
Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend, Lee Jinhee found herself being heartbroken, and due to her impulse, she got into an accident, leading to her death. But fortunately for her, she was provided with a second chance! Lee Jinhee found herself being satisfied with it! However, what the hell had happened in this life of hers? Why was her best friend and boyfriend acting so strange? Hold on! Why was her best friend, Han Taehee, acting so clingy? Why was her boyfriend, Kim Jaehyun, the one chasing after her this time around? Why was they paying this much attention to her this time around? However, despite the weird changes, Oh Jinhee was determined to make those who had wronged her in her previous life pay!

ShinSungmi · Urban
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322 Chs

Butterfly effect

Getting into the back seat of Jaehyun's car, Jinhee was astonished to see Chaewon on the seat beside the driver's seat. 

Not understanding how to ask about it, Jinhee voiced out, "It is surprising to see you here!"

"I'm his assistant for now," Chaewon answered.

The butterfly effect— This definitely had to be that. In her last life, Chaewon was not related to Jaehyun in any way. 

It could be that since Jinhee is friends with both of them, a stronger relation built between the two. Jaehyun's assistant could not be carelessly chosen, and therefore, it showed that he had some sort of trust for Chaewon.

Jaehyun being close with other females no longer bought a strong, bitter feeling within her heart, and in fact, she wanted him to move on from her.

'Could it be that I don't like him that much anymore?'