

the next morning, Rex got up early and did some basic excercise, then meditated to absorb elemental energy from the surroundings. after an hour of doing that he got up and cleaned him self up with a cloth and a bowl of warm water. 'sigh* I should have asked form a room with a bath' he thought while wiping his body. he then put on a black T-shirt with some red designs at the arms and back, with a pair of black shorts and boots.

after dressing up, he decided to go check up on his sister. he got to her room and knocked on the door, not long after she opened the door. she wore a black sundress with red accents and a pair of black flats. to cut it short, she looked enchanting.

"wow, you look beautiful sis" Rex said after seeing her appearance.

"thank you brother, you don't look so bad yourself" she replied with a slight smile on her face. cold or not, any girl loves compliments.

"well we have to go check the guild out, cause we are in desperate need of a job" (Rex)

"yeah, your right, and according to the elf from yesterday, it shouldn't be far from here" (Janet)

the duo left the inn after checking out and walked towards the guild. the adventurers guild building became visible as they walked towards it with a bit of excitement.

Rex was excited cause, one has to know that he was initially from earth and has heard of the guild from stories he read, while Janet was affected by Rexs excitement. they arrived at the building with a large sign saying 'the adventurers guild' in bold letters.

getting in they walked to the counter with a shorter line. it got to their turn and Rex stepped forward to speak to receptionist who so happened to be a beastman, she was slightly shocked to see a 'human' with those kind of eyes and she subconsciously sniffed at Rex.

"oh?, do I smell that good?" Rex said with his characteristic evil smirk. the receptionist noticed what she had done so she turned beet red.

"i-I'm sorry, it's just you look like a human, and smell like one but at the same time you smell like a magic beast, as well as your different eyes" the receptionist said as her face got even reddened further, if that's even possible.

"it's fine, but I'm not considered a magic beast though, half beastman? , maybe" Rex said waving her apology off.

"okay then, so how may I be of service?" she asked, changing the topic.

"well I and my sister want to register as adventurers" (Rex)

"oh the fill these forms and the fee is one gold each, when you're done, I'll take you to the back room to check your levels, so we could give you appropriate ranks" the receptionist said giving them papers.

after filling them, they returned the papers to the receptionist.

"okay then come this way" the reception said guiding them to the testing room. they entered an empty room with a lone orb in the middle of it.

"well this orb will let us know your strengths" (the receptionist)

"oh? you are both mages?, well it's not unusual for miss Janet, but I've never seen a beastman mage, as we are all warriors" the receptionist said albeit a little surprised after reading their info.

"well I did say I was half beastman, my human part allowed me use magic, and I also have the physique of a beastman though" (Rex)

"you're quite lucky then, so let's move on with the test" (the receptionist)

Rex nodded then proceeded to rest his palm on the slightly cold orb and sent some if his mana into it. the orb glowed a intense light, then stopped.

Rex turned around to see a shocked receptionist.

"p-p-prefection stage, grandmaster?. are you really just 16?" the receptionist while still trying to maintain her composure, started doubting Rexs age. But the truth is standing in front of her very eyes, regaining her calm, she looked a Janet.

"well it's your turn Janet" (receptionist)

Janet walked forward and put her hand on the orb, the orb also glowed an intense light, albeit not as bright as Rexs.

the receptionist was utterly shocked this time, mind blown and she couldn't help but utter 'monsters' under her breath. but she still maintained her slightly calm state.

"advance stage, grandmaster, I don't know you kids came from, but know this. YOU ARE MONSTERS" (receptionist)

"hahaha, we'll take that as a compliment" Rex said with a dry laugh with scratching the back of his head. Janet also had a wry smile.

"well now it's time for the combat test and since we do not have any combat testers at your level, I will be the one to take your combat tests" the receptionist said and it was the duos turn to be shocked.

"excuse me? " Rex couldn't help but ask.

"oh I forgot to introduce myself, I am Sarah, the guild leader of this branch, nice to meet you" Sarah said stretching her hands and Rex subconsciously shook it.

"now let's proceed to the training ground" Sarah said while walking away and the duo mindlessly following her.

they got to an open area with a weapons rack next to the entrance.

"well pick a weapon..... oh I almost forgot you where mages, cause we'll you in particular don't give the usual mage vibe" Sarah said pointing at Rex.

"hey!!, wait you are fighting us at the same time?" (Rex)

"what? , don't look down on me cause of my looks, I'm an advance stage expert warrior" (Sarah)

"oh, fine then" (Rex)

then he and Janet entered combat mode.

"feel free to go all out, it's been a while since my last work out" Sarah said with a battle crazed smile that Rex was all too familiar with 'hmm, I guess that's a beastman thing but I'm not exactly a beastman, maybe a it's a wolf thing?, seeing as shes a wolf beastman' Rex thought.

"here we come!! " (Rex)

"come!! I will welcome you" Sarah said, both of them had a crazed smile, while Janet just shook her head, a slight smile on her face.

Rex charged at Sarah for close combat. he punched out just as he got close, but she just slapped his fist to the side, but using the momentum he followed up with a kick to her head but she caught his leg, pulled it and planted a punch on his stomach, which sent him flying right into the wall of the arena. before Sarah could relax countless ice spears shot at her. but she coated herself in dou qi and dodged the spears she could and destroyed the ones she couldn't. Rex recovered and charged at the smiling Sarah with a similar smile on his face. he formed some fire spears as well and shot at her accompanied by his onslaught of punches and kicks, but Sarah just blocked them and dodged the fire spears and kicked him dying into the wall again, not before appearing right in front of Janet kicking her flying as well.

"you have all this raw strength, but don't know how to use it. let's stop here for now, you are a well balanced party, one offense, one support, but you still need some training in martial arts Rex , if you want I could teach you some basics" Sarah said with a smile.

"I don't see why not, but what's the catch, nothing good comes easy" Rex said narrowing his eyes a bit.

"Hehehe, there's an oncoming beast hoard and I want you to participate in it and as a fellow beastman I don't want you to just die" Sarah said with an amused expression.

"fellow beastman? your not disgusted that I'm a 'halfling'" (Rex)

"halfling?, oh please we beastmen don't care about such superficial nonsense, you have our blood so we will love you the same" Sarah said matter of factly.

" I see, then I'll gladly help in the beast wave, so what's our rank" (Rex)

"well seeing your strengths, you both will start as c-ranked adventurers and here are your cards all you have to do is drip your blood to completely own them" Sarah said handing them black cards with silver edges.

they did as instructed and dripped their bloods on the cards, and we're amazed when the cards absorbed the blood.

their names along with their ranks appeared on the cards.

"well you are officially Adventurers and Janet?" (Sarah)

"yes?" (Janet)

"you could join in on the training if you want, even though I can't use magic, I know of some tips that could be beneficial to you. by the way, if it's alright to ask, what kinds of magic do you specialize in?" (Sarah)

"it's alright, I do ice magic and water magic" (Janet)

"oh that's awesome, you are perfect for the support role" (Sarah)

"so when do we start the training?" (Rex)

"we could start tomorrow morning, you probably stay at Tina's inn right?"( Sarah)

"how did you know that" (Rex)

"well that's a popular inn for adventurers, their food is the best so everyone loves it there" (Sarah)

"I see, okay then" (Rex)

"I'll be there at dawn, see you soon, little pup" Sarah said as she vanished

"hey!!! who are you calling pup" Rex yelled at the guild masters disappearing form, much to Janet's amusement, she could barely stifle her laugh.

"what's got you laughing" seeing her struggle to hold her laugh, Rex yelled at her. but she couldn't hold it anymore and she burst out laughing. and didn't stop until the first to the inn. 'why is she laughing, it wasn't even that funny' he grumbled as he made his way to his room and slammed the door. and that only made Janet laugh more. she also got to her room and shut the door.