
Secrets - Sam

I punched the punching bag in frustration. It is the middle of the night. Why are my feelings for Elena so confusing?! I kicked the bag, a memory of Elena trying to do so flooding my brain.

Why can't I stop thinking about her?! I punched the bag and it ripped. Sand leaked out of the tear and I groaned in anger. I heard a gasp from behind and turned around quickly. A small figure tumbled to the ground with a yelp.

"It's me!" They shouted. I frowned. "What the hell are you doing out here, Elena?!" I shouted. Elena stood and brushed her beautiful auburn hair from her face.

"Désolé, je vous ai entendu ici et j'ai décidé de ne pas m'ennuyer à l'intérieur." She said quickly, looking at the ground. I sighed and stepped closer to her. "Look at me." I said. When she didn't, I gently grabbed her chin and made her face me.

"I'm sorry I yelled." I said softly. She nodded. "Sorry I snuck up on you." She said. Her blue eyes shone with interest. "Why don't you speak French?" I ask. She blinked and frowned. "It's useless." She said.

"It's beautiful." I corrected. Color filled her cheeks. "Can I kiss you?" I asked. She smirked. "You never asked before." She mused. "Before isn't now." I said. She pushed her lips to mine and wrapped her arms around my neck. I shut my eyes and kissed back, wrapping my own arms around her.

She removed her lips from mine and I smiled. I kissed her again and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist as the kisses became heated. I carried her inside and to the bed.


I woke up with Elena in my arms. We were naked, the only warmth the blanket and our bodies. Last night was...amazing. I felt her awaken and smiled. She turned and faced me, still in my arms. "Hello Breez." She said slyly. "MacBeth." I said. I kissed her nose and she giggled. She propped herself on her elbows. "I have four days left. My family is worried." She said.

"But?" I asked. She sighed. "But I don't want to leave." She said. "But I can't return." I tilted my head in question. "I can't marry. I'm no longer pure. It would be a disgrace." She said.

"Then let's keep this s secret." I said. She nodded with a smile. "We have to get dressed." I said. She sighed and crawled over me.

Sorry for the short chapter, I have been busy. Salena for the win!!!!!

Hamilton_Alexandercreators' thoughts