
Official Sparring

<third person POV>

shinwa's head office, CEO jiyoung's office, inhyuk enterd the office and bowed to the CEO

"how is his condition" jiyoung asked

"he is not badly injured, his brother saved him" inhyuk said

"you said his brother's name is seo jin-woo right"


"he defeated jisuk"

"yes, but jisuk always says that he was caught off guard and he woudn't have been defeated otherwise"


jiyoung didn't said anything, she knew perfectly well how her brother is

"even so, if a newly awakaned one is this strong...."

"keep an eye on them, espically on jin-woo"

"yes, ma'am, also jiwoo want's to fight jisuk in five days"

"he want to fight again" jiyoung said in suprise

"yes, looks like he is ready to live his life as an awakened one"


inhyuk left the office while jiyoung sat there silently


the day of the spar is today, right now me and jiwoo are waiting outside with kayden in the cat form for inhyuk to pick us up, soon his car arrived

"good morning jiwoo, jinwoo" he said

"good morning" jiwoo said

inhyuk is taller then jiwoo but i am the same height as him, the reason is that i started traning my body from childhood, right now i am a bit muscular and taller so one can not tell the difference between us easily

"let's get going" inhyuk said

we got into the car and moved towards the shinwa head quarters, there we were lead to the gym where the spar would begain

"hello" said a voice behind us

we looked back to see jiyoung, in her office cloths

"h..hello, i am seo jiwoo" jiwoo said

man she is beautiful, i knew she is from the manhwa but she is even more in reality, we both stared at each other for quite a while

she have an emotionless face while i have too, it's like two statues staring at each others eyes

"um...hyung-nim" jiwoo said

"ah, sorry, i am seo jinwoo, nice to meet you" i said while extending my hand for handshake

"i am yoo jiyoung, nice to meet you too" she took the hand

man, her hands are so soft, you can't tell if she is a fighter, we held eachothers hand for a few seconds before nervesoly letting each other go

i moved my head to the left in embrassement, no way am i blushing, i then looked at jiyoung and saw her doing the same with her red cheeks clearly visible

"ahem, let's move to the sparring ground" inhyuk said

we moved to the sparring ground where jisuk is already waiting for us, when he saw me he said

"fight me now, this time i won't be caught off guard"

"your fight is with jiwoo not me, maybe some other time" i said


he clearly wanted to say something but held back by seeing his sister, later the fight begains, jiwoo is more stronger then the mahnwa thanks to me so the fight is not that one sided like in the manhwa

now let's think about the events from before, form my previous life i was just a otaku who was always inside his room watching anime or reading manga and mahnwa so i didn't had any dating experience from my previous life

before i became an othaku though i had asked a girl out and got rejected in the most brutal way, after that i slowly became anti-social and later died, i wasan't good looking in my previous life either so that is understandable

in this like however i am quite goodlooking, i could have gotten some dating experience here but i didn't got beacuse i was too busy accumulating power to notice any of that

in my middle school some girls clearly liked me but i had ignored them for traning, i am not that dense like jiwoo, few girls had crush on jiwoo too but as you know a protagonist is denser then a neutron star

now to the topic, when i saw jiyoung my heart started racing, it was like i am in love or maybe just her beauty, i am not that dense like jiwoo but not stupid either, maybe she didn't blushed at me rather she was embrassed, maybe she stared at me for longer is to evaluate my abilities

she should know that i have defeated jisuk and from manhwa i also know that she is sensitive to abilities, i can't say anything for sure

"the fight ends" inhyuk shouted

while i was thinking these important thoughts, the fight between jiwoo and jisuk ended, unlike in mahnwa jiwoo is not that badly injured and jisuk is not totally unscathed either

they both were taken to a hospital room to get treatment.


<third person POV>

jiyoung's office, the CEO of shinwa is sitting on her chair while inhyuk is in front of her

"i didn't know jiwoo would grow this much in such a short time, i think he is gifted as an awakned one" inhuk said


"i believe his brother jinwoo is capable of defeating jisuk" inhuk said

"why do you think so" jiyoung asked

"when i first met jiwoo he told me that he had always thought the abilities as curse but his brother used it as a gift, they both never showed their abilities to anyone but while jiwoo never used it his brother did and even trained his abilities"


"what are your thoughts on this ma'am" inhyuk said

"when jiwoo and jisuk were fighting he was observing the fight with his utmost consentration while thinking something"

"he may be more intelligent then it seems"


shinwa provided jiwoo an hospital room where jiwoo is currently in his bed and talking to kayden in his cat form while i am traning my force control in the corner of the room

jiwoo is telling kayden about how good he felt when he was fighting jisuk while i just did my force control, when jiwoo is finished i asked kayden

"kayden, i want to ask you somthing"

"what is it" he siad

"whenever i use my force control i feel a stinging pain in my eyes"

"what...we should get you checked hyung-nim" jiwoo said

"relax, it's due to your recklessness" kayden said

"what do you mean" i asked

"you practised evolution in the very first day and due to that your eyes are evolving, don't supress the pain and let it evolve, it will be painful but you will become more powerful"

"huh...but why eyes" jiwoo asked

"ok, when someone is born one part of your body is much more advanced or the grown speed of that part is advanced, let's say someone is good at atheletics while someone is good at studies it's beacuse their brains or brawns have a high speed of evolution then their other body parts, your brothers eyes is evolving beacuse of the same reason" kayden explained

"you mean, hyung-nim is born with good eye sight" jiwoo said

"no, i mean he is born with an advanced brain" he said

"oh yeah, hyung-nim was always good at studies, he was always at the top of the class"

now that he mention it, i was born with the knowledge of my previous world while i was still a newborn, my brain was developed like an adult even in the body od the new born, maybe that is the reason

"so you mean my brain is evolving instead of eyes" i asked

"yeah, you could say your IQ is increasing" kayden said

while we continoued our chat kayden stopped us from using our force control, jiyoung and inhyuk came inside, they were here to check on jiwoo's condition

after that jiyoung asked jiwoo and me about kayden, we refused her though, after that the great kayden is named 'casein nitrate'

when they were going to leave jiyoung turned towards me and said


"yes" i said

we both stared at each other with our emotionless look, then she said

"jisuk want's to spar with you, he should be ready to do that in about two days"

"allright, i accepct"

after that they left, man i was hoping she would ask me out or something, damn it