
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

ZEN [11]

Regressor's Instructions Manual Episode 932

Zen (11)

This bastard probably has no sense of dignity either.

He must be well aware of how vastly different his originally planned life is from his current one.

As a Templar, he must have always followed a predetermined path since his childhood, so perhaps his ability to handle unexpected situations like this is lacking.

The fact that the Honorary Cardinal has spread throughout the entire continent was enough to show his astonishment.

The sky above is filled with the Gryphon Brigade, and Rangers are patrolling all around.

Besides finding a place to rest, there is nothing to do other than wait for the encirclement to disperse.

Having operated as a Templar in the nation, he knows well how capable and persistent the people of the nation are. The search team is the prestigious Ranger unit of the Black Swan, and all guilds and armed groups aim to create an organic communication network and move organically.

The gaps are very narrow, and escaping through those gaps is a very difficult task.

Would a Templar like Zen want to put the Saint of Light to rest in such a pathetic place, roughly 5 square feet in size?

Unless this guy is a psychopath, why would he want to feed me scraps? He probably wants to clear even a tree and let some light into the house, but he must be exercising caution with each small action at this timing.

The reason he didn't bring basic necessities from Hwajeon Village is probably also because of this.

'Certainly, he will.'

The results speak for themselves. The reason we were able to evade the nation's encirclement for two weeks is because we were careful.

We minimized contact with the outside, constantly erased traces, and waited for the fire to pass like a tortoise.

Of course, the reason this guy shouted at me wasn't because I made contact with the outside world.

Despite being a variable, he probably thought he could handle it well. The reason he hasn't come in until now is probably to erase his own traces as well, but it might not be because he can't forgive himself.

'It's not that he can't forgive, but...'

He just can't stand to see it.

'I didn't say I wanted to escape. You brought me here, didn't you? I never asked you to bring me freely, did I? You brought me here as if you were dragging me along.'

In my mind, it would have been a garden of blossoms. It would have shown the sky, sent me traveling around the continent, and dreamed of a happy life with laughter.

But then, something like this happened.

Could I have endured such a ridiculous situation for two weeks? How sorry he must have been.

I can't read this guy's thoughts, so I can't be sure, but I can only assume that self-loathing and guilt must have erupted.

He must have thought of my swollen hands from dismantling leather. He must have vowed not to let a drop of water touch them.

But even so, seeing the Saint of Light, who smiled brightly for his own sake, how torn his heart must have been.

Did I do something unnecessary?

I start having such thoughts for no reason, doubting my choices, feeling anxious, scared, sorry, and that's why he raised his voice, right?


But that's all this criminal's circumstances. Do I have to consider this guy's circumstances too?

Why did he shout?

The point where I carried out the meaningless flaying ritual was beyond absurdity.

But even so, after living together as part of the brigade, I had some degree of understanding, and so I had a scenario modification in mind.

'How heart-wrenching it must have been.'

He still hasn't returned home, and I can see that in my scope.

The figure in the telescope is passing quite far away, perhaps to soothe the uneasiness in his heart.

The encirclement is diminishing, and if it were just him and me, he could probably go that far.

The day is dawning, and morning is approaching. The guy is cautiously moving his body and preparing to enter the small city.

He seems to be avoiding going through the main entrance, as he's heading in through the underground passage.

Thinking that the Rangers would be stationed there, he cautiously moved while pulling out his sword, but... there were no signs of the Rangers.

The surroundings were gradually becoming sparse, so they probably couldn't afford to allocate resources to that direction.

'Why I entered the small city is just a ruse, right?'

Perhaps he thought he should have done better. He might have even wanted to apologize...

Seeing what I prepared today might have complicated his thoughts.

Though we only have 60 gold in my hand, I had to make sure to resupply before leaving for the Republic.

The one who safely entered the small city carefully surveyed the surroundings.


A sigh spoke volumes about how tense he was.

Blending into the bustling square, he roamed around like an adventurer.

-I've come to sell some goods.

The place he arrived at was a shabby store. With his face deeply bowed, he immediately spoke.

-What kind of goods?

-This. How much can I get for it?


What he revealed was a Benigore's Rosary. This guy is even trying to sell his faith.

-Where did you get this?

-Do I have to answer?

-No, it's not necessary, but having a source makes it easier to sell, you know. It looks like an item from the Church... Maybe you could get a good deal if you bring it to them. In fact, these days, backdoor dealings are frowned upon by many... I'm not sure if I can offer a fair price... and... there were inquisitors around here a few days ago. Maybe it's related?

-It's not like that, so you can rest assured.


-Phew... I can give you 340 gold.


-I could probably make a much larger profit selling it at its actual value of 1,000 gold, but it's difficult to get rid of right now... It's not like I'm trying to rip you off, so ease up on your expression. When I considered various factors, I set the highest amount I could give.


-I can only offer 340 gold, so if you're not satisfied, I recommend going to another city to sell it... Honestly, most people around here are scammers, so don't go there... I assume you know, but in the direction of the Republic.

-I'll sell it.

-Are you sure?

-Let's do it that way.

-Sure... You seem to be at a loss with this deal... Is there something else you want besides gold?

-Groceries, basic necessities, anything like that.

-I won't ask for the details, but anyway, wait a moment.

Tension can be felt in the guy's face. He's tense inside, perhaps because the pursuit squad might show up with him.

It's not a fact known to the public yet, but it's not an impossible situation.

In reality, refugees often use the underground market, so even if the Rangers had visited a few times, it's not an unbelievable story.

He might have talked to other shopkeepers around here, but luckily, it seems not this time.

At least, he seemed to be the kind who would avoid deceiving customers.

In reality, after cheating someone, there might be worries about retaliation. Even at a glance, he exudes a dangerous aura.

-All I can offer is this.

-Just this much?

-Well, let's do that. It may not mean much, but I added 10 gold, so take the pouch too.


-Aren't you going to count it?

Nodding his head, he steps outside. He quickly moves through the square with quite swift steps, perhaps thinking he needs to leave the city soon.

Finally, the guy's figure halts as he sees the displays of the adventurer's store.


Adventurer's boots and basic equipment were displayed, along with comfortable clothing.

They looked much better than dirty rags. Of course, they still looked cheap, but they appeared to be cost-effective equipment sets.

They seemed to have received some sort of item evaluation.

- And...

- The boots have a fatigue prevention function. Sir, it's not a common item. Even if it's available, it'll sell out quickly. It may feel a bit lacking for adventurer use since it doesn't have other functions... but items with related features are perfect for novice travelers. These set items are like this...

- Please show them to me.

- It's 188 gold.


The guy nods once again and steps outside. A subtle smile plays on his lips.

Indeed, it wasn't a common item. Recently, there's been an increase in production, resulting in items like these, but they don't appear frequently.

The overall level of craftsmanship is still low, and there's a considerable difference in quality as well.

Items used to come out without any additional features. It's probably because it's early in the morning that such goods were available.

The guy exits the city in that manner. For the concerns he had, he seems to have obtained what he wanted without any trouble.

He probably feels that way more than anyone else. Even though it's been two weeks since he swept through this area, he entered and left the city without any issues.

I can only say it's due to luck. Perhaps the Rangers or inquisitors were in the middle of a shift change, or maybe due to a gap caused by chance, the vigilance was relatively lax.

If a report comes in saying they found a fugitive like the "Honorary Cardinal" in a nearby area, they'll have to concentrate their forces there.

The journey back is quick.

The criminal guy is on his way back with his hands full of goods, trying to lighten the burden on his heart.

After obtaining basic necessities, groceries, and even adventurer equipment and boots, his steps seem even lighter.

Eventually, the smart guy arrives and knocks on the door.

"Lee Kiyoung-nim?"

He calls me softly, but of course, I don't respond.


"Lee Kiyoung-nim."

After calling my name again, he quietly opens the door and enters.

Perhaps he's checking the food laid out on the cheap wooden table. The warmth hasn't dissipated yet.


I saw him come, so I heated it up right away.

He must have been moved. Yeah, that's right. I waited until morning and got tired, so I fell asleep.

Well, to be precise ,I didn't sleep. Anyway, I kept the warmth from fading away.

"Thank you."


Even after realizing that I had fallen asleep, he softly opens his mouth to express his gratitude.

"And... I'm sorry."

He even tries to set up a warm atmosphere with his words. However, his smile distorts in an instant.

"Lee Kiyoung-nim...?"

After finding the sight of the Light Saint sweating profusely, he suddenly flips my body with a thud.

A scorching hot body, like a fireball,

"Haa... haa... haa...."

Is he infected with a plague? His face has turned pale.


An agonizing groan escapes from me unintentionally.

It was a happy adventure, but was it too difficult for the fragile Saint of Light's body to endure?

Perhaps the past two weeks of living had exacerbated his injuries.

Was it this wretched life, surviving on ham beer meat and stinky tofu, that ruined his body?

Or perhaps the labor of shoveling mud was the problem?

"Lee Kiyoung... Lee Kiyoung-nim... Are you okay?Lee Kiyoung-nim..."

For some reason, he might have thought today was a lucky day... He must have thought that.

"Lee Kiyoung-nim... Lee Kiyoung-nim!"

He might have thought it was a lucky day. This guy.