
Reborn In Naruto Verse as a Female [Smut/Hentai]

https://www.patreon.com/Jin763 After being reincarnated into the world of Naruto as a female version of Shino, he (now she) resolves to assemble a harem of the hottest kunoichi in the Leaf Village and beyond! Aiding in that purpose is the Aburame secret forbidden technique: become a futanari who can copy the Kekkei Genkai of anyone she has sex with by using their DNA to create body-modification insects! With her pheromone producing pets and stolen jutsu, she will seduce or defeat anyone standing in the way of her perfect ending! This is a progression harem fantasy. The early chapters are more sex than action, but Shino fights more battles as the plot deviates from Naruto canon. Shino will scale with Naruto and Sasuke's growth before Shippuden. *Each chapter will be marked by gender in the title and tagged by major kink at the beginning in [Spoilers]. Feel free to skip a chapter that doesn't interest you. The series becomes more Yuri/Futanari focused further along.* F = Female M = Male Ft = Futanari Tr = Trap/Trans While a variety of kinks are explored with each new harem addition and there are multiple situation with dubious consent, do NOT expect: Hard Rape, Abuse, or Shino getting NTR'd

Jin_4671 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

C-Rank Seduction (F / F)

The first step in seduction is the 'meet cute.'

Of course, that's not possible if you can't find your target. Ordinarily, there's no way for me to contact my C-rank target, Tenten, without going through official channels. With her being a year ahead, we barely met except in passing at the Academy. 

This calls for a little (not creepy, I swear) stalking. 

I release thousands of insects from tiny holes in my skin and they spread throughout Konoha. While their senses are limited compared to a human's, they can identify people by scent. Except, I don't have Tenten's scent. 

No matter. After a few hours of monitoring every female shinobi coming and going through the village, I'm able to narrow the list. I rule out kunoichi reporting to the Hokage, Anbu, and any Jonin. The Aburame clan always has a few thousand insects patrolling the village on a given day, so I don't attract unwanted attention.

At this point, my list is just Genin and a few Chunin. Experienced ninjas tend to have better taijutsu and thus travel faster, further screening my list. From there, Tenten isn't difficult to identify. I stroll through public spaces during my free time to eliminate a dozen more candidates before I spot her.

She's so pretty in her casual clothes! Her top is blue with gold trim and a black sash around her waist with white pants. Tenten has a great sense of personal aesthetic. I can't wait to see what she looks like underneath…

With Tenten's scent confirmed I'm able to track her movements. Tenten frequents a few select restaurants, her apartment, and her team's sparring area in the woods. I have my in

The next morning, I select a spot near (but not on) Tenten's path through the forest on her way to training with Neji and Lee. 

"Secret Technique: Insect Gathering." 

I stretch chakra threads deep into the woods and every bug in range feels my call.

The trick to a meet cute is to be interesting without coming on too strong. When Tenten comes along she, being a skilled shinobi, senses something amiss and approaches to investigate. 

Her skills are excellent for a Genin. I sense her drawing near only because I have neigh-undetectable parasitic insects following her trail. As she edges around a tree to see what I'm up to, I have my scene prepared. 

Hundreds of beetles, moths, flies, and centipedes assemble before me. I take the opportunity to document the number of each species present in my insect journal. Ostensibly, this is part of my Aburame responsibility to monitor and maintain the local ecology. 

Instead of moving on quickly, Tenten lingers to watch me. Interesting. Maybe I'm closer to 'mysterious and attractive kunoichi' than 'bug nerd' in her eyes? I can work with this. 

After a few minutes, I say without turning to look, "The view is better from up close." 

Revealing I'm aware of her presence throws her off-balance and changes the power dynamic. I must be the more capable ninja to have seen through her stealth, after all. 

Forced to step forward and explain herself or lose face, Tenten approaches. She has brown hair in two Chinese-style buns, a pink sleeveless blouse, and dark green pants. Her figure is on the petite side, but I like girls of all sizes so that's a feature for me. 

With Tenten in range, I release a faint dose of Pheromones. Nothing potent enough to be noticed or considered a full genjutsu. She might feel a few tingles in her toes or a slight flush in her cheeks. It should make her just that bit more interested in me than normal to push things in a positive direction. 

"Morning, Shino. I haven't seen you in this part of the woods before. What are you up to?" 

"Top-secret Aburame business."

I do a cool pose while adjusting my dark glasses. The journal slips from my hasty fingers and spills open to reveal all my cataloged data. 

She smirks at me.

"How dare I interfere with this definitely A-rank mission? No, excuse me, S-Rank!" 

"That's laying it on a bit thick, isn't it?" I ask as I recover the journal. 

"Sorry," Tenten apologizes without a trace of sincerity. 

"It's fine. Too bad, though. I'm going to miss my team's sparring session today; they're on the other side of the village right now."

I crank up the Pheromones a degree to offset this risky maneuver. I'm counting on Tenten to do a lot of the work here and the plan is basically busted if she isn't interested or doesn't read between the lines. 

After a moment of thought, her face brightens.

"You can come spar with me today if you don't mind a challenge."

I smile behind my high-collared coat. This strategy would never have worked in a B-rank seduction. At C-rank difficulty, the target wants you to succeed on some level. 

"I like a challenge." 

We find a secluded clearing to practice with our kunai and shuriken. Light sparring includes taijutsu and basic ninja techniques like body replacement or body flicker. We push each other without revealing our secret jutsu.

Repeated physical contact is my opportunity to gradually increase the intensity of my Pheromones without raising suspicion. 

She should feel heat spreading through her core as the sparring continues. I see her sweat more than usual and try to fan herself with a hand. Her gaze lingers on my breasts and hips more than once, though I pretend not to notice.

Instead, I go for the kill. 

"I've worked up quite a sweat. Can I rinse off at your place before heading home?" 

Tenten visibly gulps. So cute!

I worry I broke her for a moment before she responds.

"Sure, I'm done for the day anyway." 

She completely ditched Neji and Lee for me! 

We head for her apartment at a leisurely pace. I'm so excited for my first vanilla lesbian tryst! It's crazy I had to wait this long.

She unlocks the front door, and we take off our shoes at the entrance. I stash my coat on a hook and Tenten is unable to hide her staring at the way my undershirt clings to my sweaty breasts.

I think this has gone on long enough. 

"Do you want a taste?" I say. 


"Do you want to taste me before or after showering?" I clarify. "I'm fine either way."

Tenten's face blushes tomato red as her mind shifts gears from envisioning fantasy scenes to a very real sexual solicitation.

It takes her a few seconds of gobsmacked silence to find her voice.

"B-before. Please." 

"Then let's head to the bedroom." 

She leads us through the hallway to a small room with a twin bed and a closet full of Chinese-style outfits. Tenten stands there, eyes on the floor, unsure. Hesitating.

"Are you 'out?'" I ask. 

"I don't have anyone to be 'out' to." Tenten is an orphan, like Naruto. 

"Is this your first time?" 

She nods, arms folded. If you don't count guys and futanari, this is also mine. 

"Do you need me to take the lead?" 

"C-can I?" 

"I'm all yours," I say, extending my arms to show I won't do anything without her permission. 

Tenten slowly unfolds her arms and steps forward. She removes my dark glasses to meet my gaze. Her eyes are brown and excited, like coffee, but she's nervous and a little shy to be indulging this side of herself. 

I reassure her with my softest and most encouraging smile. 

She touches the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my head to reveal my bra and naked tummy. Her eyes trace my abs and she brings my shirt to her face. She breathes my scent in a long drag like I'm her new favorite drug.

"I like your smell." Tenten giggles. "I can't believe I just did that. I feel drunk, in a good way." That's definitely the pheromones talking.

Tenten bites her lip as she fucks me with her gaze.

"You can touch," I say. 

She drops my shirt and runs a finger across my stomach, releasing a tiny gasp at the contact. Her fingertips brush my collarbone, the hollow of my throat, and my chin. She eyes my lips, entranced.

My core burns and my blood boils.

This tease! I want her so bad. I want to pin her and pound her pussy, but I love the agonizing slowness of this foreplay. I want to enjoy her as a woman, first. I want to watch her explore a woman's body, my body, for the first time.

I part my full lips slightly, coyly.

Tenten steps into my space, stands on her tiptoes, and kisses me. She tastes like strawberry lip balm.

I resist the urge to snap my arms shut around her like a beartrap. I allow Tenten to kiss, lick, and bite my mouth and throat. My core pulses with growing need.

Tenten is getting more worked up as we go. I see it in the flush of her face and hear her breathing faster.

She maneuvers me to the bed and pushes me onto the comforter. 

Tenten straddles my waist with her knees, undoes her blouse, and tosses it aside to show her pink flower-petal bra. Reaching under me, she unlatches my plain black bra and leans back for a better view. 

Hesitantly, she removes my bra while watching my eyes as if asking if I'm sure. 'Is this okay?'

I give her a slow blink like a cat that wants to be petted. Tenten licks her lips and puts her hands on my tits.

"So big…" 

Yes, admire them! I'm proud of my big, beautiful Aburame breasts. 

She squeezes, feeling my tit-flesh spill between her fingers. Tenten presses my boobs together and hesitates.

"Can I…?"

I laugh. "I'm having a good time. You should too. I promise I won't hate it."

Tenten smiles as she smothers her face in my breasts and shakes her head. A true fellow boob enthusiast! We have so much in common.

Her tongue slathers my chest as she paints every inch of my breasts with her saliva. Then she takes a nipple in her mouth while rolling the other between her fingers. Tenten suckles and nibbles on me as tingling warmth spreads from my chest.

"Hmm, that's nice." 

Tenten switches from left boob to right then pushes them together again for the joy of watching them squish. Horney and determined, Tenten scoots down the bed to loosen my pants. With a few hard yanks, she has me in nothing but my plain black panties. 

She bites her lip and I know she sees the wet spot from my excited juices.

"Is this because of me?" 

"Do you see anyone else in the room?" 

Tenten blushes. My heart aches to see such an adorable reaction. Then she plunges forward to escape the embarrassment, tugging off my panties with quick movements. She holds aloft her treasure and huffs my underwear moist from my sex.

Finally, Tenten places her hands on my knees, audibly gulps, and forces my legs apart. Her jaw drops as she stares at my shaved pussy as if at a holy relic. 

Dropping to her hands and knees above my pelvis, she inhales my sweaty scent with relish. She spreads my lips while sitting on her feet and traces the outline of my vulva with a finger. I shiver. Then she lowers her mouth to kiss my nethers. I'm filled with molten heat.

Having Tenten go to town on my private flower is a transcendent experience.

I've been bent over and pounded, dicked and fucked, implanted and creampied, but I've been into girls since before my reincarnation. Becoming a girl and having my cunt licked and sucked isn't what I originally wanted, but I can't deny this is heavenly.

It's like savoring a perfectly ripe and fragrant juicy peach as opposed to choking on a porterhouse steak forcefully shoved down your throat.

I'm cumming before I realize what's happening.

I lay there twitching and moaning as Tenten, having stripped naked, straddles my head. There's a look of concern in her eyes as she meets my gaze, 'Am I allowed to do this?'

I nod. 

She lowers her core onto my face, and we lock eyes with her perky breasts dangling between us. I lick her from dripping tunnel to clit.


Tenten falls forward and catches herself with her hands grabbing fistfuls of my hair. She grinds herself against my mouth as I lick and suck her folds. Her smell is intense and erotic. 

She makes these beautiful little breathy grunts as Tenten rolls her hips like she's trying to be tough but really she's soft and vulnerable. I watch her face contort with pleasure like sweet agony and she sheds happy tears.

The affection I feel for this girl rips my heart to shreds.

Her thighs squeeze my head, and her hands crush my face against her core. Then her back arches in the throes of a gasping, keening orgasm.

Breathing hard, she goes limp and falls off me to the side.

"I like your smell, too." I wipe the girlcum off my face and lick my fingers. "And you taste even better."

She squeaks in embarrassment at the praise.

Then I pin her to the bed and stare down at her helpless form. She's panting, eyes closed, covered in sweat; hair coming loose from her buns. Her legs are splayed open in blind trust. It'd be so easy to reveal my Deep Dweller and impregnate her with my spawn. 

Later. We have all night.

Instead, I lean in and find her lips with mine.

This kiss is slow and deeper than the last. I straddle her pelvis and press us vulva to vulva. She mirrors the rolling of my hips, so our clits kiss as our mouths meld. 

Her tongue invades and I fellate it with my lips. We're grinding and moaning, rubbing and touching chest to chest, nipple to nipple, arms entwined. Our hands wander, finding and squeezing every soft curve they can find. I bite her lower lip, then she suckles mine.

Our sweat-slick bodies massage each other. Tenten lifts her legs to brush her thighs against my ass, doing anything to increase our skin contact. My heat and need rise and I pound my pelvis against hers, slap, slap, slap.

As my quim bounces on Tenten's snatch, I feel another orgasm rip through me. 

My spasms brush her clit and she cums beneath me. We hold each other like sailors on a dinghy in a hurricane. We squirm together in a post-coital sensitivity high of lazy kisses and cozy caresses. We interlock our legs to enjoy the smoothness of one another's bodies. 

Coated in a new layer of sweat and stinking of sex, we collapse into one another exhausted and the world fades into a blissful shared intimacy. 

*C-Rank Seduction Clear!* 
