
Chapter 1

Young Professor Lee Hong was someone a wise person would call successful and has it all, he is someone an intelligent average man would want to be like, and by "has it all", the person in question would definitely not be talking about riches nor fame, nor would he be talking about wealth nor power. What they would all desire from such a person would be none other than knowledge itself; impenetrable knowledge. So, if one said Professor Lee Hong had it all, that person would be damn right.

Indeed, Lee was an intelligent and quite successful young man, a very brilliant and successful genetic engineer who had the highest qualification whatsoever, a very admirable and devoted physics genius and he also had one attribute that many would like to be called; a very "mad computer guru". These were what this young man possessed that made him a very successful man in the eyes of others, but to his own reasoning, all those achievements were nothing but mere foundation bricks for what he actually needed to build up his own desirable image, and they were also the important basics needed for him to become truly successful as he wished, successful enough to help the world as he has always dreamed and wanted to, successful enough to be known worldwide and if possible 'beyond' and also to become very successful, enough to take care of his ever loving mother and adorable sister, and also keep them happy for as long as he breathed oxygen and as long as he dwelled and walked upon the Earth.

One would have wondered where Lee had attained such amount of admirable knowledge from, and they would all be thinking about the best and most popular universities from around the world and they would be damn wrong. Lee did not attain his knowledge from any great or . University, not from the great Oxford University, nor was it from Harvard University, it was also definitely not from the University of Manchester nor from the University of Liverpool, even the Babcock University in Nigeria was better, much popular and was even more glorious than the University Lee had gained all his knowledge from. Nonetheless, despite the very difficult odds, he had attained his knowledge while in a small University located in a small town in China, which at the time, was the only University his mother could afford, but he made the better best out of the small, unrecognized, undeveloped University. Right from time, Lee had always wanted to study Genetic Engineering, when he heard about how physics was essential to his dream course, he decided to take a deep dive into it and studied it first, once he resurfaced, being in the computer age, he also learnt that the knowledge of computer was to be of great help to his cause, he took a deeper dive into a very shallow water. The moment he was also done with computer, he finally pursued his life, his dream, his desire, his passion, his everything; Genetics Engineering.l

Hello guys, I am a new writer an this is my first official writing, so I would really like to hear everyone's idea about it so I can improve. I don't know how many chapters I can release per say but I will try my best. thank you and please enjoy......

lawweecreators' thoughts