
Reborn into MHA as an AJIN

A young girl suffers a tragic fate, but was given a second chance at life.. as one of the immortal Ajins. This will be an Action and Romance oriented fanfic, The auxiliary chapter will explain the book in more detail. This is the first fic i have written, i am open to criticisms as long as they are valid. P.S english is not my first language :) P.S again. This will be a slight AU.

EliJahChainsaw · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


- Location: Japan, Outside a certain abandoned factory

[POV: Third-Person]

The villains paused as hope drained from their eyes. "Damn it!" Kazekawa exclaimed as he fell to the floor. "Just give up... we can't win," he said with a somber tone, and the other villains also surrendered.

"Damn it," Tanaka muttered as he looked back toward the factory.


Henri hugged Jihye as tears flowed from her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Jihye... I'm sorry!" But as she said that, she suddenly felt the weight of Jihye's body falling onto her.

"Jihye... Jihye?! Say something, please!" she said with concern as she checked her pulse, which seemed fine, giving her a sense of relief.

As Tanaka entered the building, he saw Henri holding the unconscious Jihye. "Get out of the way, brat!" he said as he suddenly pushed Henri away, grabbing Jihye by the throat.

"Jihye!" Henri exclaimed as she grabbed her necklace and turned it into an improvised version of her repulsion gauntlet. "Get away from her!" She yelled as she threw a punch at him.


Henri felt her fist make contact. "Worthless," Tanaka said as he blocked her attack with his arm that he grew with his quirk. Henri just looked down at the floor, causing Tanaka to think that she had given up.

Henri suddenly started walking away. "That's right... leave her! Show me who you truly are—" Suddenly, his wrist was in extreme pain as he let go of Jihye, giving Henri an opportunity to catch her.

"W-WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He yelled in agony as he looked toward his wrist where his watch was; there were only small metallic pieces stuck on his skin as blood dripped from his wrist.

Henri smiled as she shakily held Jihye. "I used my quirk to turn your watch into miniature nail guns... and I used them to shoot needles directly under your skin," Henri said with a smug grin.

"No matter how tough your skin is, if the needle is sharp on the micro level, it will pierce through," Henri said as she started to run away, carrying Jihye on her back.

"DAMN IT, YOU BRAT!" He yelled as he grew his other arm, suddenly jumping towards them.

"TEXAS SMASH!" A voice echoed throughout the entire building.


Tanaka was blown away by powerful wind pressure, knocking him out. "Sorry I'm late!" All Might's expression was filled with rage as he smiled in front of them.

"Kidnapping and harming children... You will never commit such atrocities again... for I am here..." All Might, known for being a lighthearted hero, said with a serious tone.


All Might left the building carrying Jihye, with Henri following behind him.

"JIHYE!! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!" Kei's heart almost stopped as he saw Jihye covered in blood, and he immediately ran towards them.

All Might handed Jihye to him as he heard him say she was his daughter. Kei started crying as he checked for her injuries while calling for a medic.

The paramedics examined her body for a few minutes. "This is odd..." one of the paramedics said in confusion. "W-what's wrong? Is she okay?" Kei asked with concern.

"She doesn't seem to have any injuries... despite being covered in blood... Is the blood not hers?" The paramedic said as he scratched his head. "N-no... that is her blood," Henri suddenly spoke up.

"Little Henri! You were involved in this too?!" Kei said as he knew she was Jihye's friend. "I-I will tell you what I remember," she said with slight hesitation in her voice.

And so Kei, All Might, and some police officers listened to her as she explained to them what happened.


"Jihye has a quirk?!" Kei exclaimed in shock. "That explains the bodies inside the building..." One of the officers said as he then reported what they saw inside.

"Something about this doesn't make sense. From what you said, it seems like she has more than one quirk," another officer said as he rubbed his chin.

"That's what I saw," Henri said as she looked at Jihye's unconscious face.

"Give young Henri a break. She's been through a lot today. Why don't we wrap it up here for now?" All Might said as he gave Henri a pat on the back.

A car suddenly stopped next to their location. "Henri!! My princess! Where are you?" A man's voice suddenly echoed as Henri's face turned red from embarrassment.

Henri's dad and Liam the driver stood behind the police tapes as the police tried to keep him out. Seeing her dad's concern for her, she immediately ran towards them and hugged her dad.

"MY PRINCESS!!" Henri's dad cried when he saw that Henri had some minor bruises. "WHO DID THIS?! DID THEY HURT LITTLE JIHYE AS WELL!? LIAM, HUNT THEM DOWN!" He suddenly yelled in rage.

"It's okay, Dad... All Might already took care of the last one," Henri said in an embarrassed tone as she saw her dad screaming.

"Do not worry, sir! We've already apprehended the villains," All Might said as he placed his hand on Henri's dad's shoulder. "THANK YOU, ALL MIGHT! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY DAUGHTER!" Henri's dad shook All Might's hand with all the strength his body could give.

"I-it's no problem, sir... I really didn't do that much," All Might said with an apologetic tone.

"What do you mean?" Henri's dad asked in confusion.

"I'll tell you more about it when we get home," Henri said as she tugged on his sleeve.

"That's probably for the best... Let young Henri rest for today," All Might said as he looked at an officer. "Oh, yeah, she can go. We will contact them if needed for the investigation," Officer Takebayashi said with a smile.


As Henri left with her father in their car, All Might waved and looked back at the ambulance where Jihye was resting. "Multiple quirks..." All Might said with a solemn tone.

New chapter!

I took a day off to rest

but now i'm back

I'm gonna continue posting 2 chapters minimum each day until i hit 25 chapters, i will then set a schedule for releases.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

If you wanna be updated whenever i release a new chapter, add my book to your library!

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