
Reborn in Naruto as a Dragoon

Kai died in his old world reborn as Narutos brother he will rise to be the strongest

Wingzer0 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 10 Hinata

Kakashi POV

Kakashi had some idea of what it was Guy wanted to talk about. His thoughts were confirmed when Guy asked simply "Was it the chidori?" Kakashi thought before awnsering "No, while it looked similar there was no chakra involved at all." he paused before continuing "I tried to use my sharing sharingan to analyze the jutsu, I failed completely. I could follow his movements but the final blow at the end, It was as if I was looking though a fog. Vague at best and no way for me to even begin to determine how a kid could use such a powerful move." Kakashi had worry in his voice, not just because of the unknown but also worry for his Sensei's kid nothing comes without a price and such a strong technique would likely have a heavy price attached. "Guy I think we need to inform the Hokage, this is too strange, and also I need to see if he can go to the academy. Chakra or not his skills could put him on par with any genin and alot of chunin." Guy thought about it before agreeing " You are right but we better be careful that a certain mummy doesn't get wind of this." At this Guy and Kakashi left to speak with the Hokage about their findings.

POV Third Hokage

(I'm getting too old for this ) Hiruzen Sarotobi thought. "Let me get those straight 2 of my Jonin could not figure out how a kid could fight like that?" Kakashi and Guy both confirmed this. "And you want me to change the rules and put him in the academy with him having no chakra. Even that boy Lee has chakra even if he lacks talent." Kakashi replied " We understand but this talent it should be cultivated." Hiruzen sighed " I get that, I really do but the current curriculum of the academy would do the boy no good. Handsigns Jutsu even the physical training and taijutsu training requires chakra. He may keep training with you but he will not be accepted into the academy." With that the Third Hokage dismissed them while falling into deep thought.


The next day after training with Guy, Kai decided to take Naruto out for a walk around the village. "Freak" they heard someone loudly yell l, Kai and Narutoblooked around confused. there was no one anywhere around them. They then heard a commotion coming from the alley to their left. when they went to take a look they saw a girl surrounded by kids their age and the kids where pushing her around and calling her names. Before Kai could react an orange blur ran forward punching one of the bullies in the face. "Beat it punks" Naruto yelled while squaring up to the rest of the bullies. The kids ran off in fear now that there was someone fighting back against them. Naruto then turned to the girl and in his usual self said "Are you ok? You have cute eyes." Kai mentally slapped his forehead( I forgot about this those is about when Naruto met Hinata. Don't worry little brother Big brother will act as your wingman I won't let you spend your time pursuing someone who has no interest in you.) Kai then heard the girl introduce herself "Thank you..... my name is Hinata." She said the last bit shyly. " I'm Kai" Kai introduced himself, "and this is my brother Naruto. We were passing by on our way to get some food want to join us?" Naruto looked excited, (Getting some food he must mean Ichiraku!). Hinata agreed and joined them for Ramen with Kai eating quietly Naruto never stopped talking, and Hinata while shy opened up a little bit and ate more Ramen than both of them combined.

Thus was the first meeting between 2 Dragoons and a Jenchuriki. One of many that would frequently turn into all you can eat nights at the Ramen shop, much to Kais dismay at his finances.