
Regressor instruction manual (side stories)

side stories. this book is just a translation. I did not write this book. It is an Korean orginal Kakaopage novel that I translated into English. One day, I was summoned to this world. Beasts poured out, and an incredible crisis came. My talents couldn’t have been worse. [The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [Almost all the numbers are hopeless.] Whether you have to become a warrior or a wizard. Whether you’ve gone back in time. You have to take advantage of everything in order to survive. “What about it?” “I’ll use everything I have to survive!” The authors name directly translateS to "Wooden spoon". I DO NOT OWN THIS BOOK. THIS IS JUST A BOOK I TRANSLATED. You can read on kakaopage

Sunbae_Time_1170 · Fantasy
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140 Chs

ZEN [10]

Regressor's Instruction Manual Episode 931

Zen (10)

-Save me, Nuna.

-I'm busy right now. And if you're suffering there, you better make it worth it. The more you suffer there, the more it burns here. Wasn't that your original intention?


-The public opinion has completely turned against us, and the reform of the Holy See is progressing steadily. The country is in crisis. It's a better situation than ever before. The kids are on high alert... and we might discover the dungeon soon, you know?

-Are you saying you just want to see me suffer?

-Of course not. Do you really think I'm like that? I've been thinking all day about whether my Oppa is eating properly, sleeping warmly, bathing well. But how can I do that? It seems more advantageous for this state to continue. Moreover, the accumulating divinity is no joke. We have things we need to prepare for. The priests are praying more sincerely than usual, and even the Benigore on top is shouting happily.


-When you can seize an opportunity, you should seize it. If you can make money, you should make a lot now so you won't have to talk later. We need to make sure we secure a big portion this time to cover the costs of the project our Jin Cheongis preparing.

-Have you already given him the project?

-Well, he's at least holding it. We're safe on the continent because he's got Kim Hyun Sung. Even though Kim Hyun Sung is dumb, he's not clueless. We need to have Jin Cheong, who's doing emotional labor and mental labor excellently, to increase work efficiency. And it's not a bad project either. It's hard to explain right now...

-Is he really competent enough for you to entrust him with the project?

-Is it really the right time to be giving him more attention than me, Nuna?

-I'm always on my oppa's side. But Jin Cheong is quite capable. He's good at work even while marking Kim Hyun Sung. He brings new projects whenever he has time, how can I not like him? Oh! Is it jealousy?

'Jealousy my ass. Damn it.'

-My oppa's jealous too. Why are you so cute? Don't worry. Even though he's capable, he's not handsome enough to be my type.

-He's not handsome.

-Right. I mean, he's not what you'd call good-looking. Especially when he submits a project, his face is so swollen that I want to strangle myself. He knows he's competent, but he makes it obvious. He's unlucky. He must have been in the upper echelons of society even when he was on Earth.


-Is that Templar guy, Zen, treating you well?

-He treats me well. That's the only issue. He's inflexible. Anyway, I really can't stand it. If this state continues a little longer, I might even call Hayan. Nuna."

-Well, then call her... Anyway, I'll stop here. Enjoy your rice porridge.



'Damn it. He's definitely doing this to feed me.'

Even if it's profitable, he's definitely doing this to feed me. Of course, I understand my Nuna's feelings.

are several aspects in which you can gain advantages.

As there haven't been any events lately, you probably want to seize opportunities when they come.

But beyond that, it seemed like I was enjoying this lifestyle. Every time we communicate, he always makes sure to let me know what he's doing right now.

Drinking coffee, doing my nails while taking a half-bath, enjoying himself... Why would he say such things to mock me?

'Damn it. Should I really call Hayan?'

Why the hell isn't he getting caught?

Why isn't he being discovered at all?

Why is this Zen guy so skilled in unnecessary things? Damn it.

Did he receive ranger training?

He probably did. It's likely that looking for the training he didn't receive would be faster.

The movements of the Templar Order and the Black Swan's Rangers are in vain as he hides so easily.

Not only erasing traces, but he also seems to know the opponent's movements.

It's not like he's leading me out with unfounded confidence, but rather the judgment is that he didn't come out with overconfidence.

I look around the area unnecessarily. A dilapidated ruin collapsing entirely.

About 5 square feet of space. And because it's partially buried underground, light doesn't come in well.

Sure, here's the English translation of the text:

No, it's correct to consider that it doesn't come in at all.

It's so rotten here that it's hard to understand why this kind of ruin exists, buried between decaying trees and grass.

'Maybe it was a camp that previous adventurers temporarily set up. '

But it doesn't matter now.

'Oh. Leaking again.'

Recently, due to the rain, the ground has become damp, which is a problem.

Due to the nature of the ruined building being partially buried in the ground, the muddy water keeps seeping into the house.

I tried to push the intruders out with a broom on one side, but it doesn't seem to work.

The musty smell has been adapted to for a long time. This place doesn't even receive sunlight, but it's better during the day.

We need to clear this up as much as possible now since we won't be able to light a fire at night. We should secure a comfortable sleeping space.

'Please leave. Damn it. Get out.'

Ah, annoying. Seriously, get out.

Struggling with that guy for a while, but in the end, I finish by pushing them out of the corner with the mops.

Today, I have important tasks to complete, so I can't spend any more time here. Anyway, the muddy water part should be where Zen sleeps.

Just showing that I worked hard should be enough to satisfy him.

But more importantly, this is it. After confirming that the sun is up, I immediately light the fire in the fireplace.

'It's been a while since we could have a decent meal.'

There's rum too.

It's a bit amateurish, but it's better than the watery gruel we've been eating. After taking out the parts wrapped in large leaves, I marinate them in the seasoning I got.

We also have bread and potatoes. It feels like a relatively balanced meal. I take out a wooden table and quickly prepare the wooden dishes.

Probably the bastard will come soon...

'It will be a surprise.'

Every day I've been eating that gloppy porridge, seeing something like this makes my eyes spin.

I can sense his presence. Since he's not coming in immediately, it seems there's a bit left to handle around here.

Checking the disguises and looking for magical traces is one of the most important tasks for him.

This criminal... I wonder if he has something important to report today.

'I hope he didn't get any hambeers...'

"Lee Kiyoung nim."

"Yes. Please come in, Zen nim. Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I feel like the perimeter defenses have loosened a bit. I think we can move around tomorrow afternoon."

"That's a relief."

Of course, his gaze rests where the wooden table is.

'So, this is a meal.'

His surprised eyes are reflected in my view. It seemed like he had a lot to say, but he seems to be waiting until I speak.

"I tried to prepare something. Zen nim."


"Because you seem to be working hard all the time... I wanted to help..."

Showing a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"There's rum, so would you like to come and have some?"

Even I feel proud of myself.

"Where did you get these?"

"What do you mean?"

"Where did you get all of these? Lee Kiyoung nim."

"Ah, there are some villagers nearby... I went there and..."

There's a small rural village if you walk down a bit from here. I went there.

"You brought back the monster leather that Zen nim hunted last time."

I can't even begin to describe how difficult it was to dismantle that leather.

My hands were swollen and covered in blood. But I did it all. I'm not sure if I got the right price, but I exchanged it for enough rations to last for a few days.

Naturally, it's the right price. If anything, I made a profit, not a loss.

I traded well. For a while, we can have a proper meal instead of the pathetic gruel and hambeers.

We can also have rum.

"They were kind people."

Actually, they were a little unfriendly. But it's not like we couldn't communicate.

"You're probably hungry, so please enjoy."

Let's have a party for once, hey.

What's the point of living in pain every day?

Occasionally, there are days like this that help us relax.

After putting on a business-like smile, I tap the seat. It was right at that moment that his quiet voice reached my ears.

"I... I haven't asked for something like this."

Naturally, I thought he could at least manage a smile, but it turned out to be quite difficult.


"Do you understand the current situation? You've been to the Hwajeon village."

His contorted face looks scary.

'What the hell...'

I cautiously approached the Village.

"I've taken precautions not to reveal my identity, so please don't worry too much, Zen-nim. It's probably because of the rain that there may be... "

"That's not the issue!"

'What the hell...'

Did he just yell?

"The world is much more dangerous than what you,Lee Kiyoung-nim, think. Not everyone is kind. The Hwajeon villagers living here all have their reasons. No matter what they've been through, they wouldn't be like this."

"I also used to..."

I'm pretty strong... I have strength too...

"Stop it already! Lee Kiyoung-nim. Do you still not understand how foolish your actions were today? Even if you were captured and sold as a slave, it wouldn't have been surprising. It was a situation where luck... luck was on your side. It's simply that you were lucky today."

Then why the hell did you make me go through all this trouble? Would I have done this for you?

"It's not about... It's not about wanting to serve Lee Kiyoung in a place like this. Just a little more... if you could bear with it..."

Until when should I endure, you bastard? Until when? You can't even do anything. Shiva, what am I supposed to do?

You said you'd treat me to meat, potatoes, and rum.

Now you're saying these things to someone who's been struggling all day?

Even if I'm irritated, I shouldn't say such things. You useless jerk.

"I... I think..."

"Now is the time to be cautious. Maybe they informed the Rangers about Lee Kiyoung-nim. Maybe they started tracking based on the traces you left. Erasing the traces for capable Rangers is not a problem."

I also looked into it. This guy.

"I was short-sighted."

"The continent... the world is much more dangerous than what you, Lee Kiyoung-nim, think."

"I'm sorry."

Do I have to apologize?

When I make a pitiful expression, it seems like he's finally coming to his senses.

I don't not understand his feelings, but I only want to understand my own wounded heart.

"Lee Kiyoung-nim..."


"I think... my words were too harsh."

"No, Zen-nim. I should have been more careful. You must have had your reasons... I think I went too far. I just wanted to express my gratitude..."

"No, my words..."

"Well, just eat for now."

His expression speaks more than words. This guy probably has a lot to say.

After showing the world, he's left with regret that he have brought me ambitiously to this ruined place for two weeks.

Even throwing a fit, how much self-disgust must he feel?

Seeing the face of the Honorary Cardinal engulfed in guilt and apologies, He might regret his words.

But damn it, it's already too late. Even if he regret it, it's damn too late.

Facing away, perhaps because he lacks the courage to face me.

"I'll take another look around for a moment and come back, Lee Kioyung-nim. Please start eating... first."

"Don't say that, let's... "

"I apologize."

I didn't intend to forgive this criminal anyway...

'You've really lost it.'

My teeth started grinding loudly.


Another chapter to go.