

Dream_ · Fantasy
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Everyone has this weird tendency of naming anything they don't understand and anything they can't explain as a myth...

However is all that is termed as a myth...truly just a myth or just something we are not ready to accept.


(n.) Something lovely discovered by chance.

He woke up with a start as if someone had shaken him up. Shifting in his bed he tried to get comfortable and go back to sleep. However sleep seemed to have completely abandoned him for tonight.

Throwing aside his blankets , he made his way over to the gallery. The cold night breeze sent a shiver down his spine. He looked down towards sea spread wide over the horizon. The moonlit ocean and sand seemed to be sparkling . He felt a warmth spread over his heart at the calming sight .

He was sure his heart skipped a beat when he spotted her.

Standing in the moonlit sand , she gazed over the city with its amazing streets and tall buildings. As if she considered them to possess a beauty beyond her own. Air lifted her black locks, whipping it across her elegant face. Her eyes held a soft curiosity that couldn't be described. As if sensing him, she turned her head connecting their eyes. He felt his breath being snatched away as he drowned in those hazel eyes.

As if on cue the sky roared startling both of them. He moved his gaze over to the dark sky and then back to the beach. The place where she stood moments ago,  was just sand sparkling with the moonlight. He looked over to the ocean and scanned the beach in a desperate attempt to spot her. But it was as if she had disappeared into thin air.

Had he imagined her...no...she was there...he could still remember those curious eyes and that beautiful face. There was no way he could have imagined such a beauty. No, she had been there... but where did she go??

Rushing out, he grabbed his jacket lying on the couch.

Out on the beach, he ran over as far as he could , searching for her.

He felt his cellphone vibrate in his pocket. Stopping to catch his breath , he took out his cell to see his brother's name on the screen. Groaning he answered it , not bothering to hide his frustration.

"Hyung! Where are you??"his loud voice filled his ears.

"I am at the beach."he answered.

"What are you doing there at this hour..."he started ranting about how he shouldn't be out now..

"i came out for some fresh air. Dont worry . I  am heading back now."he said cutting him short.

He glanced once at the wide sea and the beach, sighing he turned and walked towards his apartment.

However he was unaware of the hazel eyes that curiously followed him as he made his way back.



Hyung=elder brother.

Its my first story.

Please excuse any mistakes.

Also feel free to point out anything that bothers you.