
Reborn Metal BAT on the MCU

A new graduate dies, but has a chance to be born back. (very poorly written, I use the help of a translator, I'm still studying English and I'm trying to write better)

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · Movies
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29 Chs

13 years old and recruit the blob

New York 1999

It's been 1 year since my fight with x-23, during this year I spent most of it fighting in other arenas and expanding our territory, now the gang controls more than twice as much territory as before, 11 neighborhoods.

I stopped the expansion because I identified many problems, lack of money and members the main ones, when we control a new territory I accept the former members of the losing gangs, besides taking out the garbage as rapists or drug addicts of course.

The money earned by the gang has also more than doubled we have already earned about $100,000 a month, the problem is that we also have many costs besides paying for the members we need to pay bribes to the local police station, after all we are a small gang we cannot face the police, Orion is very good at this, he can communicate with the police and create a good relationship the police ignore us and receive money, to increase profit deciding to leave part of my old morals, our gang will start to get involved in drug trafficking, of course I need to increase the strength of the members first because the drug market is going to have many competitors.

As for me, my strength has increased a lot, since my fight with the x-23 my powers started to advance, I have physical strength equal to 10 adult men together, my speed in a straight line is already 65 km/h, my reflexes are very fast although I still can't dodge bullets completely I can move in front of them avoiding shots hitting vital parts, when using a weapon I intend to buy Vibranium on the black market in the future it turns into a baseball bat, but I need a lot of money to that.

Our gang's core strength will be humans using firearms but I know that in the future this won't do much, so I will recruit people with super powers to join the gang and form its elite, my first target is a mutant who never had his potential well used in comics, Fred J. Dukes or otherwise known as blob, I spent some money and found out he's still working in the circus, his power is very strong and his peak potential is even more absurd, his weakness is his low intelligence to the point of being a fool, however even if he was a villain the truth is that he was just a teenager who since childhood was always treated poorly, his personality became terrible but after joining the magnet team he was faithful to the group, showing that he is not the type to cheat, if I manage to recruit him, I will undoubtedly treat him well and be a great strength to the gang.


"alfred did we get to the circus?" I ask... "yes young master, the place is here".

alfred is my butler and driver that i hired some time ago, he is also a retired war veteran, although i am not rich yet i can buy a car, after all i am the leader of a gang and i deserve some luxury.

I bought a ticket to watch the circus, and I must say that I feel very sad, many weak mutants were part of it, they were being treated as a joke just because they looked different, although sad I don't intend to do anything because I'm very weak yet, not In the future I can bribe some politicians to make laws more favorable to these ugly mutants so they can get out of the sewer or work normal jobs.

Finally it's Blob's show, he shows his enormous strength despite still being a 17 year old he is over 2 meters and must weigh more than 300 kilos, just looking I see that his strength must be at least double that mine ie the strength of 20 adult men, as i know his potential i know he is still very weak or is the best time to recruit him, after the show ends, I give some money to the circus manager and he lets me go to the blob's trailer, I see the big guy sitting on the floor eating several pizzas and I go over to him.

"What does a little boy do here, get out of here I'm eating and I don't have time for autographs" Blob, "I don't want your autograph, I want your loyalty", "hahahahaha loyalty are you part of any church or what child" Blob.

"I'm the leader of the east iron gang, although you don't know what it is, no doubt in a few years you'll know, you're very strong, you shouldn't be humiliating yourself in a circus in exchange for food, you have the potential to be one of the Leaders of this nation, so why are you wasting your youth in a circus, come with me to the gang and I promise no one else will laugh at you, maybe you'll even get a beautiful wife, I know many women with strange fetishes."

"and why should i believe that, no girl likes me, always laugh and despise me, i can't believe in a weak boy, go away don't lie" blob, I realize that I can try him, in fact regardless of his strength or intelligence he's just a 17 year old teenager, glory or wealth all this is behind pretty girls, nothing more convincing than getting a girlfriend for a teenager.

"I'm not weak, how about a deal let's fight here, if I win you follow me and if I lose I'll pay you 1000 dollars, of course if I win I'll keep my promise and help you get a beautiful girlfriend", "ok i accept but if i crush you by accident don't come call your mother" blob.

We are facing each other, in physical strength I am weaker however blob is very slow. He starts running towards me, I use my feet to dodge and move around him, I land strong punches on his legs and arms avoiding his stomach because I know that's his strong point, I intend to tire him out until I get an opportunity to hit the his face.

After some time I see that Blob is getting tired, my opportunity is coming, even though he is very strong he doesn't know how to fight, when I recruit he will teach boxing;

"damn damn stand still you little one for blob to crush you haaaaa" blob, Blob is getting angry, from my knowledge of him when he gets angry he ends up losing control, I need to finish soon and bring him back, Blob comes running towards me, he's angry and he doesn't have any guards in his body, he's exposed all his vital parts, I use the strength of my legs to jump forward, and land a hard punch to his jaw.

Getting it, Blob passed out on the ground, just wait for him to return to consciousness, a short time later he wakes up and I say "you lost friend, get your things, now you will be part of the elite of the iron east gang", "damn it's okay, you run away like a little girl in a fight, but I lost, you'll have to pay for my meals now and also introduce me to a girlfriend, know that I'm picky with women, I like women with big breasts, I also love licking a foot and even more girls with sweat smell and girls with mini skirts and girls with..." blob, he spent several minutes talking to me about his type of boy in summary he likes all types he almost doesn't shut up, i don't remember the animation Blob being like that, maybe it's a perverted alternative version.

I finally recruited the first super-powered member of our gang, although he's a pervert without a doubt he has a lot of potential, I'll train him to become the shield of the east iron, my only problem will be getting him home, he doesn't fit in mine car....

Blob the MC's first super helper, one of my favorite mutants

Marcelinho_Ggazelicreators' thoughts