
Reborn In Naruto Verse as a Female [Smut/Hentai]

https://www.patreon.com/Jin763 After being reincarnated into the world of Naruto as a female version of Shino, he (now she) resolves to assemble a harem of the hottest kunoichi in the Leaf Village and beyond! Aiding in that purpose is the Aburame secret forbidden technique: become a futanari who can copy the Kekkei Genkai of anyone she has sex with by using their DNA to create body-modification insects! With her pheromone producing pets and stolen jutsu, she will seduce or defeat anyone standing in the way of her perfect ending! This is a progression harem fantasy. The early chapters are more sex than action, but Shino fights more battles as the plot deviates from Naruto canon. Shino will scale with Naruto and Sasuke's growth before Shippuden. *Each chapter will be marked by gender in the title and tagged by major kink at the beginning in [Spoilers]. Feel free to skip a chapter that doesn't interest you. The series becomes more Yuri/Futanari focused further along.* F = Female M = Male Ft = Futanari Tr = Trap/Trans While a variety of kinks are explored with each new harem addition and there are multiple situation with dubious consent, do NOT expect: Hard Rape, Abuse, or Shino getting NTR'd

Jin_4671 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Every Dog Has His Day (F / M)

"What the hell is this about, grabbing my arm and dragging me into an alley?" Kiba Inuzuka whines while Akamaru growls from the guy's jacket. 

"We're here to prove me right," I say as I release him and turn around. That and get some practice for a seduction that's an actual challenge.


"Leave Akamaru-kun by the fire escape and follow me around this corner." 

Kiba scoffs, "No way. Akamaru-kun and I are inseparable." 

Yeah, no, I'm not into that. 

I unzip the top of my high-collared coat to expose my cleavage along with a hearty dose of Pheromones. 

"Akamaru-kun, sit, stay." 

Shino used Pheromones on Kiba. It was super effective! 

As expected of a D-rank. My womanly pride is safe. 

"Kiba-kun, it looks like we need to get something straight. As the leader of Team 8—" 

"—Wait a second, I should be the leader! I'm the strongest." 

"…" I unzip my coat another inch. 


"As the leader of Team 8, it's my responsibility to take care of my teammates' needs." 

"My needs?" 

I nod. "Ninja missions are extremely stressful. You need to relieve your tension before it accumulates. I can't have you using a common whore; catching a venereal disease would impact your health and efficiency. And forcing you to use your own right hand is inhumane when I have a perfectly clean and healthy receptacle." 


"Use complete sentences, Kiba-kun. You sound like a moron." 

"Alright, then. What is it you're asking me to do?" 

I loosen my belt, turn to face the wall, and drop my pants and black panties to mid-thigh. "Use this," I smack my ass, "To relieve yourself." 

The one good thing about losing my virginity (aside from getting my Deep Dweller) was that I had a dick-piphany. 

I've been reincarnated as a woman. I'm no longer a man. Therefore, loving penis isn't gay!

I can live my best life fucking dozens of sexy women and occasionally catch dick when the mood strikes. Bisexuality for the win! 

Fuck you, old man Deus. You think I'll cry and beg just because my stepmother took my virginity and used me like a cheap onahole? Ha! You haven't begun to see my depths of perversion! You have no inkling of how low I'll sink!

"Shino-chan, we're in public! Anybody could come along and see us."

I wiggle my ass enticingly. "Then be quick. Anyway, that's why we have Akamaru-kun standing watch."

He glances around, though there's no one nearby. Is he still hesitating with this ripe peach in arms reach? What a D-rank.

Still, I don't dislike Anime-Kiba. He's kind to (best girl) Hinata, he warms up to Naruto later on, and he doesn't always win his fights, but he never fails to give a decent showing. His secret family techniques are fairly cool and not annoyingly overpowered like certain emo edge-lords.

I flood the area with enough Pheromones to loosen his inhibitions.

"Kiba-kun, sit boy!"

Kiba obeys me and crouches, putting his face inches away from my shapely rear. He stares in awe at the curves of my derriere, then audibly gulps.

"Like what you see?"

He nods enthusiastically.

"Well, then. You have my permission to appreciate this slice of perfection however you like. I need a little warm-up before the main course."

Kiba wipes drool from his mouth and shoves his face forward. He inhales deeply, his nose pressed against my puckered anus, and I feel the heat of his slow exhale on my pussy. I cleaned back there earlier, I'm not a monster!—but Kurenai's test had me work up quite a sweat. 

"I didn't know you were an ass-man, Kiba-kun!" I say, surprised. 

He grips my cheeks, one in each hand, and spreads my butt. "I've always wanted to do this with a girl," Kiba says. "Your natural fragrance is amazing, Shino-chan. I could eat your ass all day." 

The Inuzuka scion licks the full length from my clit, over my pussy, across the taint, and up through my butt crack. The forbidden thrill is electric. I wouldn't have asked for this, so the enjoyment of getting it unprompted is awesome.

This is my first time receiving oral as a woman and it's better than I imagined. His tongue is hot and soft on my sensitive flesh. His breath tickles my skin. Having him beneath me, obeying me, and servicing me in such a degrading way is intoxicating.

I push out my ass to give him easier access. "I might take you up on that sometime."

Kiba's tongue teases my entrance, flicks across my pussy lips, and circles my rosebud. He presses his face hard between my cheeks and pushes his tongue through the tense clench of my anus. I gasp in pleasure. He withdraws, licks around and around, and penetrates. My pussy drools. He withdraws, slurps my love juices, and rubs my clit. 

I hear a zip as Kiba takes out his cock and starts pumping with his fist. I look down and back to see what we're working with. 

He has a respectable five-inch dong, more than ample enough to avoid developing a size complex. I imagine myself pre-reincarnation giving him a thumbs-up and an encouraging nod. It's not about the size of the boat, Kiba-kun, it's the motion of the ocean! 

When he continues to lick my ass while masturbating, I command, "Down boy, that's enough. Wouldn't you rather get your dick wet?"

"Sorry," he says. "I forgot we don't have all day."

Kiba stands and positions himself at my entrance. I'm fully recovered from that incident with Choko Aburame. My love tunnel is tight and ready! He thrusts his hips forward and penetrates my pussy with little resistance. The sensation isn't instantly orgasmic like being filled to the extreme of nearly splitting in two; it's more like a gentle massage. Relaxing and pleasant.

"That's so much better than I imagined, Shino-chan. You're so warm and soft."

"Just don't be a bitch and pull out. I don't want to have to clean your mess off these clothes, so cum inside."

"Yes, ma'am!"

It's a good thing I said something because he speeds up after about five thrusts and I soon feel a warm sploosh inside.

"Shit!" Kiba says as he withdraws his rapidly deflating dick.

Kiba is a quick shot? Well, that's not surprising for someone without much experience. I see fear and shame in his eyes. My poor bro! You're fine, dude. I imagine some stuck-up bitch making a nasty comment about pathetic virgins and giving him a lifelong PE complex. I want to pat his head but know that'd hurt his pride.

Instead, I pretend to ignore it, turning around and unzipping my boobs all the way.

"Let's get you ready for round two," I say as I pull my shirt and bra down to release my weapons of mass erection, grab his hair, and shove his face into my breasts.

I emit a wave of stimulating Pheromones as he mentally recovers from the incident and starts grabbing and sucking my nipples.

"Your tits are huge, Shino-chan!" 

Next, I grab his limp dick in one gentle hand. My handjob contains all the masturbation experience from my previous life as a thirty-something shut-in. Kiba stands no chance! I caress his nuts, drag my fingernails softly from sack to shaft, peel back the foreskin, and circle the head with a cum-slick thumb. Between that and motorboating my breasts, Kiba is standing at attention in a few seconds flat.

"Now, beg."

"Please, Shino-chan! I've never wanted anything more than this!"

"Good boy."

I spin to face the wall and jut my ass out again. Kiba jams his penis inside my creamed hole and starts thrusting without another word. He reaches around to massage my breasts as he pumps my pussy. I'm able to enjoy myself this time as he lasts much longer. Warmth spreads from my core throughout my body with each smack of his hips against my butt.

Reaching a hand down, I circle my clit to make sure I go all the way. He speeds up and I'm almost there.

Then we hear barking from around the corner.

"Akamaru-kun? What are you doing here without Kiba-kun?"

Fuck. It's Hinata.

"If she uses her Byakugan, we're caught," I whisper.

Apparently, Kiba is turned on by the threat of discovery. I feel him grow even harder inside me, and he pounds into my pussy with desperate vigor. The slapping of cum-slick skin on pussy-juice-soaked thighs grows so loud I worry Hinata will hear.

I feel him shudder and groan as another warm splash fills me.

"Leave it in and tweak my nipples," I instruct, and he obeys.

Kiba stays hard for another few precious seconds. I grab his pants for leverage with one hand and bounce on his dick even faster than before. The sensation of being filled and stuffed and pinched while rubbing my clit pushes me over the edge. I moan and shake as my body goes rigid with pleasure. 

After a few seconds of bliss, Kiba says, "It's like being gripped in a super-soft fist. I can feel every squeeze. You're incredible." 

"You weren't too bad yourself. Doggy-boy."

Maybe it's the seduction element, or just being the one in charge, but I enjoyed sex with Kiba way more than Choko even though she's better to look at and her dick dwarfs his. That'd change if I could get Choko face down, ass in the air, of course. I still prefer women and getting my hands on a girl is my top priority right now, but I'd do Kiba again without hesitation. I've got a man's libido in this female body; I'm horny almost all the time… I could use a human sex toy.

I step out of his grasp, and he slips free of my tunnel. I cover my entrance with my hand to hold in the cum. My Deep Dweller takes the opportunity to slurp it all in as I pull up my pants and tuck my breasts back into my bra and shirt. 

I zip my high-collared coat over my mouth. Walking past him on my way out of the alley, I smack him on the ass. "See you at training tomorrow." 

He gapes at me, dumbstruck, as I leave.

"S-Shino-chan! What are you d-doing here?" Hinata says as I come around the corner.

"Just doing some dog training with Kiba-kun."

"…B-but you were over there, and Akamaru-kun is out here?"

I ignore the question. "Have you had dinner yet, Hinata-chan? We need to keep up our strength and go to bed early so we're in top condition for the morning. Let me walk you home."


*D-Rank Seduction Clear!*  

*Inuzuka Bloodline Acquired!* (For what it's worth) 
