
Red-Eyed. Devil.(Hiatus).

Yang Jin reincarnated on what he thought was a simple normal life. After some traumatic events, he awakens his [Sharingan] and proceeds to explore his newfound powers and discover more mysteries about himself, like the strange yellow sparks that have been helping him, or the mysterious purple flame that only appears when he is truly angry. PS: The first 85 chapters are the Prologue. Extra Tags: Ruthless Mc, Side Characters are Cannibals, Graphic Descriptions, JoJo, AU, Multiverse, Omniverse, From depressing to positive, from doomer to bloomer, gods, overpowered beings, slow-paced, slice of life, Sharingan, Ripple, Dragon Soul, Not Wyvern, True Dragon.

ClearSkySage · Video Games
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133 Chs

An unavoidable conflict.

Seeing 2 strangers and someone I know on a crossroad, I could already tell that the results won't be pretty. Activating the [Sharingan] I started analyzing the situation in front of me. First I deeply analyzed the crossroad I am at right now. Knowing the terrain is something extremely important in most situations.

The street corner to my left has a pretty big construction site, the construction is in the middle of building a big building, and you could still see a lot of construction materials, like steel bars, wood pallets, and a bunch of other things.

To my left is a closed clothing store, nothing of a giant brand or something like that, just a simple local clothing store called Aurora... Maybe it is from the same owner as the gym I frequent.

On the other side of the street on my left, there is a supermarket called Macedos's probably a local one too. On my right side across the street from the construction site is an office building. Both places are closed right now.

The streets appear to be relatively empty, with no car or other people in sight, besides us four here of course. After analyzing the terrain I started analyzing the people. First, I started with someone I am already familiar with, Zen.

Yep, Zen that Chinese cultivator I helped some time ago. looking at my front I could see Zen, Zen is neither tall nor short, he has an average Chinese height of 1.69 meters, a typical black hair. He could easily be the most average Chinese you can find but his eyes are different, for some reason they are shining in this low light environment, like the eyes of a cat.

To my left there is someone I do not know, he is tall 1.85 meters and pretty muscular, not as much like me as if we were to compare muscles I am Hulk and he is spiderman. He has a faded red hair and piercing black eyes.

To my right, there is someone and lanky as they could get, messed up blonde hair and blue eyes that display a calculative but afraid person, he is thin and lanky measuring 1.71 meters, and just looking at his body language one would think of him as a pushover, but those with more discerning eyes could see that he has a deep desire for survival.

Right now is in the middle of the night and the street is barely lit up thanks to some weak lamposts. Thankfully that isn't a problem for a [Sharingan] user like me. All of this took a long time to describe but with my [Sharingan] enchanted field of view and perception, barely one second passed. {AN: I am not proud to admit that I felt like a xianxia author writing this paragraph. But I guess it's kinda inevitable with cultivation into the mix.}

But what surprised me the most in this situation is that the three other people on this crossroad immediately looked at me and shouted.

"It's you!!"(Zen/Buff Dude/ Lanky Dude).

Have I done something wrong? I don't remember antagonizing anyone for that matter, I did almost my best to stay out of Kaiser Radar(Goomoonryong's boss), and my only real contact with the Murim alliance was after the terrorist incident which I made sure to not leave any clues. Maybe it's the massacre? But maybe I was very distressed after doing something like that but I made sure to not leave any real concrete clues. So why is this happening?

While I was thinking about the whys and hows, it started to rain. While rain is normally something people would normally avoid it in a fight, for a [Ripple] user rain is like heaven. As the [Ripple] best conductor is blood, the second best one is of course water, to the [Ripple] could easily ripple across the water droplets. It means that the environment itself became my weapon right now.

The buff dude seemly shaping out of the trance of looking at me due to the rain. He looked at the lanky dude and said.

"You... Recruit.... Your traitor. Now you are running away?"(Buff dude)

"IT WAS MADNESS whatever you were doing Subordinate, following that madman blinding... What were you thinking?"(Recruit).

"He is not a madman he is A HERO!"(Subordinate).

Slowly I started walking back, right now I am using a supreme technique used by ancient [Ripple] users, something that can save its user life more than any kind of Ki or special skill, breathing deeply and activating my [Ripple] to the max. I am... Running Away.


"You.... I have a mission to fulfill, so you are not going to run away."(Subordinate).

The buff dude better known as Subordinate said that the moment I used my super-secret technique. Sadly my mastery of the super-secret technique is still very low.

Seeing me trying to run away subordinate immediately went to attack, Sadly for me, he is an [Advanced Master] and even if he is just at the initial stages of it he can still mob the floor with me. With a Burst of speed that I've only seen on the rooftop of the murim alliance, he attacked me.

Sadly while I could easily see his attack in slow motion I am still very far from having the speed or necessary strength to avoid it. So in a burst of speed Subordinate appeared at my side and punched me with enough strength and speed for me to be unable to react sending my body flying right on the construction site.

Subordinate punched my chest with enough force that my ribs are probably broken or cracked, flying in the air under imaginable pain I could see everything in slow-motion, which made this even more painfully. Then my back hit some wooden pellets on the construction site, but due to the momentum and the awkward angle, I hit it my body staring rolling, and turning in the air until I skipped on the ground two times and stopped.

*Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrght* An almost scream of pain escaped my mouth, that p[unch hurt like hell.

Then I heard another punch and soon I see Recruit's figure being sent in my general direction and hitting a pile of metal bars close to me. Suddenly after some sounds of punches and kickes Zen's figure was thrown on a chemical toilet close to our location hitting it hard enough for the chemical toilet to break.

WARNING: I will take some liberties with the content, IT WON'T BE CANONICALLY ACCURATE. So please don't state the obvious, it's just a waste of time.

~~Thanks for reading~~

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