
Reborn of a vampire king

This story features a vampire king who was sacrificed for the wrong doings of his people but gets reborn he does not wish to take revenge but wish to live a life on his own accord but what happens when he is to fight the vampire's he once protected?

Dreamy_winter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


After what had happened the academy seemed to be more secured and less professor's went out for missions Ryan was to report to the authorities if he had woken up.

This was due to the report she had given the authorities but no students stood for that was the whole first year except the class of Ryan's saw what he had done and how he protected them.

Hearing this piece of information Layla was really angry at the students and tried to shut them up, Layla was not really a bad person it was only because of how the world had brought her up, the world was rotten with no space for kindness any more.

Everyone was worried about Ryan as he had put his life on the line to protect them not even caring about his well being even Chloe who had just came had a good impression of Ryan.

Chloe had been doing well on her own since Peter had gone only her had the room to her self but she was not comfortable at all as she decided to sleep in the medical room with Ryan to her suprise she was at ease being near Ryan.

As for Rose she had woken up and she could feel some certain changes she checked everywhere and she remembered the last thing she saw was a blurry image of Ryan when he held her.

She knew the changes had something to do with Ryan but she knew he would be in trouble knowing his behavior he would be angry and would be the type of person to avenge his comrades but she also knew that Ryan was a smart person he would not act according to emotions.

She stood up looking at the dead students she felt disheartened, she could not protect her students she had done her best but she was too weak now that she had been saved at the brink of death she had promised to protect Ryan her only remaining student.

Standing up she looked around for Ryan but she could not see him she was busy checking another class when she heard the noise of the fight going on between Ryan and Max she rushed there to help him but she met some trouble on the way two masked people came at her although she knew they wouldn't be much trouble since they just kept on attacking her.

She was prepared to do this as she used wind barrier while at the same time using fire ball cannon it was fast hitting the first masked person on the head it seemed to be smashed as blood flowed out the first masked had died she was utterly suprised at her change in strength what had Ryan done to her was it dark magic she thought but she still focused on the other masked.

Moving fast she used wind tornado as the masked was pushed down the wall in the hall,wind tornado and wind chaos were different but one could say they worked the same way, the wind tornado comes in the shapes of a medium sized tornado causing enough damage while the wind chaos is also in the form of a tornado but it causes more damage than the wind tornado.

She then went to the masked on the ground lifting his head pulling out the mask she found out that it was actually a she but something seemed to be wrong with her as she had an emotionless face as she didn't seem to feel pain, casting a fire ball spell she moved back a little just before she could see the masked eyes turn white, she knew that it would be a problem if he is possessed so she fired the cannon ball easily removing the head of the second masked.

Rushing to where Ryan was as she could sense his magical aura was going out little by little as the aura of the other person she could sense was still far greater than his making her rushing a little faster for the fear of Ryan being killed but upon reaching them she could see ice swords stuck inside the body of the person she recognized as Max.

'he seems to still be in his right mind and does not seem to be controlled so he is part of them huh no matter what i must save my remaining students even if it will lead to my death' professor rose thought.

She had wanted to stop them both but seeing them she could not help but feel it was not in her part to interfere she could see that Max's body had disintegrated while Ryan seemed to be very weak as he fell down flat but Rose caught him on time as he seemed to go unconscious.

In the healing room professor Rose and Chloe were in while both seemed to be asleep Ryan was on the bed as he opened his eyes a little as his vision was still blurry looking around he saw professor Rose and Chloe there with him Chloe on the bed who had slept close to him holding his arm while Rose was also asleep on a chair.

Trying to move in a way not to wake up either of them but that didn't seem to work as Chloe had woken cleaning her eyes which looked red 'had she been crying all this time for me why' Ryan thought but just then Chloe had given him a tight hug not letting him move an inch "Ryan don't ever do that again you hear me " she said as tear's were in her eyes Ryan who did not know what to do just hugged her back staying in this position for about five minutes Chloe finally let go as they both heard "are you love bird done or are you still at it" saying this professor Rose stood up as Chloe with a red face ran out of the healing bay.

"i really am glad to see you awake and well, i really am but there are some questions i would like to ask you if you do not mind" she said Ryan had feared for this moment but he had steadied himself as he explained everything to her about him being reborn and turning into a vampire.

"so i am a vampire and that is the reason why my magical and physical abilities both skyrocketed" she said with a shocked look,hmm had heard of the vampire's but this is the first time seeing them face to face i thought they did not look human the teaching's always said they looked like beast's.

"ok so maybe at a later time i need you to teach me on how to use this powers"she said leaving the healing bay as then only Ryan was in.

'so only eight years remaining and if what she said was true i am still far too weak' Ryan thought.

After the battle Ryan had blacked out and before he knew it he had appeared in another place it looked like a castle.

Ryan did not know why but he could tell that this was not the real world it was something like a dream again he appeared inside the castle and could see a majestic like palace and there was a seat at the front of this room it looked grand just then a figure appeared.

"Wow you fought well and hard even knowing you can not win but if this is your limit nothing awaits you but mere death" the figure said,'wait have i heard this voice before,yes it was the same one that thought me how to turn professor Rose into a vampire' Ryan thought.

"you may have remembered me from somewhere but a word of advice to you is to leave the academy lest everyone dies" the figure said as his view had come back waking up in the healing bay.

Two years had passed since the battle between Ryan and Max had an all out battle,an handsome teen could be seen he had black hair and red eye lens he was about to graduate from the academy and had to choose between leaving the academy or stay as a sword for them.

Surely he knew the answer and he was not ready to stay and risk the lives of his comrades or of innocent people just because of his battle.

He intended to leave Azure kingdom and join a guild for finical reasons while at the same time gaining experience from his battles.