
Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen with an Overpowered CT

man dies and wakes up in jjk world cover is not mc im not a native speaker, so expect some mistakes here and there

nahidhit · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Battle Against Zen'in (2)

third person pov, zenin clan main building

Naobito Zen'in sat inside a room with two other people. One of them was a child.

"To think that the Kurogane brat would senselessly attack our base like that. The timing is very unfortunate." he said, turning towards his guests.

"It is a pity that he will die soon, I wanted to meet him." said the child.

"Young master, you shouldn't be thinking about such things. Think of your obligation towards your clan." said the man next to the child.

"Whatever. When are we leaving?" replied the child.

After hearing the child's words, Naobito stood up.

"As soon as the Kurogane brat dies I will personally escort you out of here, Gojo Satoru."


As Ryoma made his way through the Zen'in Clan territory, he killed more and more people.

"I have become stronger. My cursed energy reserves have reached an incredible state. My strength has also increased significantly. I would not have a hard time with Naobito if we fought." thought Ryoma as he made his way deeper towards the headquarters.

Suddenly, Ryoma sensed a shift in the air. He turned around to see two men in black robes standing before him.

Ryoma recognized the young man as Jinichi Zen'in, but didn't recognize the older looking short haired man.

"Jinichi should be easy, but I don't recognize this guy. Could be dangerous." thought Ryoma.

"Ryoma Kurogane, I, Satoshi Zen'in, the leader of the Hei, will be the one to take your head." said the old man with a calm voice.

A smirk appeared on Ryoma's bloody face.

"So the infamous Hei finally decided to show up. Haha, I was wondering when the dogs of the Zen'in Clan would come out to play." he replied.

After hearing those words, all Satoshi and Jinichi charged at Ryoma.

Ryoma didn't waste any time and quickly strengthened his body with cursed energy. He also coated his entire body with the power of Blazing Courage.

As Ryoma prepared to strike, two chains appeared from behind and enveloped him, rendering him immobile.

Jinichi, who saw this, immediately summoned 5 fists with his innate technique and attacked Ryoma.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Argh!" screamed Ryoma.

Without waiting, Jinichi attacked once again.

But Ryoma was prepared this time. He strengthened the flames of Blazing Courage and melted the metal chains that enveloped him.

After doing so, he barely dodged the fists summoned by Jinichi and activated his innate technique, preparing to steal something from him. Just as he was about to land a punch powered by cursed energy on Jinichi, a metal chain appeared and surrounded his foot, yanking Ryoma towards the ground.

Ryoma crashed face first on to the ground.

Without giving them another chance on attacking, Ryoma melted the metal chain on his leg and jumped away a few meters.

"These chains are problematic. Where was this Satoshi guy when Maki Zen'in attacked the Clan?" thought Ryoma as he took up his fighting stance.

Both Jinichi and Satoshi dashed towards Ryoma, who stood his ground.

"I can use it to oneshot him. Yes, that is what I will do." thought Ryoma.

Suddenly, Ryoma ignited his entire body and muscles with blazing courage, strengthened his body to the max with cursed energy and activated RCT at the same time.

With a thunderous explosion, he seemingly teleported towards Jinichi and blasted a hole through his stomach area.

With a shocked expression on his usually stoic face, Jinichi Zen'in fell to the ground, dead.

As Ryoma stood before the corpse of Jinichi, he quickly stopped using Blazing Courage and RCT. There was smoke coming out of his body, but otherwise he was completely uninjured.

Satoshi Zen'in stared at the remains of Jinichi, before turning towards Ryoma.

"You won't get away with what you did here today, Ryoma Kurogane. I will make sure that you end up in the depts of hell just like the rest of your family."

But Ryoma wasn't listening to him. He was thinking about something else.

"After two years, I finally received another sorcerer's innate technique. Haha, to think that it would be another Zen'in. Truly ironic!" he thought.

He had stolen Jinichi Zen'in's cursed technique.

As he processed the information he received from stealing Jinichi's Missile Fists, multiple chains appeared next to Ryoma, surrounding his body just like before.

But instead of melting them, Ryoma simply stood and smiled at Satoshi.

"Come on now, come here if you dare." said Ryoma with a smile appearing on his face.

Satoshi unsheathed his katana and dashed towards the immobilized Ryoma.

Just as Satoshi was about to stab him, Ryoma summoned twelve fists that slammed on Satoshi's back, making fall straight on his face.

Without giving him the time to react, Ryoma instantly melted the chains that enveloped him. Strengthening himself with cursed energy, he penetrated Satoshi's skull by using his two fingers.

Ryoma stood on the same spot for a few seconds, gazing at the corpses of the two sorcerers he just killed.

"As soon as you stepped into my field of vision, you were destined to die." thought Ryoma, before eventually leaving towards the Zen'in Clan Headquarters.


ch6 end.

A/N: another short chapter, might add another one later today.