
Reborn Within A Cultivation World With Nothing

Who needs a cheat to reach the peak? I don't need such pointless things.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


a week after Sora's 17th birthday, Sora headed to the Lomi family. Luke had left a few hours before he headed. this was perfect timing for Sora, as Luke's mother was there, yet the husband left to head to the front lines,

Sora stepped out of a supercar, which had many members of the Lomi family household eyeing it with envy. of course, Sora didn't come here on his own. he came with 3 bodyguards each at level 37, these were elite guards. the best of the best, with the limit of cultivation being at level 37, someone of their level would not simply follow others. they were loyal to Sora's mother and were trained from a young age

they were not like Alexander's guards, these had no loved ones. They were taken away from them, something which was pretty much-called child trafficking. in this era, coming from a commoner background and not knowing how to watch yourself, yet being talented could end up in you being grabbed off the streets

"I was starting to think you would never come," Yaku said with a smile as she came to personally greet Sora,

"My apologies, I needed time to think to myself," Sora said with a charming smile, making Yaku nod slightly. She knew what Sora had been up to in the past few days, and he had been avoiding people.

The Lomi family didn't have it easy these past weeks, their son's actions were a huge blow to their reputations, and many took the chance to leave them and try and get into a good relationship with the Golden Lion Family, which Sora's mother took full advantage of.

She needed things with Sora to go well, if not, then the Lomi family would be facing dark times and might disappear. what annoyed Lomi, even more, was that even the Raion family was taking advantage of this. they were slowly falling, and not many would reach out a helping hand to help them as they could be pulled down with them.

Of course, Sora was working from the shadows to make sure most of this happened. there were many rich people with dirty secrets, many who would kill to make sure their secrets doesn't get out. Sora targeted those people, Sora could hack into anything and could find what he want if he simply search for it.

Yaku brought Sora inside along with his guards, they were brought to a meeting room that they used to host guests. Sora had the guards stand outside the room, something which made them shake their heads. Sora was their young master, and they were pretty much on enemy grounds

"don't worry, I trust Yaku," Sora said softly, stunning Yaku for a moment. but she smiled, of course, she couldn't do anything to Sora, their family would be doomed if she were to do something like kill him.

Do you ask why? because Sora company was getting support from the Ophiuchus kingdom, one of the 12 powerhouses within this world. this was a shock that happened in the past 7 days, but they have stated they are looking forward to what Sora could create

The Ophiuchus Kingdom is a kingdom well known for its push toward making humans great again. They are the principal of the human mind and were the main reason technology was within every kingdom.

But of course that was not the only reason, the second reason was that it would be a dumb move. sure she could kill Sora or kidnap Sora, but then want? such news and actions could be suppressed, but they would be heard. the world had its eyes on Sora at the moment, he was the star being watched by the world, and that alone made sure that she couldn't act in the opening.

also, she thought she could fix things up with Sora. She saw Sora in a good light, and at best she wanted to stay on good terms with Sora.

The guards although unwilling went to stand behind the door, leaving Sora and Yaku sitting there alone.

"I want to start with my deep apologies for my son's actions... My son was childish and foolish. but words alone are meaningless... So, the Lomi family is willing to help in supporting Apple. You need many resources, and the money used to do something like that can't be cheap. so allow us to help in lessening your struggles. Resources are low and a race to reach space has been going on between the 12 kingdoms, the earth is running low on resources, and I'm sure you facing these troubles." Yaku said calmly, to which Sora smiled slightly

"Earth is still filled with resources, the trash left behind from 10,000 years ago is still useful. I have had it gathered and it would be recycled into useful resources for me to use... but that would take time. Earth has been mined by humans for too long, so how do you plan to fix this trouble I have?" Sora asked with a smile

"simple, we buy and sell them to you at a cheap price. we are willing to take this loss. we can even help with your recycling idea," She said with slightly narrowed eyes, she was shocked. she heard of people recycling old iron and stuff, but to recycle the trash from years ago... that was smart. but how would he reuse them?

there were over 5 billion tons of trash in this world, Sora had moved and collected over 1,000 tons a few days ago and was still doing so to this moment. many thought he was trying to clean up the mess left behind years ago, but Sora simply wanted to reuse it.

"... I don't know. but I will agree, she would have wanted me to forgive. so let this be the first step." Sora said with a sad smile, which made Yaku feel strange.

"Sorry, again for my child's actions... once he returns from the academy, I will make sure he gives you a proper apology and own up to his mistakes. he can forget about being next in line for the family head." She said with a bow, to which Sora waved off.

"A beauty like yourself need not lower her head for another person's matter... Yaku, it was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to working with you." Sora said with a charming smile while holding his hand out for a handshake, which made Yaku's heart skip a beat hearing Sora's words.

"I'm looking forward to it as well... Sir Sora," she said with a charming smile while taking Sora's hand and shaking it. the two locked eyes for some time, and their hand remained locked.

Sora slowly got up and lined his head in for a kiss, causing Yaku's heart to race. she slowly closed her eyes, and their two lips connected. it was a simple kiss, but Yaku felt like she was hit by lightning. In a marriage where lovemaking was slowly dying down, this was the excitement she never knew she wanted.

So, she had Sora sit down. and seeing the tent between his legs, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva, her husband had nothing on Sora. She looked at Sora, before she got on her legs, and removed Sora's pants, revealing the dragon to the world,

She slowly brought her lips to the dragon and kissed it while smelling it. the smell instantly turned her on, it was a masculine fragrance that dominated her senses, causing her to become wet.

unable to control herself, she opened her mouth and began to enjoy the hotdog. her head moved, making it the whole thing, causing Sora to let out soft groans at times, which only turned her own.

Sora grabbed her head and began to use her head as a tool. being dominated in such a way caused Yaku to orgasm on the spot. In the end, Sora came down her throat, before pulling his stick out of her mouth, causing her to cough as she caught her breath.

"you dirty slut, you like that?" Sora asked while lifting her head by her hair. Yaku nodded her head slightly, indeed she liked it.

be it male or female, there would always be those who get turned on by being dominated. some hide it and only showed it in their sex life, and others hide it or allow the world to know.

Sora guessed Yaku was one such person when he first met her and said her name, from there he knew how to handle her. finding a way to break someone wasn't hard, just target their weak spot... In Yaki's case, it was to overwhelm her with good sex, to the point she lose all cases for a reason. so long as she had Sora's magical stick, then everything is good. at that point, she would betray her own family, children, and so on for the sake of Sora. She could confuse lust with love, and give everything up for Sora.

So, Sora threw Yaku on the chair and lifted her dress, and began to tease her, pretty much forcing her to beg for his pole. luckily, the room was soundproof, her moans which were filled with pleasure didn't leave.

Yaku hugged Sora as if she was holding on to dear life, when did she ever feel such pleasure? Sora knew all her weak spots, causing her to feel the most pleasure in her life, causing her mind to go blank with this moment only mattering...

"You're alright," Sora asked seeing Yaku struggling to put clothing on, Yaku forced a smile and nodded. her body was numb from all that just happened, and she would need to lie down for some time to recover.

Sora with care helped her get dressed, making her move. Yaku felt a strange feeling, a feeling she understood well... she was in love with the young man in front of her. linning in, she kissed Sora on his cheek.

"This will be our little secret," She said with a smile, stunning Sora for a moment, but he nodded in understanding. Yaku looked at the time and was shocked to see an hour had passed, in other words, Sora's drill was active for an hour straight. how could anyone last for so long? It must be that Sora was so turned on by her, he was able to last so long,

"Give me your number," Yaku said with a smile, to which Sora nodded and gave it to her. With a last kiss, Sora left and found his guards still standing at the door, looking at their watch which showed Sora's heartbeat. Of course, it didn't show Sora's current heartbeat.

the moment the heartbeat would have shown huge reactions, they would have kicked down the door and rushed in.

Sora said goodbye to Yaku one last time, before he left, leaving Yaku sitting there and feeling like she was a teen once more. but when Sora got into his supercar, the smile on his face disappeared and was replaced with a cold smile.

"Well... I'm in a good mood. I should of for a ride before heading home." Sora said with a smile, before turning his car on and driving off. he drove through the cities, his guards following after him on foot. they could easily keep up with a car,

the only tech which had caught up to the strength of cultivators like them as weapons, as they had more time to grow and develop. everything else was playing catch up. even the weapons were not perfect as they overloaded easily.

"It looks like it would be snowing soon," Sora said while looking at the screen within the car which showed the upcoming weather. It was currently winter, and around this time even the animals were calmer, so more soldiers got the chance to return home and enjoy time with their families.

Sora let his mind wander while simply looking at those on the streets, eyeing his car in amazement. Sora ignored them all, but soon he was forced to stop as there was a huge crowd gathered, blocking the road.

"Women are not weak, we are tired of being forced to take up roles like cooking, cleaning, and being a mom. we want equality" a group of women yelled while holding up signs.

10,000 years ago, males and females had reached the highest level of quality. with females being a part of the army, with even some females taking up male jobs. but that era disappeared once the world fell apart.

ever since, females began doing female-like roles, and males took up the roles of hunting, and providing for the family. females lost their rights at some point in time, but with more and more females cultivating and showing they were not any weaker than a male, things were changing, and a movement was starting.

Not long ago, females were not even allowed to cultivate, it was considered wasteful. but as time went by and Qi few, females began to cultivate and many began to show that just because they were not physically capable as a male, it didn't mean they were weaker.

Females were better at quick, controlled, movements. they were more flexible than males, cultivation allowed them to show this to a greater degree. females also had better senses than males,

but even so, many males looked down upon females. females were cover all better parents than males and seemed to be most suited to living like a housewife. so many males stood on this point of view and refused to take a step backward.

"what a pain," Sora said seeing they were turning their attention towards him, he was sure people were recording, so he had to play this smart. so he stepped out of the car and locked eyes with the woman who seemed to be leading this. but he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw her appearance

"what's going on?" Sora asked with a small smile while looking around. the females all looked at Sora, who seemed to be the embodiment of the thing they were fighting against.

"You're Sora Golden Lion... we fighting for female rights, why is it that a woman can work the same job as a man yet get paid less? why is it that females are forced to grow up brainwashed to live a said way, while a male can do as he wishes?" A woman with short black hair asked while stepping up to Sora, not scared at all by his background.

She was a beautiful woman, with beauty that could be considered godly-like. She had a heroic air about her, one of a leader. Sora could instantly tell that if this girl wasn't killed or something bad happened to her, she would make huge waves in the future.

"Well, the answer to those questions can be complex. but we would have to go back 10,000 years to see why. if you know your history..." Sora wanted to speak, but he was cut off

"I know, 10,000 years ago females were at their all-time highest level of equality, but it dropped due to the fall of mankind. I understand that females and males are physically different, and I understand why equality dropped. But mankind had built itself back up, and yet why is our mindset still in the dark eras?" She asked to which Sora looked at her once more, stunned. books on the past were something no normal person could get their hand on, it was even more so on books about such matters of equality back than

"I guess thats why someone like yourself stepped up, to help mankind's mindset catch up?" Sora asked, to which she nodded seriously,

"you're strong... you would make huge waves in the future, that much I can tell. you're a born leader." Sora said with a smile while looking at her pure eyes, which were filled with determination. Sora pulled out a card and gave it to her

"Give me a call, we shall talk then... your name?" Sora asked while holding his hand out, with a smile.

"Diana." She said while shaking Sora's hand with a stunned look, not expecting Sora to support her movement so easily.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Sora said before entering his car, the crowd of females made way for his car before he drove through.

"... Diana," Sora said softly, while Diana's appearance appeared in his mind, overlapping with someone. Sora smiled gently, before shaking his head