

James finally calmed down and looked right into the mess he made, "It's good that I live alone, it would be hard to explain I'm going to have to paint the room," I went to take a shower and wash my hands of blood, "it's very frustrating not to have powers knowing the future of the world.

He put on his clothes, and went to the bus stop, he's almost late for school, James studies at Midtown High School along with Peter Parker, he thought it was the easiest way to get powers, after the spider infects Peter he'll leave the spider will also infect, and the easiest way to achieve a physical enhancement.

He arrived at school and passing through the lively aisles, noticed several looks in them, For James this is normal, he is very handsome, and has a well developed body for a student, James has been practicing martial arts since he was 5 years old, Boxing, Muay Thai , Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, so he has a body with well distributed muscles.

But the real reason for everyone and that James has a certain fame in school, "On the first day Flash Thompson tried to intimidate me but I ended up giving him a lesson and since that day he always has less of me, it's not my fault I do not have this spider man trouble picking up and being quiet because I do not use his abilities against someone normal, I work more on the basis of Eye for an eye, Tooth for a tooth, Since that day Faces really do not like me very much, too I have a considerable fame among the girls, How can I be so handsome and not wear it? Anyway, there are very few girls that I did not stay at that school.

James entered the classroom and I'm going to Peter sitting in a corner looking at a hot redhead who was talking to Harry, "Poor guy, I do not know how he can still like her after what he did with him, I sat in the chair next to him" Good morning James, Peter said, "Good morning Peter, my dialogues with Peter are always very fast, we do not have anything in common so I never changed more than 2 sentences with him.

"The class passed quickly and I'm going home, I have to prepare the change, tomorrow I will get the physical improvement of the spider man and I no longer need to live in my uncle's house, I already invented a way to make money, that and stealing from the bad guys and of course, at least until you find something better "

He came home packing his things in boxes, just took books and clothes, did some exercises and went to sleep as fast as possible, very anxious for tomorrow.

Pi Pi Pi Pipi, the sound of the alarm wakes up James, it seemed that there was a truck in the rear aft side of him, still half confused pick up the cell phone and when he sees the time finally comes back to reality, "Today is the day, I ran to the school as fast as possible in front of the school already has a bus stopped picking up the students who go to the oscop lab, I got on the bus, I looked for a place in the window and I sat down, it's still kind of silent besides me there are only others 4 Students here, I closed my eyes and got some sleep.

"When I woke up we were already arriving at Oscop, I got off the bus and I was behind Peter,

"In front of me came a red-haired man in a lab coat and guided us through the lab," James was always eye-catching Peter until MJ approached Peter "Peter takes a picture for us" "okay, Peter responds"

"I knew this was the time and I looked around, and I could see a spider well above Peter, she was about 3 cm and it was green with a bright color, when Peter was about to take the picture I came and she fell in the hand and stung him, I moved quickly and picked up the spider and put it in a small glass box I had already prepared.

"I looked around and no one seems to have noticed anything, Peter looks like he's in pain and holds his own hand tight," Hey, dude? Okay, I just think some insect bit me, said Peter "you do not look very well for me, come on, I'll talk to the teacher and I'll take you home or to the hospital?

Peter looked at me a little "Home and better think it was just an insect joke nothing more"

"I talked to the teacher and she let me accompany Peter home, I left Peter's house and ran to mine as quickly as possible, I picked up the box, afraid the spider had escaped, and when I saw that I was still there, I let out a sigh of relief, the spider a little and does not seem to have anything different from the ordinary spiders, I opened the box and put the spider in my hand that immediately stung me, I felt a terrible pain it was like a hot knife was stuck in my hand, I lay in bed and I tried to calm myself but the pain did not stop and with it came fever and in a short time I was convulsing, but strangely afterwards I started to feel cold, it was as if my body was freezing slowly, I do not remember that happening with Peter, My body was freezing slowly, first, my fingers, then my hand, and slowly I found myself totally frozen.

"At first it was like I was inside a freezer, I was shaking but slowly I got used to it and what was left was a relaxing sensationante, I got up and looked at my body, had a thin layer of ice on it, I could feel that I could control it like an instinct, I was very confused, how really I gained those powers? The spider should not give me the ability to control ice, but after the confusion came happiness, I really could control ice, that was always one of my favorite skills "

No, he did not gain the ice powers of the spider, he already had those powers but he was asleep, when his body underwent the transformation by the mutant spider ended up awakening that power

Lord_Fujincreators' thoughts