
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


"James you have to let me go, you can't pick me up." a woman yelled while looking at a man who had a Ghost Skull Mask. She was hanging on the edge of a building, more than 12 stories high. they were on the roof which was covered in many dead bodies, the roof was caving in and was currently on fire.

the man called James, removed his mask, revealing a handsome young man who was looking at her with slight tears in her eyes. He was covered in blood, and one of his legs was broken,

"You can't call me by my name, now you would get in trouble once we get back home," James said softly,

"damn it, I don't want to lose the only friend I have. so please, escape while you could... please," she yelled seeing how he still had hope.

"There is always a way... I'm the human devil. Oh, I hear it now. That name sound so cheesy." James said while looking at a rope, and forming a plan in his mind. grabbing the rope, he pulled it, ignoring the woman below he was selling at him to leave her.

Seeing as the rope was not moving in the slightest, he put the rope in his mouth and bit as hard as he could, before he kicked off the ground with his good leg, shooting forward. pulling out his gun, he aimed at the window and shot at it, while taking the woman into his hand, shielding her as they slammed through the window, and sent rolling onto the ground.

"... see, I told you." James laughed happily seeing they survived, he looked at the woman who was looking at him with a speechless look before she cheat.

"Damn it, why can't you follow orders for once, in your lifetime." She said before hugging him while crying, James patted her head before struggling to stand up, his leg was broken, so he would have trouble walking.

Just as the two were about leave, the woman's head exploded. a bullet shot through the window, through her head, and into James's chest. Sora fall backward, his back being stabbed by the many glasses on the ground, but his muscles were strong, acting as a shield.

but his attention was not on this, or the bullet in his chest, he lay on the ground, frozen while looking at the sight in front of him. her brains and other stuff from her head falling onto his face, some entering his mouth, but he was too stunned to spit it out. he lay there, paralyzed at the sight, and his world slowly began taken over by the color red...

"Sora... you were asleep? weird, you normally wake up upon me entering. I thought you only needed 2 or so hours?" Lisa woke Sora up, leaving Sora in a rare state of confusion, but he quickly understood what happened,

"What happened, for a master of the mind, entering such a deep sleep should be rare," Lisa asked while Sora rubbed his head, remembering that dream. indeed, Sora was in control of his mind, so deep sleep was something he didn't get. dreams were something he didn't have as he could control everything within his dreams,

But Diana got Sora thinking of the past, which caused him to daze off and fell asleep. a moment of vulnerability which Sora didn't, rubbing his head, Sora cooled his emotions, luckily Lisa didn't wake him at the moment he exploded with killing intent,

"What it?" Sora asked calmly

"Your packages are here, I was bringing them to you... also, the recycling busy is doing well, I wanted to tell you how much we are saving." Lisa said weakly seeing how Sora didn't seem to be in a good mood

"thats good, thanks," Sora said while standing up and walking over to grab something to eat, he wasn't hungry or anything, he just wanted something sweet. but as he was about to eat, the huge computer turned on

"Sir, you have a call from a woman called Diana. accept the call?" Jarvis asked calmly, making Sora freeze slightly. Sora quickly got himself back together and had Jarvis answer the call, a sign which made Lisa's eyebrow raise

"I have been expecting your call." a hologram of Sora stood on a phone while looking at Diana, who was currently in a car. Diana nodded slightly while looking at Sora, who was charming as always.

"your protest was about showing females and males should be treated equally, what do you think I give you the chance to show something like that," Sora asked with a smile, making Diana's eyebrow raise

"what are you saying?" Diana asked her interest picked

"My mother would not allow me to leave 2 miles past beyond home without a guard, yet all the guards are nosy guys who would tell her everything I do. what do you think about being my personal guard? You stay by my side, and I help you out with your cause. deal?" Sora asked with a smile, stunning Diana

"I'm only at level 25," Diana said feeling unfit for a job which normally experts at level 35 were doing. but Sora waved her words off,

"I'm more interested in your talent. As for the strength part... we can work on that later, deal?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Diana nodded after a slight hesitation,

"Good, I would send you the location to be at tomorrow. before 5 AM," Sora said with a smile, to which Diana nodded without thinking much. to which Sora nodded and ended the call, leaving Diana frozen as she realized what time it was. it was 9 PM, in other words, Sora wanted her there within a few hours.

She a message popped on her phone and she saw the address, she took a deep breath while thinking of her next move. she was from a commoner's background, indeed she was a talented currently 22, yet she was already at such a high level. but her reaching this level was filled with many struggles, mostly males who looked down upon a female commoner, no one took her seriously.

but with Sora, it was her chance to turn things around. but she was worried this could be some kind of trap, could Sora be trusted? She closed her eyes and thought about her meeting with Sora, his eyes were not like the other males, and she felt like she could trust him. this was a gamble, one she was willing to take.

"you want to stay and help with the building of a robot?" Sora asked calmly, stunning Lisa who didn't know of Sora's plans of making a robot

"like in the movies, where they grow to take over the world, but from the future a robot would come to save mankind?" Lisa asked, making Sora give her a weird look. this woman was watching way too many movies.

"pretty much, put on the heads phones, Jarvis would tell you to want to do," Sora said as he went to look at his package, and took out all of the parts which would soon be brought together to create a robot.

Sora didn't work on putting the body together, instead, he went to jump on the hardware, pretty much working on the brains of the robot and organs. while Lisa worked on the bone flesh, and muscles.

"Sir, Lady Diana is outside. should I open the door?" Jarvis asked, to which Sora nodded, meanwhile, Lisa was stunned as she looked at the time. so much time passed like that?

she looked at the screen and saw that Diana entered the door, following the voice which was speaking to her. She seemed confused, and uneasy as she was in a rundown place, but she slowly came downstairs where she found a secret entrance that lead to the underground basement, where she found Sora and Lisa at work.

"I thought you would have run away, I don't know if I should call that grave or stupid," Sora said while putting the tools down to look at Diana

"w-whats is all of this?" Diana asked in shock at the place, this was like an underground hideout, filled with tech which had yet to be shown to the world.

"This is my hideout, where I work on things. that there is..." Before Sora could introduce Lisa, she cut him off and introduced herself.

"I'm Asia, Sora's girlfriend, and vice president of Apple," Lisa said with a smile, making Sora's eye twitch slightly, but he calmed himself down,

"Vice President? I never heard of you better." Diana said while sizing Lisa up and down, she had done her research on Sora and his business, this was the first time Asia popped up.

"thats because I stay out of the public eye. So, I hear you are a female rights activist, what's that all about? Are you about to say it's understanding that I a woman am Vice President?" Lisa asked to which Diana shook her head

"I simply want to push for equality, no one role should be chosen at birth because they are a male or female. if we can all do what our hearts want, I'm sure mankind could grow much faster than when things are forced upon others. thats what I believe." Diana said softly, leaving Lisa at a loss for a words

"Sir. your mother is currently doing a back check on Diana," Jarvis said making Diana's eyebrows raise, while Sora sighed softly.

"Well, she is going to be a pain... I also didn't do my background check, is there anything on Diana I should know of?" Sora asked calmly while

"Diana goes to the King of the Forest Academy, she had gotten into over 12 fights, has been suspended from there 16 times, and is currently on the edge of being expelled. all of her fights were with males, over the act of being treated fairly or being harassed. her background is safe, the only child of 2 commoners. other not worthy things about her are that she is marked to be kidnapped, someone has bought her on the black market." Jarvis said causing Diana to freeze hearing this

"what does he mean by I'm marked?" Diana asked in a panic,

"other is a reason why there are not a lot of commoners raising with talent, once they are marked someone of noble blood would take them, break their spirit, or something like that. you are talented, and were within the academy, and seem to be friends with someone of noble blood. so that acted as a shield for some time, but you going around fighting for equality isn't a good move." Sora said calmly causing Diana to stand there in shock

"you need not worry, not all nobles are like that. you're with me, so now you have a bigger shield protecting you. just make sure you don't get too far from me, and say the wrong things." Sora said as he looked at her,

"what do you have to gain from helping me?" Diana asked softly, to which Sora smiled slightly.

"you remind me of someone I held close... smart thing is to stay away from you, but I guessed something like this might happen. I couldn't bring myself to abound you." Sora said with a shake of his head, which made Diana stunned.

"this world is darker than you can imagine, if you agree to take this job, you would get to see how dark it is. I might end up getting assassinated, and you would follow along with your family. so are you willing to take the job?" Sora asked with a smile,

"I have a dream I want to turn into reality... and no matter what, I plan to do it. so I will take up this job, and be your guard. even at the cost of my life, I will protect you. I take my job seriously." She said without hesitation, to which Sora nodded slightly.

"Jarvis, arrange a car to go pick up her family. they would most likely be targeted or something. have them move into one of my houses," Sora said calmly,

"Understood..." Jarvis said, leaving Diana grateful at Sora. but she looked at the screen which had a ball, sounded by lines that moved each time Jarvis smoked.

"whose that?" She asked softly,

"thats Jarvis, someone I created. he is a super A.I., his name stands for... I don't know, let's just say it stands for Just A Really Very Intelligent System." Sora said unable to remember what Jarvis originally stood for, he stole the name from Iron Man,

"Thats... lazy," Diana said softly, to which Sora shrugged. naming was hard, and he didn't have the time to waste thinking about a super cool name,

"Agreed" Jarvis said making Sora glare at it, just because he gave it the ability to learn didn't mean it could stab its creator in the back. of course, Sora didn't give it the ability to learn and have it risk going crazy. its main goal was to assist Sora, and its second main goal was to make sure it never goes against its programming

"anyways, you can go to sleep if you want, or help us out in creating a robot," Sora said calmly, to which Diana of course chose to help them create a robot. So, she worked with Lisa, while Sora returned to working on the hardware

'sigh, I should make it easier for myself. maybe I could give Jarvis hands to help in creating this stuff. once I have robots, he would have a body to help in doing this stuff. well, baby steps.' Sora thought while looking at his phone in the corner of his eyes which had Yaku test, like a young girl in love, she was testing Sora. which Sora found super annoying, but it was a mindset like that which made Yaku easy to control.