
*title at the end*

*Rexs pov*

it was dark, really dark. it could even be said that I had died again, but I knew better.

?: it seems you are maturing well , Rex.

I turned around in the voice and I saw a 10 year old white haired kid, a child about my age and a little fox on the his shoulder.

*3rd persons pov*

Rex: oh joy, more Gods want a piece of me, but I'm sorry, I do not want to receive the blessings of other God's, fenrir would not like that.

teenager: you're damn right I wouldn't!!

Rex: eh?, fenrir?, why do you look my age and don't tell me that fox is mahuae and.... oh my.

fenrir: Rex God's do not have a form, we appear as you perceive us. and that aside thor here has something to tell you.

Thor: nice to meet you again Rex, I wish we would have met on better terms but, I wanted to warn you about you and your families impending doom.

Rex: what?!, I don't think there is any one that could cause us harm in this world .

Thor: don't be complacent boy, as you are just in one of four continents and the weakest at that

Rex: what?!! the weakest? really? .

rex stood pondering this new info, and a wave of excitement passed through him.

Rex: if this is the weakest continent, it means the others are a lot stronger and there are stronger people for me to fight, right?.

A manic grin made its way to his face, as he thought about fighting stronger opponents.

Thor seeing as the expected reaction wasn't shown, instead the battle hungry rex was even more excited.

Thor: well that aside rex, Zeus has been busy lately and he has a champion a lot more powerful than you, and he is heading straight for this location as we speak, this is your warning.

Rex: wait why is he after me, I don't even know him.

Thor: there is a war rex between Zeus and I, his faction and mine.

Rex: I don't see how that's any of my business.

Thor: well rex, gods cannot fight physically, that would be catastrophic. so we choose champions, but this time Zeus decided to cheat and made his champion so powerful at the start, but you wouldn't necessarily loose out.

Rex: how comforting, look I don't want anything to do with this. when he comes I'll tell him I'm not a part if this, make him see reason.

Fenrir: he-

Thor stopped fenrir from saying anymore.

Thor: take care boy, I wish you safe living.

rex was pulled back to reality, and the first thing he noticed was the smell of blood in the air.

he charged outside and saw the horrific scene. corpses laid all over the place, innocents deprived of their lives, dismembered bodies littered all over.

But that wasnt what rex was looking at, he saw a hulking mass in the middle of it all, and in his hands was Sarah, who was about to be strangled to death.

Rex: stoopp!!!!

The hulking mass turned to face him

???: oh? you finally graced us with your presence, I thought I would have to kill more of these insects, well I have to kill this one I'm holding, she actually injured me, how infuriating.

and with a jerk of his hands he crushed Sarahs neck killing her.

Rex: Noooo!!!!

rex was about to react when Janet beat him to it, she charged at the huge man.

Rex: Janet Noooo!!

rex luckily reacted in time and knocked Janet out before she charged to her death.

Rex: why are you doing this!!

rex said while restraining his endless rage.

???: haha, why? I am Achilles, champion of Zeus, so I am here to eradicate you and other champions of Thor's faction

Rex: I already told Thor I didn't want to be a part of your stupid war.

Achilles: but I'm afraid thats impossible, you hold his gift, so you are tainted and I shall destroy you.

Rex literally caught fire when he heard how unreasonable this bloke was.

Rex: fine you piece of shit, I was going to kill you anyway for killing my mom, you son of a bitch is going to wish you were dead.

thunder boomed in the skies as rex raged on. but this was all a front, underneath all his rage we a calm never before seen in rex.

he was thinking of a way to escape with his sister, and come back later when he was stronger and turn this piece of shit to dust.

Achilles: how amusing, you think you can kill me?, I am the champion of Zeus!! , you will be the one to perish today.

with that he charged at rex, sword in hand. rex quickly formed a fire lance and used it to parry the attack.

with a spin, rex pierced the lance towards Achilles throat, it was evaded with a light tilt of the head on Achilles part. Achilles the followed up with a horizontal slash, rex ducked to the ground, evading the slash by a hairs breath, then lunging for Achilles with a lightning coated fist. it was too late for Achilles to do anything and the hit connected, sending him flying backward and crashing into a building.

Achilles: you are good, young one and with more time you would be better. sadly I have to end this fight now, but because you have impressed me, I'll spare the lives of you and your sister if you survive this attack . but the next time we meet you will all die.

with that he rose his sword high and purple lightning erupted from it. with a slash a lightning bolt the size of a tree was shot at rex.

quickly shifting to his wolf form, he protected Janet with his towering figure. the purple lightning bolt struck him mercilessly.

Rex: aahhhhhhhhhhhrg!!!!

rex cried out in agony, but he stood firm, protecting his sister. he released his lightning from his body in an effort to dispel the invading purple lightning. it worked as he stopped feeling the purple lightning in his body.

the attack lasted for some seconds before it stopped, revealing rex still in his wolf form but he looked so miserable.

Achilles: oh? I can't say I'm not surprised you survived, but I'm a man of my word. I shall let you live today, so you could ingrain your weakness into your mind and remember that I, Achilles, spared your miserable life.

Achilles' form then disappeared, rex changed back to his human form, and lifelessly walked to Sarah's body.

he carefully carried her body in his arms along with Janet on his back and walked to the clearing they usually trained.

he dropped Janet carefully on the ground and proceeded to bury Sarah.

Rex: I'm sorry I didn't make it in time, but I will destroy Achilles and all the champions of Zeus and only then would I rest.

hatred thick in his voice as he said this. he turned and walked to Janet's form and carried her.

Rex: I'm sorry Janet but we are alone again, but at least we have each other.

with that he walked into the forest, holding his sister like a precious egg. his form disappearing into the thick covering of the trees.

*sarahs death*