
Reborn into twilight. (Twilight FF.)

Reborn into the twilight universe as the younger brother of Bella Swan.

Uchiha_Lover21 · Movies
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3 Chs

Kalan Swan.

(Fuck it, I was going to keep this story for another time, but eh I feel inspired. As always I write for fun, hope you enjoy.)

Kalan Pov.

Home sweet home. I think to myself as I drive throug the familiar town of Forks.

It seems the action will start soon. I got a call from Billy saying that Sam had transformed recently. He wanted me to come back and help Sam deal with his transformation.

I agreed mainly because I knew Forks would be fun in the coming weeks.

So now I'm back home and currently making my way to Billy's home.

It doesn't take me long to get there, considering how small Forks is.

I pull up to Billy's home and park close to the front door.

Billy rolls out of the house before I even get out my car.

Billy's been wheelchair bound for a few years now. Billy is the tribal chief of the native people, the Quileutes. He's also my chief because ny grandmother was a Quileute and when it was discovered I could transform, I was instantly made part of the tribe.

I wasn't surprised when I transformed given my past life knowledge I had of this world. You see I was reborn into the Twilight universe, a universe with werewolves, vampires and shape-shifters. I fall under the werewolf category, given that I lose control on full moons and I seem to have a severe allergic reaction to wolfbane. When wolfbane touches me it feels like someone poured acid onto my skin and I get a taste of that every full moon. It's the only way to contain me during a full moon. Without my wolfsbane chains, I'd most likely have killed alot of people. Luckily I was clever enough to test for any weaknesses before my first full moon.

Anyway let's get back to the task at hand.

"Hey Billy." I greet with a big grin on myself.

Billy smiles back at me with genuine excitement in his eyes. "Hey Kal, good to see you." Billy chuckles as we shake hands.

My smile fades and I inmeadiately get into the problem at hand. "How's Sam?"

Billy frowns and contemplates his answer for a few seconds. "He's fine for the most part, just a little shaken up. He was lost in the woods for the last two weeks."

"Did you test him?" If Sam's a shape-shifter, then I'll have less problems to deal with, but if he's a werewolf like me, I'm gonna have to explain many things to him, and also the downsides of being a werewolf, not that we have a choice in the matter.

Billy's frown becomes deeper. "He's like you." Billy says in a grim tone.

I can't help but sigh tiredly, this months new moon is going to be a tough one.

I also feel a little worry starting to set in, because Sam was supposed to be a shifter. If he's not a shifter then what else has changed. Will the Cullens still be vegetarians? Will vampires still be the same as they were in the original books. So much questions that need answering, but I'll deal with that later, I need to focus on the problem at hand.

"Where is he Billy? Hopefully my explanation will ease his worry.

"Inside, I told him you were coming." Billy gestures to his house.

"Alright I'll go talk to him."

I walk inside Billy's house and spot Sam sitting at the dining room table.

I imeadiately how much Sam has changed. The old Sam was short and Stocky but the Sam I'm looking at now is tall, though still shorter then me. He's also packed on quite a bit of muscle, he's old unimpressive physique was replaced with that of a warriors.

"Sam!" I call out to him.

Sam turns towards me with serious bags under his bloodshot eyes, he looks haggard like he hasn't slept in weeks, which he probably hasn't.

"Kalan." Sam's voice holds a hint of relief in it.

"Kalan Billy said you'd be able to explain what's going on with me." Sam says with desperation.

"I can Sam, but you might not like what you hear." I smile wryly at him.

While being a werewolf comes with perks, it also comes with alot of downsides.

"What do you mean Kalan?" Sam asks worried.

"Firstly I should explain what we are we're werewolves Sam."

Sam doesn't seem that surprised by what I told him, he probably already figured it out.

"Yea I figured that was the case." Sam confirms my thoughts.

"Good, being a werewolf comes with alot of perks, rapid healing, supernatural strength, speed... and immortality."

As soon as Sam heard immortality his eyes widen and his jaw drops in shock. "Are... are you serious? We're immortal?" Sam asks making sure he heard right.

"If the legends are true, then we are. My guess is that we have our healing factor to thank for that."

"Know this Sam, our power comes at a price."

Sam frowns hearing what I said. "What sort of price?" He asks solemnly.

"Firstly, we have a weakness to wolfbane, I'm sure when Billy made you touch the wolfsbane, it hurt like hell right?"

"That purple flower? yea that was the most painful experience I've ever had, it felt like I dipped my finger in..."

"Acid." I interrupt him.

"Yea exactly." Sam agrees.

"Well you're definitely not going to like what I say next."

Sam frowns hearing the seriousness in my tone.

"What do you mean?"

"During full moons, werewolves tend to go completely berserk, we operate on instinct only. It's also when we're at our most powerful, so you can imagine, how terrible it would be if on a full moon we accidently run into a human, we'd most likely rip the human to shreds."

Sam's russet colored skin goes pale as what I say sinks in. Sam doesn't want to hurt innocent people, or people in general, so hearing that he could accidently kill a human, makes him sick to his stomach.

"Don't worry, I've never killed anyone...yet atleast."

"How?" Sam asks hoping that there's a way to ensure he doesn't kill anyone.

"Well the way I've been doing that is by using chains laced with wolfsbane to chain myself up. I find that the pain helps me keep my sanity and stops me from destroying my chains."

Sam goes even more pale and he looks at me with an expression of terror on his face. "Is...is that the only way?" Sam asks his tone barely above a whisper.

"Unfortunately it's the only thing that's worked for me so far." I explain with a sad smile on my face.

Sam takes a deep breath, before looking at me with determination, the hint of fear long gone.

I can't help but admire his determination to be good. I hesitated for atleast 3 full moons before I went along with my crazy plan. I still have no idea how I didn't kill anyone during those first 3 full moons, or maybe I did and just don't remember. I've already moved past that however, it's best not to dwell on the past.

"When is the first full moon?" Sam asks his voice firm and full of determination.

"In two weeks time." I tell him.

Sam takes a deep breath. "Alright I'll be ready."

"Good. Have a seat, we still have much to discuss." I gesture to the chair before taking a seat myself.

Sam sits down curious about what else I have to say.

"Any more terrible news I should know?" Sam asks a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Well you know about the Cullens right?

Sam's face is instantly taken over by an expression of rage. "I know about the leaches!!! they're the reason I transformed in the first place!" Sam snarls.

He's right, my wolf gene activated only when the Cullens arrived into town, but I was out of school by then and preparing to travel, so I never actually met them, nor was I interested in meeting them until the plot began, but I have to make them aware that we know what they are and to stay away from Quileute land. Once I train Sam, we'll pay them a visit.

"Then you're aware of the treaty."

Sam nods his head.

"Good. If you ever run into them make sure to act cordial, fighting them is a last resort."

"Why not, don't you hate them?" Sam asks confused.

I shake my head. "No I don't, the Cullens do their best to fight against their basic instincts by only drinking animal blood. I may not like that they're vampires, but I do respect them for trying to do the right thing." I explain to Sam.

Well I hope they're still vegetarians, but since there haven't been any strange killings in Forks, I'll assume they either don't hunt in Forks, or they live off animal blood. I'm choosing to believe the latter... for now.

Sam contemplates what I said for a few seconds before speaking. "While I agree with you that what they do is respectable, I still can't find it within myself to like them."

"That's fine, just don't go picking fights with them." I warm him sternly.

"I won't." Sam nods his head in agreement.

"Alright now that, that's out the way. I need to speak to you about training."

"Training?" Sam looks at me confused.

"First we need to work on your combat skills, just because you have superior strength and speed doesn't mean you're invincible, you need to able to use your supernatural abilities effectively, especially when fighting something as dangerous as vampires." I explain to him.

"So we'll do combat training?" Sam asks.

"Yes and I'll teach you how to control your phasing."

Sam flinched hearing me say phasing. When we phase every bone in our body is broken and then our body reshapes itself into that of our werewolf forms. As you'd expect it's an extreamly painful process that I'd rather avoid, but the more you transform the quicker you get used to the pain.

"Do...do we have to?" Sam gulps nervously remembering the pain of his first transformation.

"Yes, it'll also help you get control of your anger, I'm sure you've noticed how quick you are to anger right?"

Sam nods confirming my words.

"In order to transform we need to get angry, now imagine what would happen if you have a fight with your girlfriend and you get angry enough to transform, what do you think would happen to your girlfriend?"

Panick and worry quickly replaces Sams stoic expression, the image of Leah laying on the ground torn to shreds, the image is enough to make him sick to his stomach.

"Yeah training sounds good." Sam agrees vehemently.

"Well I know the perfect place to do our training." I say a massive smile on my face.
