
Reborn in Naruto with Overlord setting

A guy born in Naruto with Overlord setting. Read the first chapter first before the story.

Embra · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

We arrive at the gates of Konoha that afternoon after the drama between mother and me. Man, this village is peaceful. It was like the bloody battles between the clans never existed here. Houses are built in a simple style enough for a family to live in with a backyard. There is an equal distance between them which is enough for kids from neighbors to play around. There is only a simple fence surrounding the village but, my kenbushouku Haki is telling me that, there is a barrier and hidden ninjas surrounding the village.

That makes senses. After all, it has only been two years since the foundation of the village and there are only 500 people in this village from Senju Clans, Sarutobi clans and Uchia clans. The villages founders are the strongest clan in the shinobi world, Senju and Uchia. So, they are still expecting more clans to join. Well, I am sure more will join seeing this peaceful and tranquility atmosphere of this village. Oh right, there is still no Hokage stone faces yet. Wonder why? Don't tell me, they are built only after the death of fist hokage?

*sigh* I was looking forward to it, though. Can't be helped. After all, it has only been two years since the village is established. Moreover, I am soon going to meet the legendary shinobis in the flesh. So, no problem right there. I wonder how will they look in real life? Can't wait.

After fifteen minutes of driving into the village on carriage, it stops in front of a huge household. Me and my mother stop talking about the relationship between the Senju clan and Uzumaki clans. But, before my mother could open the door, I stops her hand and winks at her. Mother raise an eyebrow at my behavior but, it seems she understood why I stops her. She leans back on the seat and laugh softly while covering her mouth.

"Alright, I will leave it to you." (Mother)

"Umu. Worry not, mother." (Embra)

I steps out of the carriage while my mother is looking at me lovingly. The reason I stops her and step out of the carriage first is for me to proudly show my mother to others. I think, it was after my fifth birthday. I was a favor from mother instead of a birthday gift. The favor I asked from mother is to allow me to show everyone my mother with pride. She did that nearly everyday in the village. So, from that time, I did the reverse. I showcase my mother. And, this time is the same too.

As first, I thought about letting out Haoshouku Haki. Of course, not at 100%. I have already learned my lesson when I let out 100% when I was three years old and knock out everyone except experienced ninjas. If I have to guess accurately, I am certain that only those above Jonin level Shinobi can take on my Haoshouku Haki at 100%. Even then, it will leave their body immobilize depending on their strength.

Haoshouku Haki depends on the spirit or mental strength of a person rather than the physical strength of a person. So, for me whose mental age is nearly 70, my haki is fairly strong. At 20%, my haki allows the other to see me as someone noble, someone who is above their status and unconsciously make them step out of my way. Of course, this does not work against people with strong mentality.

Slowly, I let out my haki. From 1% to 20% in about 10 seconds. The people around, who are just walking by, turns their heads towards my direction unconsciously and walk away from to give me way. Even the guards at the gates of Senju Compound who are a few feet away from me can be seen a little nervous, sensing my aura. Well, that is the normal reactions of those who are hit by my haki at 20%. If I were to use, more than that, I will unconsciously let out my dominating will. So, I refrain from doing that.

If you do not understand the haoshouku haki, you should definitely watch OP again. Especially the part where Shanks met Whitebeard. In that part, Shanks let out fighting spirit to announce the whole crew of Whitebeard pirate that he is stronger than them. That's why weak pirates fall down like insects when met with Shanks' Haki. If he were to use haki like I do, the most the pirates would see him as a noble. That's why, he instead choose to show his fighting spirit, rather than his royal aura.

I can replicate the same scenario if I were to walk around the village using 100% of Haki but, well, I am not here to showcase my power. I am just here to visit this village which has friendly ties with Uzumaki clan and the reason I let out my Haki is to showcase the aura of my mother who is noble and elegant like a benevolent goddess in heaven. I found about it long ago about that fact. The fact that, aura of those people can be enhanced by simply staying by my side or behind me.

Ahem. Ahem, I was getting off the track. Now, where was I - AH Those guards are feeling nervous, I see. Well, enough about that. Let these ignorant peasant, I mean, people see the noble aura of my mother. I signal the servants beside the carriage to leave it to me. They are already used to it. So, they just bows and let it be.

"Esteemed Mother, we have arrived at the Senju clan compound." (Embra)

"Hmm. Is that so." (Embra)

Mother gracefully step out of the carriage while I help my mother from the side by supporting her right hand. Side by side, we walks forward to the gates of the compounds while the servants follows us after closing the door to the carriage. Together with my mother at my side, I walks towards the guards to notice a woman running towards the gates from the compound. But, I decided to ignore her and greet the guards.

"Greeting. I am Uzumzki Embra. This is my mother Amane Uzumaki. We are here for the birthday party of the Tsunade Senju, granddaughter of First Hokage. May you let us in?" (Embra)

"Y-Yes. I was informed of the arrivals of your esteemed selves. Please come in." (The guard)

"I am grateful, guard-san. Good work." (Embra)

"Come mother. Let's go greet our relatives" (Embra)

"Imm. Thank you guard-san. May you have a good day." (Mother)

Mother's act is perfect. Look at that dazed expression on his face. He looks like he just spoke with a goddess. Muahaha. Well, let's enter the compound. I pretend not to notice the person who is approaching and looks around at the servants of Senju clans who are bowing to us in the distance. If it is the normal occasions, I would have blame the other party for not welcoming us at the gate but, this time I do not blame them. Or more like I cannot blame them because I rushed my mother to come here a week before the birthday party.

There is no particular reason behind my decision, really. It is just I could not wait to visit Konoha.

"OH. Isn't it, Amane-san? You are here early than the expected date." (A woman)

"Good afternoon, Emiko-san. I am sorry, if my early arrival inconvenience you." (Mother)

"Eh. No. Please do not get me wrong. Your arrival was a pleasant surprise, Amane-san. Come Come. Let me guide you into the compound." (Emiko)

A cheerful woman who is talking with mother has straight, brown hair flowing freely behind her back and she is wearing deep green kimono. With a symbol of 'Senju' Clan on the left of her kimono, she is exuding the 'happy-go-lucky' atmosphere. If I were to say, I would give her about 4 out of 10 mark because she is some what adorable even though she is about 45 judging by her facial expression, tone frequency and walking style.

If you were wondering where did I learn it, I did not. I studied it myself in my past life. After all, when you have a abnormally strong calculative power, you would want to use it or apply it in ways no one has never imagine before, right? That was what I did in my past life. I studied human anatomy and biology of living beings. After years of studying, I could estimate the age of a person just by looking at his or hers' facial structure, tone frequency, and walking style.

It was intriguing really, to know about someone by doing a few calculation on someone's skeleton structure. muscle contraction and eyes. You can get many data about a person by a simple observation. Of course, the numbers are a little when it comes to trained people. Especially ninjas in this world. I had to spend more than three months to adjust my calculation and formula.

Just looks at my mother for example. If she were in modern society, she would surely be seen as a woman in her earlier thirties. Physical health of Senju and Uzumaki bloodline are absurd.

Of course, I can find out more than just age just by studying someone for a few minutes. That's the main reason behind my wealth. I knew too well about a person. OK. That's enough about my calculative skills.

We walked towards the compound, led by Emiko, who is showing around the compound while heading towards the meeting room. It seems, the first hokage is not in the village because of some personal things. So, we will be meeting his brother, Tobirama Senju. I have no problem with that, because he is also one of my favorite character in the anime. I especially likes about his intelligence which can think about setting rules and regulations for a ninja when he was young. Also, in the whole anime series, he is one of the most intelligent characters who I am looking forward to meet.

Emiko-san stops talking when we reached in front of a room and ask us whether we are ready, especially me. I answered her with a huge smile which earned me a pinch in the cheeks by Emiko-san. haha. Cuteness is the justice, baby.

AHem. Enough about that. I prepare myself mentally and correct my posture. I also slightly change my aura so that I am perceived as someone mature. For someone who is proficient in Kenbushouku haki, it is not a big deal for me to change my aura slightly. So, with a mature aura around me, I enter the room, ignoring the questioning gaze of Emiko-san.

The room is a simple japanese tatami room that you can see in traditional homes or teahouse. The room is fairly wide, with simple decorations which makes one feel at ease as soon as one step in. At the end of the room, there is a table where a white-haired man is sitting behind. He looks up at us with a gentle smile while closing the book he is writing.

This man is the future second hokage, Tobirama Senju, who is also a younger brother of Hashirama. There is a little information in the anime and manga but, living in this world for more than eight years, I heard a thing or two about him. Seems like, no, Most of the people think that Tobirama is a person whose strength is closest to the power of God of shinobi and that he is just staying low not to get attentions.

My mother once told me that, in regards to strength between Hashirama and Tobirama, there is little differences. She said that, the two brothers are equal in strength till the former learned of Senjutsu from the ancient heritage of Senju clan, which boosted the former strength to the unimaginable degree. Tobirama, also would have learned of Senjutsu but, it seems he was forced to be the clan leader because of the previous clan leader death.

So, basically, Tobirama sacrificed himself for his brother to learn Senjutsu. He took up the position of the temprary Senju Leader while Hashirama is training for Senjutsu. That's why Hashirama obtained unimaginable strength and titled as God of Shinobi. But, even though, Tobirama did not get the chance to learn Senjutsu, he is still fairly powerful in his own right, which earned him the unofficial title of 'Second God of shinobi'.

From the rumors, he sounds like a respectable man with noble heart but, I who knows about him from anime and manga do not thinks so. Well, let's not be bias here. I will judge a person by my own eyes.