

Dream_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs



(adj.) Someone who you find yourself thinking about all the time

Ji Ahn opened his eyes thinking of last night. Was all that just a dream or did it actually happen?.

He moved over to the balcony , gazing over to the sea spread ahead. He was sure he had seen her . If so where had she disappeared to??

"Hyung!" His brother , Ji Hyuk's voice called out. Sighing he made his way out towards the kitchen where Hyuk was munching on a apple. Looking up his eyes widened as he regarded his brother.

"Why aren't you ready yet?? Its already 8:39." Hyuk voiced his irritation.

"Its 8:39!!. Oh gosh. I overslept . Give me 10 minutes , I will drop you off." he said rushing towards his room to get ready.


Ahn drove to his department after dropping Hyuk off at his uni. Parking his car at his lot , he stepped out to be greeted by his partner Hyun Bin.

"Ya!! Chief is fuming!! How can you be late when there is a lunatic going around killing people.?? "

Shit,he had totally forgotten the case at hand due to last night's happening.

"Sorry.. I overslept. Must have been due to stress. Wait up I will report to the chief." He rushed over to the Hitler's cabin.


The whole day went by a flash as the department tried to solve the murders happening in the city.

Seoul Police department usually had its hands wrapped around one or the other case , however its been years since the department required full assistance from the special cases bureau . However this time the city had come across unexplainable and barely traceable murders which didn't see instinctive .

In just 4 days, the department had discovered 2 bodies around the city .Both the bodies badly beaten up and barely recognizable. However the cause of death was suffocation and not those wounds. Its as if all of them had just stopped breathing. It didn't help that the victims had no connection with each other.

Rubbing his temples , Ahn looked over to his partner who seemed extremely frustrated. He was too. The case had almost drained him out. Also he couldn't rub off the image of last night. His mind wandered over and over to last night's events as he tried to focus on the case at hand.


Calling it a day , he and Hyun headed over to their neighboring apartments. Opening the door to his apartment he spotted his brother sprawled on the couch flipping the channels in the tv.

Hyuk glanced over as he entered.

"You're late."

Ahn sighed , he had promised Hyuk he would take him to the painting exhibit today. However he was so caught up in work that it had slipped out of his mind.

"Sorry. You know how the work is. Me and Hyun are pushing ourselves beyond our own limits . But i promise as soon as i have any free time , i will take you to the exhibit. Sorry Hyuk. "

The younger looked down ,"Its okay, hyung. I heard about the case. You might have been stressed. You can take me there next time." Disappointment clear in his voice.

Ahn felt guilty for not being able to take his brother there. However he let it go.

Getting changed , he stood in the gallery staring ahead at the sea. however hectic the work today was ,he couldn't shake off the memory of last night. Feeling the cool breeze he hoped to see her again. Its as if she had taken his heart and soul with her as she went.

He thought himself to be pathetic as he again found himself thinking about that girl. For all he knows he might have just imagined it.

He sighed. He found himself sighing a lot these days . It was almost as if the world set to make his life difficult.

Moving away from the gallery ,he went to sit on the couch . He felt guilty for neglecting Hyuk . He was too busy the last few weeks to even wonder how the younger was fitting in his new Uni.

He spent the rest of the day chatting away with Hyuk. Finally finding himself smiling after the stressful day. Talking and laughing with his brother, he felt himself loosen up and let go of his worries for now.

Hyuk was busy ranting about how the new uni had so much to offer and how he had already made amazing friends.

Suddenly a movement near the beach caught his eye . As he turned his head towards the gallery, he could see a woman silhouette . He couldn't see her face but it was as if his heart knew, it was her. It was definitely the woman from the previous night . And he would surely meet her today.

Promising Hyuk to be back in a moment, Ahn grabbed his jacket and rushed out to the beach. Reaching the shore he found himself staring at the girl . For some reason he couldn't bring himself to move towards her. Instead he just watched her from afar.

Clad in just a oversized black hoodie , she roamed the length of the beach , admiring the tall buildings and maze like streets , as if she wished to be a part of it. Her eyes trying to capture every aspect of the sight before her. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay there for long. Still her heart craved for the sight of the blue eyed man she had seen the other day.

As she admired the city , she was oblivious to the fact that the same eyes that she craved for now followed every step she took.

Looking once at the city , she sighed and made her way towards the sea. Seeing her turn away , he felt something tug at his heart. Instinctively, he followed her . As he reached the place where she had gone to , he found himself alone . He looked around trying to catch the sight of her , however she was nowhere to be seen.

Disappointed, he made his way back to his apartment. Cursing at himself for not being able to approach her.

Reaching home ,he made his way to his bed and got ready to sleep. Pulling the blankets over him , he closed his eyes to see her beautiful face. Dreaming of her he fell into a fitfull sleep , unaware of what the next morning would bring.



Its pretty short.

However its my first.

Please vote and encourage me.

Also feel free to point out any mistakes.