
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

I'm Sorry

"the body holds great power. but for now, let would focus on your brain," Sora said calmly while turning down the volume on the tv so that the screaming Alexander, didn't overshadow his voice.

"did you know the mind is always taking in a huge amount of information from the 5 senses, yet only a less than 1% of that you notice? This is because the brain filters out a huge amount of information, with most of it being considered useless by the brain." Sora said calmly while Lisa listened quietly along with Alexander.

"for example, background noises... I bet you don't see your nose even though it's almost always in your field of sight. memories are filtered out, and so on. you get what I'm saying?" Sora asked to which Lisa could only look at him, with an uneasy look.

"What I will do is simple, I will weaken the ability of the brain, it would not enhance your senses or anything, it would just allow you to know what your brain hasn't been telling you. the huge amount of information would slowly kill you, it would overwhelm you, forcing your mind to erase a few things. it's like Alzheimer's disease, your mind would glitch, and break down, until it just dies. leaving the mind of a newborn baby. while all of this is happing, you would have all types of unique senses filling your head. making you want to kill yourself to get it over with." Sora said calmly, causing Lisa to start crying in fear.

"you ready?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Lisa got up and got away from him, while Alexander began yelling at Sora to leave her alone. but Sora ignored him,

"calm down, I will not force you, I will give you an option. so, please take a seat." Sora said with a smile, to which she shakingly took a seat.

"Now, you have nothing to do with this. you shouldn't have to suffer because of your brother. how about I show you the way to do it, and have you do it for your brother?" Sora said with a smile, which to Lisa seemed like the smile of the devil himself. Sora only wanted to torture her, and by doing so, Sora would inflict the most pain upon her brother.

Doing personally something like this to her brother would cause him even more pain. how would you feel when the person you cared for most made you suffer like that? Even if he knew the reason behind it, he would not be able to control the hatred which would grow from the bottom of his heart.

but her brother knowing that she could have done it to him, yet refused and chose to suffer would torture him even more. either way, her brother would suffer, and she was the pawn used for it.

From part one, he was torturing him. getting close to her and getting to know her. In fact, Lisa grew to trust Sora. enough so that she had to think for some time when she was given the choice to call someone, but in Sora's eyes, it was simply a game. Alexander was forced to watch just how deeply his little sister cared and loved her,

"This is too much." She said as she began crying within her palm, unable to pick between the two. this was too messed up, she didn't want to suffer, but she didn't want her brother to suffer.

"Too much? I'm a person who has a hard time letting go, I'm a person who avoids conflicts and simply wants to mind my own business. your brother made an enemy out of me, this is the price. Now choose or I should choose for you. don't worry, I know you want your brother, so he shall suffer, and you can cry and blame yourself. it's a good escape in my opinion," Sora said with a smile before he began counting backward from 10, before stopping when he reached 3 since Lisa suddenly yelled.

"Do me, but let him go. do what you want with me, but please let it end there." She cried causing Alexander to start crying hearing her words.

"What a touching scene, sadly I want to know if you could power through it to the end," Sora said before having the chair bind her, Sora had the chair move to face the camera so that Alexander could have a good view of the show, before placing his palm on her head.

"Alexander, you have such a wonderful sister. willing to stand by your side even after everything, truly wonderful." Sora said while pulling out a phone, and with a few taps, in Alexander's room, his chair suddenly moved, binding his head,

thin spider-like legs moved, forcing his eyes wide open, and forcing his eyeball to stay still at the scene before him.

"Now watch, this devil at work." Sora laughed before his fingers tightened on a few points around Lisa's head. after which, Sora rubbed them, before letting her go and going to take a seat and calmly smoked while pulling out a violin from the wall, which he began to mess with.

Lisa sat there, looking around in shock at just how much information her brain filtered out from her 5 senses. her hearing seemed sharper, her smell was sharper, her eyesight was sharper, and she could feel the smallest things crawling on her body, making her feel restless

At first, everything seemed alright, she thought she could get used to it, but Sora who was playing the violin... no, he was playing at a pitch which had her body restless. she wanted to rip off her ears, the sound was killing her.

but that was not all, she wanted to rip off her flesh, those things on her body were making her restless. her mind was taking in everything, even the light movement in the air, which caused her to intake way too much information to the sense of touch.

she wanted to remove her eyes, she was seeing too much stuff. the small dust things flying down were not ignored, her mind made her see it, normal information like her nose was taken in, and small details which usefully needed one to stop and look for a second were noticed without trouble. she was seeing too much,

her nose was smelling too much as well, and her tongue was tasting too much, as she could taste things she had days ago, and even herself.

She tried to bite off her tongue, but she found her jaw had no power, when she looked towards Sora, she only saw him smiling at him. Sora did something to her jaw, causing her to have no power over it. not only could she not grit her teeth, but she also couldn't even block one of the senses by biting off her tongue.

"just 30 seconds and you're already losing it? wait until you start sensing the unique 6 senses, such as a sense of doom, a sense of being watched, and so many other types of 6th senses. they shall all overwhelm you at once." Sora said before he began playing the theme song for When a Shark appears

Lisa's heartbeat began to raise, and her body began to shake as she was swallowed by a sense of doom. horror swallowed her, tears rain down her face, snot dripped from her nose and she cried for Sora to make it stop, but Sora smiled and ignored her.

like this, 2 minutes went by. She was restless, unable to even breathe, her body was shaking all over, while her face was paled. but she reached her limits, she couldn't go on anymore, she wanted it to stop. she wanted to die, anything but this.

"Well, you reached your limits by the looks of it. break time." Sora said before walking up to her and going on to rub her head once more, causing her head to return to normal.

"I'm going out to buy some, want anything? No? alright, how about you? oops, I forgot to turn up the volume," Sora said as he noticed Alexander, turning the volume up, he waited for Alexander to speak.

"Please, I'm sorry. don't do this, not to her." Alexander cried while looking at Lisa whose body was shaking, unable to cry anymore.

"I don't think they sell that anywhere, but I will try my best and find it. rest up Lisa, because you will not die. I will not let you die, you would go through that over, and over and over again. each time you reach your limit, I will have you rest, making sure your brain never overloads," Sora said with a smile, causing Lisa to shake even more,

her head began shaking, and upon looking closely, one could see she was shaking her head, trying to say no. She looked at Sora, a pleading look in her eyes.

"I-I will do it to him," She said stunning Alexander who only began crying seeing her condition. Sora on the other hand smiled slightly and patted her head, before allowing Alexander to regain the ability to blink and move his eyeball around

"you're not in the wrong, you are a good little sister. it's only right your big brother takes responsibility for his actions... right?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Lisa nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking its head,

Like the Devil, Sora had the bindings holding her removed, but he didn't have her move, instead, he had her rest. while placing the tea before her and leaving. when she tasted the tea, her body shook in horror.

it was a mental health recovery tea, did Sora plan everything out? he entered with this tea, and it just so happened to be a tea that helped one in recovering from a damaged, stressed out, or even tired mind.

"I'm sorry, but I can't go through that again. you shouldn't have done that, why did you do it? couldn't you have tried to mix with a better crowd?" After a few sips, she burst out crying, causing Alexander's heart to twist seeing her condition

"you always made sure I was around the right crowd... you... this is messed up." She said through tears. Alexander could only cry, he had no words to say, and could only cry. For some time, they sat there in silence, only for the silence to be broken by Sora who entered Lisa's room while laughing at his phone,

"You guys should see this video, look," Sora said with a laugh before showing the video to them, but they were not interested, disappointing him slightly.

"so moody... oh yeah, torture and stuff. you guys should lighten up, too much stress is bad for you." Sora said calmly, making the two want to eat him alive. he was so relaxed while they were going through hell. he was even looking at videos on Ding Dong, an app where people post all types of videos on.

"anyways, I brought you guys back a few stuff. you of course eat first... you need your strength." Sora said while putting the food on the table, Lisa's stomach cried in hunger smelling the food,

She just went through hell, who knows just how much fat she burned in that short 2 minutes, so although unwilling, she eat the food.

"well, since I'm about to be done with you two, I should work on my next target. but like your family, the Lomi family personally trains their guards. so it would be hard for me to target them. they are a more enclosed family," Sora said lazily while LIsa eat the food slowly, buying herself time.

Sora shrugged in the end, of course not simply focused on the Raion family, he had forced on the Lomi family, whose young master was next on his target list. the Raion family was easier for Sora to deal with, so he targeted it first, but the Lomi family was more enclosed, and would be harder for Sora to do anything... but Sora was the devil. He had his ways.

"Shall we go?" Sora asked calmly, causing Lisa to shake in fear of what was about to happen, but she nodded and followed Sora. they walked towards a wall that opened up, revealing Alexander, who was shaking slightly in fear, but he put on a brave look.

"Alright, let me show you how to do it. this part of the brain is called the Parietal lobe. It figures out the messages you receive from the five senses of sight, touch, smell, hearing, and taste. This part of the brain tells you what is part of the body and what is part of the outside world." Sora said while holding Alexander's head without care, and having Lisa watch in fear.

"but to reach it, we need to get control of the prefrontal cortex, which controls the filtering..." Sora went on to show Lisa pretty much everything she needed to know, before having her try and weaken Alexander's ability to filter out what he sensed.

Her hands were shaking through the whole thing, while Alexander had tears running down his face, unable to speak as Sora seemed to have touched a nerve, making him lose the ability to speak.

"not bad for your first time, now let's step back and see what you did. depending on how long he could last would reflect how much you weakened it, or how you did it. the normal adult can last about 1 minute with it weakened by 50%, you lasted 2 minutes which is impressive." Sora said while eating some popcorn, and watching Alexander feeling out his new senses.

Although Sora seemed relaxed, his eyes showed another story. Joy. He managed to get the thing Alexander loved most and was now having it torture him. This is what he gets for making him his enemy, even though Alexander completely regrets his actions, it's not 100%, this was not hell... not yet. Sora was sure hell was hotter than this, Sora had to make sure when Alexander go to hell, he gets to relax as Hell is nothing compared to him.

So, minutes passed. Sora had returned Alexander's ability to speak, and currently, he was screaming in horror as the sense of doom and all other types of feelings were overwhelming, Lisa was not able to listen to his screams and was holding her ears, while she cried.

by the 3-minute mark, Sora had her go restore his mind to normal. to which She did with Sora showing her the ways

"3 minutes isn't bad, but we shall do this 2 more times, you hear?" Sora asked to which Alexander shook his head madly.

"no, no more. you're my little sister, we should share this. you can't make me bare this by myself." Alexander said pleadingly, not wanting to go through that, but he could have the strength if he and she did it together.

Lisa stepped back slightly hearing his words, she shook her head with a pleading look, not wanting him to force her to go through it.

"wow, this is your brother? after getting himself into this, and how much you suffered, he wants you to suffer? who suffered more, him or you? who had to grow up hated because they were born? who was hated by her father? who brought home trouble, and now wants to drag her down with him? Who is a good kid who stays out of trouble? who was willing to accept her brother after being tested, yet the brother fails within 3 minutes?" Sora's voice sounded like the whisper of the devil, causing Lisa to freeze, while the look in her eyes changed, causing Alexander's heart to drop while looking at Sora who was looking at him like the devil

"Your family seems to hate you no matter what you do, do any of them think of you? you're only 15, and all you want to do is live a happy life. but look at the stuff they bring your way." Sora whispered causing resentment to slowly grow in her heart, but she tried to suppress such feelings, knowing they were not true.

"I want you to stay by my side... allow me to apologize for my actions. allow me to show you truly care and love, not whatever fake love your brother had." Sora said softly, stunning Lisa

"don't listen to him, Lisa!" Alexander roared causing Lisa's heart to shake, her mind was in a fog at the moment. her brother wanting her to go through that hell was a huge blow to her trust, but Sora showing how much he cares for his lover to go so far was a bit... romantic, ignoring the fact she was pulled into it.

"how can I trust you?" Lisa asked softly, to which Sora hugged her from behind, and whispered into her ear.

"You do everything I did to you... but worse, thats a promise. I know I wasn't the only one who felt something between us, we can be so much more than friends. I know I messed up, I let the past shape my future. and I think I'm about to lose out on someone amazing." Sora said while turning Lisa around, so they could face each other.

"y-you think that." She asked softly, to which Sora nodded while looking deeply into her eyes. The two looked at each other for some time, Lisa's heart was raising, but when she saw Sora slowly lowering his head towards hers, her face grew bright red. but she closed her eyes and waited,

soon, her lips and Sora's lips connected, leaving Alexander frozen in shock at the scene before him. Sora didn't just put him through hell, he was even about to take his sister? his eyes grew restless as he heard slight moans coming from Lisa, and Sora's hands which played with her ass, causing Lisa to not be able to control her moans.

Slowly, Sora broke the kiss, to which Lisa was unwilling. this was her first kiss, her mind was already in the right state, and that kiss was magical. seeing her look, Sora picked her up and began kissing her while walking off. while Alexander roared at them, yet for some reason his voice couldn't be heard by the two, it was like an invisible barrier was before him.

he, of course, knew what it was, it was called a noise canceler, Sora was most likely using it to cancel out his voice while allowing their sounds to spread. every time he spoke, his sound waves were canceled out by a vibration. this was another way for Sora to torture him.

Not only did the person he cared for most put him through such hell, but now he was going to steal her from him. His pained cries filled with regret and helplessly were canceled out by the noise canceler, but his image was clear to be seen, it was a sight which would cause others to take pitty on him... but it was just the beginning,