
Only? - Elena

Lola was alive! After learning this information a week ago, I still couldn't believe it! I vigorously punched the punching bag in the middle of the night. Sam said not to go out at night, but I needed to clear my mind. Clear it of him.

Sam has been acting stranger ever day. He seemed more and more awkward to be around me. I halted my punches when I heard a distant howl. The house wasn't too far off. I gathered my water I had snuck and started to walk to the building. The howl sounded once more, nearer this time. I picked up my pace when I felt a sharp pain in my arm.

I cursed and shouted as I hit the ground. I turned to find a werewolf standing there. I screamed at the top of my lungs as it roared. It opened its jaws and lunged for me. I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain. I heard a battle cry, followed by a roar and yelp. I screamed as a firm hand grasped my good arm. "Elena!" A familiar voice shouted. I opened my eyes to find Sam standing over me.

I started crying as he picked me up. He carried me bridal style into the house and onto the bed. My arm was bleeding profusely onto the sheets. He grabbed bandages and examined my arm. He carefully grabbed my water and poured it over the wound. I hissed, tears still falling down my face. He tsked and quickly wrapped it.

"You have an awful habit of getting into squabbles with werewolves." He said sternly. I swallowed. "I said not to leave at night." He scolded. I looked away. "You can sleep in the bed tonight." He said. My eyes widened. Normally I slept in an armchair. He was too big to fit in the chairs. I whimpered softly. He looked at me questionably. "S-Sam." I whispered. "I'm scared." I admitted. He blinked at my words. "C-Can you stay with me?" I asked, flustered. "Hold me safe?" Just like my mother once did. Color filled his cheeks as he cleared his throat. "S-Sure." He said. I scooted closer to the wall and laid down, my back to him. I heard and felt him lay beside me. Strong arms hesitantly wrapped around my waist as I felt his body behind mine. He was like a wall of safety. I relaxed into him and quickly fell asleep.

I woke before Sam did. His warm breath tickled the back of my neck as I recalled the events from last night. I was about to squirm out of Sam's grip when it tightened around me, pulling me even closer. Color and heat flushed my cheeks and he let out a rumble. His breathing hitched and I acted asleep. I heard him yawn quietly and he tensed. "What are you doing to me, MacBeth?" He asked to no one in particular.

I yawned and he slacked. He snored slightly, faking sleep. I wiggled and turned in his arms to face him. I could see a faint smile on his lips. I kissed his nose and his eye lashes fluttered, but remained shut. "I don't know, what am I doing to you, Sam?" I teased. His eyes shot open and color filled his face until he was as red as the tomatoes I used for dinner last night. "Y-You're awake." He said sheepishly. "Obviously." I teased with an eye roll. "What's your last name?" I asked, taking advantage of his flustering. "Breez." He said. He put a hand over his mouth and I smirked. "Well, Breez, care to answer my question?" I said slyly. He leaned forward and I felt my stomach churn with anticipation. His lips hovered before mine. "Pissing me off." He whispered. He laughed as he pulled back. I frowned as he left me waiting. "Aww, did MacBeth expect something?" He taunted. He nipped my nose and I giggled.

'Hey, sorry to cut in dear reader. I can't stand by and watch this. I did not expect anything!' Oh shut it! Don't ruin the story! Sorry, carry on reader.

"No! I was just about to spit in your mouth!" I snapped playfully. I spat on his lips and he growled. I yelped as he lifted us off the bed and shoved me against a wall. I kept my composure and raised a sly and playful brow. He suddenly kissed me, his lips soft. The kiss was soft, inviting. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He tore his lips away, my own feeling cold in their absence. "Couldn't resist?" I teased. He smirked and stepped back. "Nope." He said proudly. I was shocked at his frankness. "Now, since we are both up. Training." He said, leaving to the dresser. I followed and reached around him. I plucked out the trousers and one of his flannels. He watched as I left to the outhouse just outside.

I locked the door and ripped my dress off. My corset was not very accommodating to training, but I will not let Sam see me without it. I slipped on the flannel before slipping my trousers on. The flannel dipped low, showing off some cleavage. I felt like one of the ladies that sleep with every man that passes by. I kept the bottom three buttons unbuttoned and tied the fabric in a knot just at my belly button. A line of skin at my navel was showing, which happened to be the only part my corset didn't reach. It made me feel worse. I gathered myself and went to the punching bag.

I walked up with very little confidence, thankful Sam hadn't shown up yet. I stood by the bag, arm crossed and facing away from the house. I didn't hear Sam come up, only alarmed of his presence when he whistled a crude tune at me. I faced him and sheepishly covered my line of skin at my navel. "Sensationnel." He said in French. Translates to 'wow.' Color filled my cheeks. "Je vous remercie." I said, my accent taking over. 'Thank you.' "Vous clochard." I added. I'd rather not translate my words. He reached around and punched my behind.

'Sorry, me again. I used a far more descriptive choice of words. Toi peu sexy' No! Sorry reader, but I won't let Elena explain. Carry on.

"Here." He said, handing me an object. A dagger. It was ornate. The blade was curved and pure silver. The handle made of a sold ruby stone. Matching my cloak. The one I was wearing right now. I stared at him. "A dagger?!" I questioned. "You don't plan to take down a werewolf with a few punches, do you?" He asked. I shook my head and he started walking away. I quickly followed as he led me behind the house. I gasped and fell against the wall.

Sam ran over and helped me stand straight. A werewolf carcass was pinned to the wall with silver spikes. I turned and vomited against the forest floor. I tightened my grip on the dagger and collected myself.

"This is to show you where and how to stab a werewolf." Sam said cautiously. I nodded and pushed my fear and nausea aside. I stood in front of the carcass, the smell making my gut roil. I took a sharp breath and nodded.

Sam pointed at several places, each place I stabbed. He instructed me carefully, being cautious with my nausea. I vomited eight times. We finally finished after half an hour and I ran off. Make that nine times.

I wiped my mouth and sighed. Sam took the dagger from me and I adjusted my cloak. "You look amazing in that shirt by the way." He purred. Heat filled my cheeks. "Prick." I teased. I walked into the house, him following. My corset was constricting my torso as I walked. "We only have a week left." Sam said. I turned and faced him. "Only?" I asked, hinting at his choice of words.

"Yeah. I guess." He said, putting his hands in his pockets. He looked me over, concern on his face. "What's wrong?" He asked. I tilted my head. "Many things, be specific." I said. "You seem a bit too winded. You're tense." He said. My corset. "Oh, erm, nothing." I said. He walked over and gently grabbed my waist. He tsked.

"A corset? For training?" He questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. I looked away. "It's improper without it." I defended. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around. I felt his hands go up my shirt and start untying my corset. It finally came free and I took a deep breath, my chest feeling free.

"Better?" Sam asked. I removed my corset and tossed it on the bed. "Much." I said. With every breath, my breasts bounced lightly. Sam tried to keep eye contact with me. I smirked. "Eyes are here." I said, gesturing to my face. He cleared his throat and nodded.

"Back to that 'only' thing." I said tauntingly. He frowned. "You know exactly what I meant." He said. I put my hands on my hips. "Do I?" He frowned. "A week is too short." He begrudgingly admitted. I stalked up to him, swaying me hips. "Is Breez gunna miss me?" I said in a mimicking voice. He kissed me strong and hard, but briefly. "Oh, relax." He said at my frazzlement. "It's only a kiss."