
Reborn in Naruto with Overlord setting

A guy born in Naruto with Overlord setting. Read the first chapter first before the story.

Embra · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I smiles happily looking out of the carriage window, to the blue sky. Right now I am heading towards Konoha, a newly founded village for the birthday party for the granddaughter of first Hokage, Hashirma Senju. Well, let me tell you how I am got on this carriage that is heading towards Konoha, the village hidden in the leaf.

It has been eight years since my birth in this shinobi world. In the first year, I learned quite a lot about myself and to me who thought that, I am just a nobody, I was shocked to hear the news. It seems I am the nephew of the current uzukage, Ashina Uzumaki. My mother, Amane Uzumaki is the youngest sister of Ashina and Mito Uzumaki, the wife of first Hokage is my aunt. They are the strongest three siblings, Oi.

The uncle is the Uzukage, who is said to be the strongest Fuinjutsu user and the aunt, who is only second strongest after my uncle. I don't know how strong my mother is but, I am fairly sure, she is also strong.

Do you understand now, how shocked I was to find out about those facts? I was like 'What the f**k?'. I am sure, I am not the weird one here because, just look at my mother who is nearing forties and my uncle who is in his middle sixties. See the age gap there? It was nearly thirties years between the eldest and youngest siblings. The shock did not end there yet because Mito Uzumaki, my aunt is the wife of Hashirama Senju, the strongest shinobi in the world. And so, it indirectly make me relative with him. I was damn proud of my blood when I know that and I sent hours of gratitude to Goddess Gaia when I find my own identity.

Well, that is enough about my identity, I think. Now, let's go to the topic of my strengths. I think, it was three months after my birthday that I know how to walks on the wall using my chakra. Yea. My learning speed is slow. I know. It is not I was slacking off. I was just distracted by other things like breast milk, tits and boobs. You know what I mean? It is the life of a baby man.

I try my best to look cutest whenever I am carried by a woman, be it my mother or her servants or other women in the village. After all, the destructive power of one year baby with red hair and golden eyes are immerse. At least I think like that because every woman try to embrace me or hug me in their chest. Man. That moments were bliss. Pure bliss. Different breast, different sensations and honestly, I am sure, I will never get bored or fed up being hugged by a woman, with breast of course. Because there are some cases like flatboard.

(Whisper: Those who are developed in other areas while that specific area stay flat like a man.)

I am definitely not a fan of that. Yep. Rude? Well then, let me change it to sweet words. How about 'Two stars above white plains' sound?

Anyway. Let's get back on track. We were talking about my strength, yeah? So, let me tell you about my body. I think, I was three years when I started running or doing some light exercises and Yoga. I didn't want to train my muscle yet because no matter how strong my body is because of my Uzumaki bloodline, I still want to stay cute like a baby so that, I can stay between those heaven hills.

Ahem. Anyway, beside training my chakra control with other exercises like leaf-sticking and water walking, I was also training my three Haki. The first time I used haoshouku Haki, I was three years old and my mother immediately run in the room from downstairs as soon as I release my Haki. I thought I was alone and thought that my haki would not reach far so, I used it but, it seems it alerted my dear mother. I was hurt when I see my mother running to me in hurry with worries in her eyes. She fanatically asks me whether I was safe or not. It seems she thought I was attacked.

I did not have the heart to lie my mother when seeing her worrying like that. So, I honestly show her my Haki. She was dumbfounded to say the least. I don't know how she perceive my haki but, I am sure, it is not bad enough to knock her out because she was not even a bit trembling even though I am fully using my Haoshouku Haki. Well, I cannot say the same for the servants though because they were frightened a bit and they were even sweating.

Later my uncle come to check on me and see how can a three year old child release a charismatic and fearful presence like an experienced ruler. He ask me how I used it and I honestly tell him that, it naturally came to me. They do not pursue the matter further and easily accepted it by saying that, maybe I was born to lead others. It is good that, all uzumaki are open-minded and friendly people but, I was annoyed when they give strange names.

I mean, what the hell does this even mean 'Charisma of a leader' or 'Kage Presence'. So, I have to intervened their conversation by saying the true name, 'Haoshouku Haki'. Naturally, they asked for the source of my information. But, I was not troubled because I honestly tell that an old man tell me in the dreams about how this power is born with those who are destined to stand above others and have the quality to become a King.

For the appearance of the old man, I drew the picture of the Shinigami. The same Shinigami that the strongest Uzumaki clan members can control to do their beddings. BUt, as a precaution for in case they ask the shinigami itself, I lied that, he is only allowed to talk to me about this and that, he, himself cannot tell this information to others as he is bounded by the world's rule.

I had to act innocent throughout the whole conversation, not to sound like an adult. And, it worked. They bought my bullshit. Well, I don't know what happened behind my back but, they continue to treat me normally and I also treat them with more smiles and a child's cuteness. There were times when I unconsisously let out my haki and scare the children of my age. So, I was trained close-door by my mother and uncle occasionally.

Next is about my two other Haki. I still could not use Busoshoku Haki but, I can use the Kenbushouku Haki just fine. Maybe it is because of my Uzumaki bloodline beings sensors. Well, because of that, I can now see every living beings in the 100 meter around me. I can also perceive the amount of Chakra one possess precisely. Well, my Kenbushouku haki range hit 500 meter and I can coat my hand in Busoshoku Haki when I reached eight years old but, I will talk about that later.

My whole five years of childhood is just filled with that. Spending time with my mother, mother's friends, uncle and servants. They taught me literature and calligraphy in those years with some art class and flower arrangement in between. I still could not understand why I am even forced to learn flower arrangement but, well, I learned it because mother seems happy teaching me about flowers.

For jutsus, learned about some basic fuinjutsu and taijutsu. The first time I learned ninjutsu is when I was about five and that was also when I started learning taijutsu. I still want to enjoy fooling around but, mother forced me to learn it. That's right, isn't it? This is the Shinobi world, 'kill or be killed', cold-blooded world. I forgot about that because the uzushirogakure is a peaceful village. Though it is in my clan's nature not to seek conflict or war, we still learn basic stuff about ninja and fuijutsu. So, I was also taught fighting techniques like Ninjutsu, taijutsu and kenjutsu.

At my fifth birthday, I received a pleasant surprise from the system,

<Notice. You are now enable to learn one skill from selected category from your Yggdrasil character.

Selected Category : Warrior, Inner Ki master, Strider>

Without hesitating, I looks at the skills I can learn and in the end, I decided on the footwork technique of 'Strider' class. After all, strong and firm footwork is the basic in fighting. But, when it comes to ninja battle, speed is the main point. So, I trained in the footwork techniques daily since then so that, I am proficient in it.

There is one thing in the skill from the strider class I learned though. Unlike the skills I learned from the system's shop, the footwork technique seems like something i have been doing my whole life and I just remembered. Usually, the jutsu or skills from system's shop only provided only knowledge about that particular skill or jutsu. It does not enable you to execute the jutsu on the spot as soon as you buy it from the shop.

But, the strider footwork technique I got from the system enable me to use it instantly. It was like I recovered my lost memories about that technique and I just remembered it. When I ask Eve, she told me that, those are just muscle memories that Goddess Gaia provided. After all, a twenty year old human could not suddenly transform into the strongest angel of Yggdrasil. So, I will recover my fighting skills slowly throughout the years.

I do not understand the whole situation and could not wrap my head around the explanation of Eve but, there is no use thinking about that now. So, I just left it to my future self.

Since then, I gained one skill from my Yggdrasil character at every birthday and now, I can use three skills: A Footwork technique from Strider class, A Sword skill from Warrior class and a breathing technique from Inner Ki master class.

The footwork technique allows me to walk without making a sound and if I leap, I can reach 13 meters in height. And, if I use it on the ground, I can cover 10 meter easily without making a sound or produce any wind. The sword skill I learned is an 'Iai Technique'. Well, at first it was a sword skill that produce a horizontal slash that can travel to 2 meter but, I made it into an Iai technique because it is way cooler. The last skill is the same as 'Breath' from an anime.

It is a breath technique that allows for faster recovery by circulating inner KI in certain way. It also make the body slightly stronger when executing the breath. Just like the 'Total Concentration Breathing' from the 'Demon Slayer' anime. Because I have only been training it for four months, I can't do stuff like 'Breath of water' or something like that. For now, it is just a support skill but, I have an idea on how should I make this stronger.

For my CQC (Close Quarter Combat) skill, beside my sword skill, I learned shuriken jutsu and Uzumaki Taijutsu.

Now that I am finished recalling about my strength I achieved during my eight years of stay in this world, let me tell you about my relationships with others. In the Uzushirogakure, my home village, I am well know among MIlF, I mean, married women. One, I am cute, two I am cute and three I like milk. Mainly, it is because of my mother who walks around the village to show me, her son. And, during those times, I mostly smiles or giggle like a baby would and if I am met with a woman who has nice boob, I always beg for a hug.

Maybe that's the reason why most of the men are glaring at me but, I do not care. I was a baby. Anyway, my baby life revolves around meeting mother's friends and staying between those heaven's hill. Oh, Bliss.

And, that's how I was know as a play boy among the woman community. By the time, I can walk around, I try not to show my intelligence too much because I don't want to be suspicious by my uncle. That geezer is surprisingly sharp. But, step by step, I begin to show my intelligence and calculative power. Granted, this world's mathematics is not that advanced but, still it is at the level of university mathematics. In my past live, I learned all of the maths theories till the university student level at the age of 13 but, in this live, I learned it all before I reach 7.

It was very hard to pretend not to know something difficult when I reach the answer with just a glance but, well, it worked out. But, I know the dark sides of human very well. I know it like the back of my hand. After all, being the 17th in Billionaire list, you learn a thing or two about them even if you don't want to. That's why, I stay close to my mother since young.

At first, I just want to show the people that I am a mother-con but, days passed and now, I really cared about her. I really become a mother-con. I did not expect it myself but, well, there is no harm in it, is there? In both of my lives, only mother loved me genuinely from the bottom of her heart. When I say, mother, I mean both mother from the two lives I lived. If I would be called a mother-con because of that, I do not mind. Rather, I will take it with pride.

"Son... Son... Embra!" (Mother)

"Hm? Hm. What is it?" (Embra)

"Were you sleeping?" (Mother)

"No. I was just reminiscing about the village. After all, this is my first time in here, mother." (Embra)

Mother looks at me worriedly when I said that and she ask me kindly while touching both of my cheeks.

"Oh!! Then, do you want to go back, dear?" (Mother)

I smiles and touch her hands while replying with a bright smile, be fit of a child.

"No. If mother is there, I will go anywhere." (Embra)

"Imm~ ~ Come here, you. Why are you so cute ~" (Mother)

Ah~ That is what I am taking about a bliss. These soft yet firm breast that envelop my face in a warmth which is unique to a mother... That is why I am loving it... I love you mother.