
Reborn : To Take My Revenge

-Don't tell me you thought I was sincere, mocked Donovan, giggling before whispering in my ear, from the start I was just playing with you I pushed him away brutally. -Everything you did to me, I threatened him, I will pay it back to you a hundredfold, now you get out —---- Huyn is a famous superstar who is considered stunning by everyone. Yet her husband prefers to cheat on her with girls who don't even come close to his level. How many times will she have to endure these humiliations without saying anything? When life gives Huyn another chance to be reborn, she decides to take revenge. This time, she intends to reveal Donovan's actions to the whole world. But as her new life begins, will she be able to make the right choices when it comes to love and friendship? Because some will seek to kill it, others will want to destroy it. Many chapters every week!!!

Lilitee · Urban
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56 Chs

One day I will hear your heart beating as loud as mine

After this unforgettable evening, Koen accompanied me home. The car stopped in front of my manager's house, and I thanked him with one last knowing look before getting out, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

-Are you going out tomorrow?, he asked me with a look of expectation visible on his face.

-No tomorrow it won't be possible, I told him shaking my head

He sighed disappointedly.

-I'm going to miss you, he said to me

I approached his ear, my hot breath not leaving him indifferent.

-You can see me whenever you want, I whispered to him, you just have to type my name on the internet

I take his hand off my arm and say goodbye before heading home.

As soon as I walked through the door of my apartment, I let out a sigh of satisfaction before laughing

I think he didn't expect me to say that to him, I thought amusedly

In fact, I kept thinking about Koen's lips on mine, the warmth of his body against mine. Just thinking about it made me want more. Besides, my heart was still racing.

-Come on Huyn pull yourself together, I thought

I sat on the couch for a moment, trying to collect my thoughts. Despite the late hour, I didn't feel any fatigue.

-I guess it will be a sleepless night for me, I mumbled

It was then that my gaze landed on the laptop that Meridia had given me. Meridia, my manager, and her husband had been incredibly supportive since I met them. Their kindness and dedication were second to none. They had even gone to the trouble of setting up this computer for me, connecting all my social media accounts to it. How had they done this without knowing my passwords? It remained a mystery to me.

Wanting to occupy my mind, I opened the computer and made myself comfortable in the living room. The screen lit up, displaying a cover photo taken at one of my concerts. I smile at the number of unread notifications. Meridia had really thought of everything.

I clicked on my social media icon and was immediately logged into my accounts. Fan messages, comments, mentions… everything was there, perfectly organized. I first opened my Instagram account, where photos from the evening were already starting to appear. Images of the nightclub, of friends, and even a few stolen shots of Koen and me on the dance floor.

Without my fans I don't know if I'll still be here, I thought with a sigh

I spent a few minutes responding to some of the comments, thanking my fans for their kind words. Then, I started going through the photos, reliving every moment of the evening through the photos shared. The memories of Koen, his smile, his intense gaze, all of this came back to me with disturbing clarity.

While exploring my social media, I thought about Koen's promise. "I'll show you I'm worth it," he said. This thought made me smile. I was curious to see how he planned to keep his promise, and the idea of ​​this challenge added a touch of excitement to our new relationship.

Time passed without me realizing it. Dawn was turning into morning, and I felt strangely energized. I was happy, my heart light and my mind full of new perspectives.

Finally, I closed the computer and stretched. The day ahead promised to be as interesting as the night I had just experienced. I got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen to make some coffee, ready to face this new day with new energy.