
Chapter 2

As Lee came down through the staircase of his school, he saw what had always hurt his feelings; even while he was a child and till he became a full grown up man. It was the drive for his want, the reason for his passion, his passion to study Genetics, it was the passion that drove him out of the normal human world and into a different place entirely in order to discover the secrets of the world and its most populous inhabitants; humans. As a kid, Lee had always pity on those who sat by the roadside and begged for alms. His position financially back then wasn't quite okay but he didn't need to beg. Some of them with no arms or legs, some of them blind, some dumb while some were deaf, but nonetheless, they were all in pain, it had always pierced his heart to see such things cause he always wanted to help, but he knew no matter how much help he rendered to them, he could never make the pain go away forever. If he did help at any point, all he could do was to give out a little amount of money, it was of no use cause the money would finish at a point, and that sum could never mend their broken bodies, or heal the defected parts. So he wanted to do the world a favour, not by giving the disabled ones petty alms not by helping them cross the streets, but by giving every fallen person a chance to rise again, a chance to become someone useful, a second chance at life itself. That was when he heard about Genetics, but it wasn't the course that made him intrigued, but rather it was its center, the H.G.C. (Human Genetic Code).

According to the scientists involved, the H.G.C. wasn't not exactly a code, its more or less of a gene pattern. Its a pattern that points out the way all genes in the human body are connected. it was said that each gene was responsible for something unique and different, the ones acting on the same purpose, however, could be quite far from one another. In theory, a gene responsible for the growth of one's nails could be found in the throat side while another gene doing the same thing could be found on the gut.

Many scientists had tried to crack this code like pattern as they had successfully done to other smaller and less intelligent animals, but they could not do the same to humans cause it was made clear that unlike other animals which had the same genetic pattern in each animals of the same species, each human had a uniquely different genetic code, even a set of identical twins had different genetic codes. Another hurdle that hindered this research was the fact that every six hours (approximately), the patterns would change!, the shape would become nothing like it was before, the gene that was believed to have been found in the throat could now be found in the thigh or any other part of the body, and it all seemed to make no sense cause it then looked as if the genes had a different mind of their own.

All these obstacles really bothered a lot of scientists giving them a cause to give up, later on, a group of new scientists decided to have another go at it from a different angle. So, the blood of a patient was tested and it revealed a great deal, in the results, it showed that in a single drop of blood, there could be a thousand genes in just one drop of blood and these genes were all connected in their own pattern making their own code, and after six hours, if the blood was still active, the pattern would change again, thrilled these new scientists called it the SINGLE DROP DISCOVERY. This new discovery really set some scientists over the edge, they saw it as an impossible dream to realize, a misturn in their career, while a few other scientists saw it as a breakthrough towards their desired goal, a bridge to their destination but they knew the road was going to be an amazingly tough one.

Thirty years after the Single Drop discovery, the quest for the H.G.C.had spread like wild fire once again, and new scientists stormed laboratories, each looking for a way to crack the code until a new scientist, Drew Mason, discovered that a part of the H.G.C. controls the other codes, it was like a leader, a dictator, an administrator with many users, it doesn't change shape nor location, it stays where it had been from childbirth till mortality stage, although its location was different in different people, but it was certain that the H.G.C. had a "Queen Bee".

I am sorry the second chapter had to come so late but I hope those who read the first actually liked it...so please, feel free to comment... thank you...

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