
Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend, Lee Jinhee found herself being heartbroken, and due to her impulse, she got into an accident, leading to her death. But fortunately for her, she was provided with a second chance! Lee Jinhee found herself being satisfied with it! However, what the hell had happened in this life of hers? Why was her best friend and boyfriend acting so strange? Hold on! Why was her best friend, Han Taehee, acting so clingy? Why was her boyfriend, Kim Jaehyun, the one chasing after her this time around? Why was they paying this much attention to her this time around? However, despite the weird changes, Oh Jinhee was determined to make those who had wronged her in her previous life pay!

ShinSungmi · Urban
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322 Chs

Attract her attention

Hearing that her Grandfather Dowon was calling her from the maid, Jinhee did not waste a second to run into his office. Staying in this house filled with coldness, she missed his warmth.

Opening the door to his room, a smile immediately appeared on Jinhee's face, and she asked, "How has your health been, Grandpa Dowon?"

"How does it look like?" Dowon questioned.

Closing the door behind her, Jinhee spoke out, "You look as healthy as a horse! You look as if you're in your fifties."

"Not fifties but mid forties," He corrected whilst maintaining a nonchalant expression. Jinhee let out a slight chuckle at that.

"What's the special occasion to make you show up here?" Jinhee questioned whilst taking the seat in front of his desk.

Before Dowon could answer, they were interrupted by the sound of door opening. Turning her back on Dowon to see the person was, Jinhee's eyes sharpened when she noticed Jinkyung standing there.

Most definitely, a new drama was going to start.

"Grandpa Dowon, how have you been?"Jinkyung questioned whilst her hand held on to an envelope.

Although Jinkyung had a nervous smile on whilst she stared at Lee Dowon, Jinhee did not miss the sneer she flashed at Jinhee for a second there.

"Cut to the chase," Lee Dowon spoke out sternly.

Forwarding towards Lee Dowon, Jinkyung showed a sorrowful and nervous expression. With her current countenance, she could easily garner pity from others. Sometimes Jinhee wished that she had acting skills as good as Jinkyung's.

"I don't know how to say this out loud." Jinkyung let out a despondent sigh. "I just hope you wouldn't be too harsh on my sister after this. As a teen, many does mistakes."

Glancing at Jinhee with pity, Jinkyung opened the envelope and laid down pictures on the table. Jinhee's eyes fell on them. Each of those pictures consisted of her.

Two of them was on her coming out of Jaehyun's car yesterday. Nonetheless, due to Jaehyun's luxurious car and late night, one can easily misunderstand the situation

There were couple of her going at the top floor of Delights, and there was one of her standing beside a middle-aged man— about which she had no idea on— at Lunar Amusement Park.

The middle-aged male stood few centimetres away from Lee Jinhee whilst fireworks went off in the sky. Jinhee was sure that Taehee was beside her at that time, but definitely she was cut off when taking the picture.

One that caught her eyes was of her sitting beside the same middle-aged male inside the planetarium. It was suspicious how the same male was involved in both of this. 

Could Jinkyung's connection be wider than Jinhee had expected?

A simple man can not be present at Lunar Amusement Park in its inauguration day, and therefore, to have someone like this work for her to take these pictures, Jinkyung had to have some wide connections.

It couldn't be Lee Minjoon or his wife because doing this would only harm the reputation they care so much about. It could also be someone else that had enemity with Jinhee.

Jinhee's eyes grew wider at a realization, and sudden wave of coldness hit her.

'Could it be her? No, no, Jinhee, be calm. It can't be her; It is too soon for her to appear. Moreover, you hadn't done anything in this life to attract her attention.'

Lee Dowon's fierce stare was felt by Jinhee, and raising her head up, she stared at him. His eyes showed obvious anger directed towards her. Nonetheless, Jinhee knew that Dowon wouldn't trust in Jinkyung's words.

Most likely, Dowon was angered at her for letting herself be photographed like this and not being careful enough. The triumphant smile that appeared on Jinkyung's face didn't miss Jinhee's eyes.

"Dad tried to convince Jinhee about it, but it seems that he scolded her in a wrong way and Jinhee didn't properly reply to him. I know, you love my sister, so I hope you discipline her properly on this matter," Jinkyung voiced out.

Jinhee noticed that Jinkyung chose her words properly and maintained her expression well. If it was someone else, Jinkyung could have easily persuaded them.

Lee Dowon nodded at Jinkyung, and directing a glower at Jinhee, he voiced out, "You can leave now."

Leaving the pictures on Dowon's desk, Jinkyung turned her back on Dowon to go out of the room. Jinhee felt Jinkyung touch her shoulder before stepping out of the room.

Did y'all notice? Did you? The gift function opened! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈).

I literally dropped my precious phone when the editor contacted me and thought I was dreaming. I never actually thought I'll be able to go on contract, and after convincing my mom— a really tough job— I was able to sign it!

So, drop by a gift if you'd want! I love you all so much!

Thanks for the power stone votes and keep up with them.

There will be one more today and two more tomorrow.

ShinSungmicreators' thoughts