations to the host, realm breakthrough - Martialist realm!" Feeling the abundant power in his body, Luo Xiu froze on the spot: "I didn't do anything, how did I become a martial artist?" "Ding, Strength +10!" "Ding, Strength +10!" "..." "Ding, congratulations to the host, realm breakthrough - Martial Master realm! "Luo Xiu:" ...... "The conscience of heaven and earth, he really did not do anything ah! When did it become so easy to become a strong person?

DaoistES0db8 · Urban
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40 Chs

Look! Superhuman martial artist!

"Brother, where are we going?"

Luo Xue buried her small face in the position of Luo Xiu's neck, the whistling airflow even made the young girl unable to open her eyes, her small mouth attached to Luo Xiu's ear and asked in a whisper.

"Don't ask!"

Hearing his sister's inquiry, Luo Xiu said casually.

"Why?" Luo Xue was curious.

"Told you not to ask." Luo Xiu carried his sister while running wildly, while rolling his eyes and said.

The words fell, there was no more sound in her ears, and although the little girl was curious, she was very obedient and did not ask any more questions.

"Ding, strength +2!"

"Ding, strength +3!"

"Ding, speed +4!"


In the mind, there is constantly a beep that only you can hear one after another.

Feeling the abundant power in the body, Luo Xiu completely do not know what is tired, running faster and faster, constantly breaking through their limits.

Along the way, in addition to causing occasional shouts of surprise from passers-by, the brother and sister duo were speechless to each other.

Luo Xiu clearly felt his sister's lotus root arms hugging his neck getting tighter and tighter, obviously his speed is really too fast, the little girl is afraid of falling off.

Looking around, Luo Xiu could clearly see the car that was being left far behind and also exercising at a great speed.

This speed is really too fast!

Even the speeding cars can be left behind by themselves, although only ordinary cars, but can do this step, but also extremely extraordinary.

Unbeknownst to me, I had already run above a highway.

There are no pedestrians around except for the moving cars.

Seeing this scene, Luo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, but the speed remained unabated and continued to dash.


"Dad, look, Superman!"

"Son, that's not Superman, it's a real martial artist!"

In the car driving on the highway, there is but six or seven-year-old boy in the back seat peeked over the head, with an excited face pointing ahead to the middle-aged driving said.

In the passenger seat, a beautiful woman also covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"Oh my God! Martial artist! I can't believe I saw a martial artist on the road!"

Then, with an excited face, the woman instructed the middle-aged man: "Husband! Quickly catch up, I want to see a martial artist big shot up close!"

"Daddy, I want to see Superman martial artist up close too!"

The boy in the back seat was also excitedly dancing around, the stupid look as if he wanted to grab the steering wheel and drive himself...

"Are you crazy, you bitch? And a closer look, that is a martial artist! The martial artist who protects the base, protects humanity! Do you think the martial artist is a star, say close to get close?"

"Lord Martial Artist will kill you and you have no place to go!"

The middle-aged man who was driving saw his wife and son getting excited like this, he hurriedly slowed down and reprimanded with a scared face.

That is a real martial artist!

Although ordinary people can't touch the realm of martial artists, they still understand some basics very well.

A punch force of 100 kilograms and a speed of 30 meters per second is a primary martial artist.

Fist force 300 kilograms, speed of 50 meters per second is an intermediate martial artist.

Fist force 700 kilograms, speed of 70 meters per second is a senior martial artist.

And above the senior martial artist, is the real martial artist!

A punch of 1000 kilograms of force, the speed is a terrifying 100 meters per second!

This knowledge is even the street randomly grabbed out a five or six-year-old children are backwards and forwards.

The worst junior martial artist is 30 meters per second of terrifying speed ah!

They are ordinary people driving, speed up to 100 yards per second when the distance traveled is only 27 meters, not even 30 meters to!

The speed of a junior martial artist running on foot exceeds the speed of a car traveling at 100 yards...

How amazing is that?

Compared to the knowledge that ordinary children know, they adults know more.

The martial artist will also be tired, the speed of the primary martial artist limit state can be faster than the car 100 yards driving, but this speed simply does not last long.

There are statistics online, three or two minutes is the limit.

This is still the foundation of a strong class of martial artists, if it is an ordinary martial artist, fear is a few dozen seconds or even a minute is already the limit.

The 'martial artist' in front of you, has maintained this terrifying speed for more than ten minutes!

This is not a martial artist? What is it?

Martial artist, even senior martial artist, can maintain the limit speed for ten minutes long?

Even look at this, the other party did not even feel a trace of weakness, the speed increased rather than decreased!

The middle-aged man looked at the dashboard position in disbelief.

The speed displayed at this time was 160 yards!

Watching the scenery outside the window fly by, the middle-aged man was confused ...

He slowed down after the speed is as high as 160 yards, that before is not at least more than 200 yards?

The car was traveling at a speed of 54 meters per second!

At such a terrifying speed, the figure left himself with the car far behind, and he could not even see his opponent's back!

That must be how terrifying speed ah?

For a while, the middle-aged man hated himself for not learning math well enough to calculate this number...

"At the very least, it must be a speed of 70 meters a second, right? That's the ultimate speed of a senior martial artist!"

The middle-aged man could not help but suck in a cold breath.

Maintaining the speed of a Senior Martial Disciple's limit state for more than ten minutes, even getting faster and faster...

This was not just an ordinary martial artist!

He must be the best of the best in the martial artist community!

I met such a terrifying person on my way...

Oh my god!

"Honey, the martial artist is gone!"

On the side, the woman said with a disappointed face, that extremely lost expression as if she had missed the best scenery in the world.

"This kind of existence, to see a glimpse is a lifelong privilege, you just steal the joy!"

"We have a car recorder in the car, after returning to take out the video to send on the Internet is bound to fire ah!"

"Haha, now there is a blow!"

The middle-aged lamented, and then a face of excitement dark pleasure up.

Hearing this, the woman and the boy in the back seat were also excited at this moment.

"Wowse! Dad is awesome, I can brag to my classmates about having met a superhuman martial artist!"

"It's a martial artist! A martial artist who protects humans!"

"Yes, a superhuman martial artist!"


The woman on the side watched the father and son tussling and smiled, then took out her phone and opened a chat group to show off to her sisters.

Seeing a martial artist with your own eyes, this can be blown for at least ten years!

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