
Reborn of a vampire king

This story features a vampire king who was sacrificed for the wrong doings of his people but gets reborn he does not wish to take revenge but wish to live a life on his own accord but what happens when he is to fight the vampire's he once protected?

Dreamy_winter · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Two-faced Nathan?

Going to a town called Grasta by foot since he did not have enough silver or gold at the time all he had was about two silvers which was enough to get him a room at an inn.

Going through the glistening wood land forest since he did not have enough enough money he decided to go by foot,on his way through the forest he had met a lot of beast he also fought a lot and he found it easier for him as he got through the beast here were about advanced rank and for someone like him it was a piece of cake.

If he were to be asked he would have said he had gone half of the way to Grasta,he had not met any monsters close to where he was yet but he had yet to see people.

Going through Ryan was tired he had not eaten anything at all since the day he had drank blood not that he felt that hungry but he had the urge to drink blood.

He decided to take a rest near a tree he climbed on top of it staying on the branch just then he could hear the voice of people as it sounded like a fight was going on,he did not want to bother himself before on searching for the people that were fighting but it had been long since he had seen anyone it would be best for him.

Going to the direction from which he heard the noise taking a look he saw three people who looked like adventurers and they seemed to be fighting and evolved beast which looked like a lizard man if he took a guess he would say it had evolved from giant lizard to lizard man.

They seemed to be around two lizard men and they were using wind elements,he could guess that they were fighting beast at super tier and they were giving the adventurers a hard time most of them were injured,he was tired of watching them getting beaten like fools.

Running in front of them and the beast Ryan had used wind elemental sword cutting off one of the heads of the lizard man the three adventurers we're shocked looking forward at who had saved them even the second lizard man was shocked as it starts stepping back a little it had attempted to run but soon it's body had fell to the floor they had both died in an instant something that had given the adventurers a great deal of trouble.

Ryan who had been standing looking at the three adventurers they were two men and a female all of them looked to be in their twenties, Ryan was a bit annoyed by the silence so he decided to leave them if they were not ready to make contact with him.

Going back to where he was he later heard the voice of a man call him looking back of course it was one of the adventurers, he had decided to go back to them since he did not have a choice, listening to the man speak he had told Ryan that they were C- rank guild members and that they had decided to go on a quest concerning the lizard men since they were short on money, he had also learned their names the two men were Hael and Douma while the woman was Dina.

Ryan had told them he had intended to go to Gastra and had wanted to join a guild, hearing this all of them were really happy if they could get an adventurer as strong as this to join their guild their leader may be happy and may give them a lot of gift.

Still going to the town they had told him that it was not that far from here but they had told him that bandits specialize in staying near there and as they had a lot of beast parts they were likely to be attacked.

On the way they had almost reached the town and the beast's in the area had lessened so Ryan had thought it was safe but taking the advice of the adventurers he was still secure soon they had been stopped by five bandits they had stooped Ryan and the other adventurers.

Having expected this Ryan who would have normally rush in had stayed back he had wanted to see what the bandits could do it had been a long time since he had fought someone on par with him.

"um... excuse me but i will need you to give up everything you have, please i really do not want to kill" the voice said showing a boy around 15 years old.

Hael then said "wait is that not two-faced Nathan" he said in a shaky voice, hearing this Ryan was very pleased of they were this afraid of him how would he fare against him.

Moving forward Ryan had moved tremendously fast like he had disappeared, taking a hold of his head Ryan smashed it on the ground, the reason why he could do this was because he was practically a magical swords man and he also went for self defense classes too.

Every one of them was shocked by this change of events seeing the supposed two-faced Nathan get his head smashed down powerlessly of course the adventurers were more shocked as it made them think that Ryan had held back during the fight with the lizard men.

Ryan had expected at least to see and injured Nathan but nothing like that happened as Nathan stood up and cleaned the dust off his body as his tone and demanour changed he was like and aggressive crazed beast ' two-faced huh certainly lives up to his name' Ryan thought.

Ryan decided to try something crazy he had decided he was not going to use any magical abilities or cast any spell he had decided to only use swords man ship to win.

Ryan had held his hand out closing his eyes as he concentrated,then a purple dark like spark appeared before a whole purple dark like scythe was held on his hand it gave out an ominous feeling this was of course dark magic.

He had not used this elemental weapon because he had felt it was dangerous to do so because he had not used dark magic before and it was what he had considered a crucial weapon but he felt that if he could survive a hit as strong as that and not get injured at all he was meant to be powerful.

"you done" Nathan said holding his two swords, Ryan nodded in response as they both went charging in striking at each other they seemed to be smiling both, like they had met their long lost friends they had both been striking non-stop.

Ryan hadn't wanted to used magic because it would have been an easy match for him and it was also an opportunity for him to learn close-range fights better.

Moving back they had both looked tired as they were panting although they just started but that was not the reason,the reason being the amount of strength and energy put into both striking and defense as they had tried to catch up with each other's strength.

Moving fast Nathan slashed at Ryan's left hand cutting it off, Ryan was shocked how was he slow he was sure their strength was on par,not showing the anger on his face Ryan slashed at Nathan but it seemed to be an after image.

Cutting through Ryan skin he was smiling like a beast, Ryan had only one possible explanation and it was that it was an increase in strength or something like a boost.

'how is that even possible had he lower his strength the entire time? but why was it to test my strength' while thinking about this Ryan decided to look at his eyes then it hit him,'damn i did not even take that as a guess was his other soul possessed,i really am not sure but i know i have to end him.'

Looking back he said "Hael take the others and leave now!" Ryan said shouting back at them,Hael had wanted to complain but he just responded saying "just make sure you come back ok?" he said running with the others the other bandits had wanted to stop them but Ryan had used ice swords to pierce through their head killing all four in an instant.

you look you

Looking at Nathan he said "do you think that attacks like that would harm me, do you know why i sent them away so i would kill them mistakenly" Ryan said as his eyes glowed red he said as a massive aura was released from him making the arrogant Nathan a little anxious.

His hand had healed holding out his scythe it's aura significantly,he was ready to pay back with blood.