
Eight years later, breakthrough

In a dark void , an young man in his mid twenties was floating in front of three figures, a middle aged man with white hair, clad in purple armor, a teenage girl also wearing purple , but a robe instead and finally an old man dressed like a butler.

All of them exuding a magnificent aura of power, the young man is our MC, Rex, and the three figures are, Thor , Mahuea , and Fenrir.

" it's been 8 years since that unfortunate event, and you have been training since then finally reaching the perfection level of the war saint stage. And such a young age." Thor states looking and the wild looking young man before him.

"I still don't know why you brought me here leaving Janet alone" Rex said getting agitated, Sarah's death gave him a slight trauma.

" we brought you here to tell you about the war god realm, seeing as we don't want you going head on without proper information"

Mahuea replied the agitated child in front of her.

"The sublevels of the war god realm are further split into two levels , the primary and final stage. And the difference between the are very large, so it's practically impossible to fight over realms, without an artifact of some sort"

Fenrir continued.

Rex: and what realm is Achilles ??

Thor: he's at the final stage of the mid war god realm , and he's beyond you're current level of power.

Rex gritted his teeth after finding out the disparity in their strengths ' I guess I need some more years to catch up'

Rex: thank you for the information but is that the only reason I was brought here ?

Thor: we brought you here to give you a few boons to help you on your quest. Firstly I'll help merge your elements completely.

Fenrir: and I'll give you dominion over all wolf species and a qualitative upgrade to ur senses and physique.

Mahuea : because your elements are going to get merged, I'll gift you with a crystal with enough elemental energy to take you and your sister to the final level of the initial war god stage. For you, it could take you a stage higher, but your sister will need more understanding of her elements to advance. Seeing as her powers are native to that world.

Rex hearing all this was moved, he is one step closer to getting his revenge. He bowed his head to the three gods, expressing his gratitude.

Mahuea: there's no need for that, we are the ones that brought this upon you.

Rex: No my goddess, all you gods did for me was give me a second chance at life, and now you are giving me a chance at revenge. How could I ever blame you.

The three gods were satisfied with his words, he indeed was worthy of the opportunity given to him.

Thor: when you return your gifts will be bestowed onto you.

Rex: thank you my gods.

Thor: oh and make sure to be careful there maybe other powers native to the planet that may want to either recruit you, or destroy you. So get stronger , fast.

Rex: I shall heed your warnings, my lord.

Rex bows his head once again as his figure disappears.

Thor: what a wonderful and interesting child, I just hope he doesn't die.

Fenrir: indeed, that child Achilles is too much for him, for now that is.

Fenrir states with a slightly prideful tone.

Thor: oh? The great Fenrir has so much faith in that child, I can't wait to see what happens.


Rex woke up and and was met with the sight of his sister meditating in front of him.

It looked like she was making a breakthrough so he decided to wait for her.


Cold energy suddenly burst out of her body, freezing the ground around. She looked like a celestial ice queen as the cold blue aura gave her an ethereal beauty.

Janet: you can stop staring brother

Janet with a smirk on her face stated, snapping Rex out of his daze. Then suddenly she had a frown on her face.

Rex: what is it ??

Janet: your energy feels a little different. Did you do something?. Did you try merging your elements again?!?!?

Janet was getting enraged at the idea of her dear brother putting himself at risk.

Rex: I didn't sister, the gods did.

She calmed down after hearing that. Then a white crystal orb the size of a grape right beside Rex caught her attention.

Janet: what's that ??

Rex: this was a gift for the both of us, it apparently has enough energy to get us to the final stage of the initial war god realm.

Janet looked at her brother in confusion.

Janet: final stage ?? What's that ??

Rex: well the war god realm is completely different from the other realms. The sub stages are further split in to two ; the primary and final stages. And apparently the gap between each stage is large, so fighting over levels a practically impossible without outside help.

Janet: and what stage is that bastard??.

A thick killing intent burst out of her.

Rex: final stage of the mid war god realm.

Rex stayed grimly. And helplessness washed over Janet, seeing this Rex reminded her of the crystal they were gifted .

Janet: oh yes, we don't have time to lose. Let's absorb it now.

Rex: I was just about to say the same.

Rex got up and sealed the entrance of the cave with massive boulders, before sitting crossed legs in front of his sister. Placing the orb in between themselves.

"Let's begin"

The siblings began absorbing the near infinite energy form the orb.


*a year later*


A seal cave entrance in the middle of a forest suddenly exploded and two figures walked out.

A young man in his mid twenties and a younger women also in her twenties stepped out .

The man was obviously our MC Rex and the woman his dear sister, Janet.

Rex: how long were we in there?!

Rex asked as he was doing some stretches

Janet : I don't even care about that, I just need a bath.

Rex: I'm just glad we are a step closer to revenge

Janet: and I am wondering why you made it to the primary stages of the mid war god realm and I didn't

Rex : well the gods said you needed understanding of your element to advance.

Janet: but you don't ?? That's not fair!!

Janet complained with a slight pout.

Rex: life ain't fair sis. Don't worry big brother is here to protect you .

Rex stayed with a smirk on his face

Janet: f**k off I'm going to take a bath And you need one as well, you smell like a dog

Janet stated with a mocking smile, before running of.

Rex : hey who are you calling dog ??

Rex yelled in a voice filled with fake anger and chased after his sister .